Marijuana Politics

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Jamaica: Seiveright Knocks US 'Hypocritical' Stance on Cannabis

Senior Government advisor Delano Seiveright wants American law students, academics and representatives of civil society representatives at Harvard University to press the US government to change “repressive” laws against the use of cannabis.

Seiveright, who is also a director of the local Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA), was speaking at Harvard Law School at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts last Thursday.

Seiveright noted that while cannabis law reform is progressing “reasonably well” in Jamaica, the county still faces fundamental challenges related directly to the US government foreign policy and outdated United Nations conventions. 


Dr. Bronner’s Just Made A Dank Donation In Fight For Legal Weed

It plans to give over half a million to nonprofits campaigning for this change.

Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps wants to see laws legalizing marijuana get puff-puff passed. 

The endearingly quirky organic soap-maker said Monday it plans to donate $660,000 to two nonprofit groups ― New Approach and the Marijuana Policy Project ― campaigning for legal weed in California, Massachusetts, Maine, Arizona and Nevada. In November, all five states are set to vote on ballot measures that could make recreational marijuana use legal. 


Instagram Is Shutting Down Accounts Showing Legal Weed

Just days before Lift Cannabis Expo took place this past weekend in Vancouver, the event's primary sponsor lost its Instagram account and 11,000 followers along with it.

Lift Cannabis is a news and review site for medical cannabis that only does strain reviews for legal weed available through licensed producers. According to Lift, none of the photos posted to its Instagram feed depict recreational or black market weed.

Still, near the beginning of September, Lift communications director David Brown said he attempted to log into the company's Instagram account and found that the page had been deleted.

"When I logged in in the morning and opened up my Instagram account it just said 'this page is no longer available.'"


Celebrities Join Scramble for Cannabis—the New California Gold Rush

Two years ago, the city of Adelanto, a crumbling outpost in California’s Mojave desert, was facing a bleak future as it teetered on the brink of bankruptcy and struggled with double-digit unemployment.

“We were about to vanish, to be incorporated into another city,” says councilman John “Bug” Woodard Jr. “The place was dying and in total despair.”

Today, however, the once-desolate town is firmly back on the map, having joined a handful of communities in California in embracing large-scale commercial cannabis cultivation—a move that smells of success as the state prepares to vote in November on legalizing the use of recreational marijuana.


Israel Is High on Medical Marijuana

Google CEO Eric Schmidt believes Israeli entrepreneurs succeed because they challenge authority, question everything and don’t play by the rules.

“The impact of the Israelis on science and technology is immense, so that’s why I’m here and why I’m investing here,” he told a large crowd at Israel’s Weizman Institute in 2015.

Schmidt’s statements not only apply to Israel’s high tech businesses and start-up companies, but also to its budding medical marijuana industry. From organic chemists to entrepreneurs, nearly everyone in Israel’s field of medical marijuana attributes at least a part of their success to Israel’s culture of rule-bending and not taking “no” for an answer.


Former NFL Player Says Cannabis Brought Out His A-Game

We've often heard professional athletes in the NBA, NFL and NHL say that marijuana's medicinal effects helped them maintain their game, by providing relief for their aches and pains.


UK: Can Cannabis Relieve Pain and Other Ailments?

MPs have recommended medicinal marijuana for the relief of chronic pain and anxiety, but the law is against it.


Marijuana Missionaries: First Cannabis Church Rolls Into Michigan

There’s no religious dogma in this church, but these marijuana missionaries are intent in on bringing ostracized stoners back into the fold.

Congregants in this church aren’t high on Jesus. In fact, the very name of the church sounds like lyrics from a rock and (ahem) roll song or the backdrop for a classic Cheech and Chong movie.

It’s true that First Cannabis Church of Logic and Reason’s sacrament might be a doobie or marijuana-infused brownie instead of the body and blood of Christ, and its dogma is steeped in giving thanks to the cannabis plant for its healing nature and the sense of well-being it gives users instead of Jesus’ sacrifices for sinners.


Losing Maryland Medical Marijuana Grower Applicant Sues the State

A company that lost its bid to grow medical marijuana in Maryland has filed a lawsuit alleging that regulators illegally rejected its application in favor of lower-ranked businesses from underrepresented parts of the state.

It’s the first legal challenge to the medical cannabis program, which has been embroiled in various controversies and remains in the early stages of making the drug available to patients more than three years after lawmakers first legalized its medical use.


Potential Marijuana Tax Revenue in Every State

Four states and the District of Columbia have voted since 2012 to legalize the retail sale of marijuana. One main incentive of legalization is the tax revenue states receive from marijuana sales. The first two states to legalize marijuana — Colorado and Washington — began sales in 2014. After a slow start, tax revenues now exceed expectations in both states.

While the legal structure supporting marijuana sales would be quite different in each U.S. region, other states can begin to better understand the financial impact legalization would have on their states. The Tax Foundation used sales per capita in these two states and the assumption of a 25% effective tax rate to determine the potential tax revenue from marijuana sales in each state.


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