Marijuana Politics

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What You Need to Know Before Going International with Your Cannabis Business

Taking your cannabis business to international markets can yield huge profits. After all, cannabis is completely legal in places like Canada, Jamaica, Colombia and Italy, and they don’t face the same tax, research and patenting issues as countries like the United States.

While going international with your cannabis brand might seem like a great idea, doing so within legal guidelines is not always straightforward and easy to do.


Will NJ Gov. Chris Christie Approve Cannabis for PTSD? He Might Not Have To

A bill currently on the desk of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's would add PTSD to the state’s list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana. The measure passed both chambers of the state Legislature with broad bipartisan support, but Christie's record on cannabis is so abysmal that the bill's prospects are still up in the air. 

A quick breakdown of the vote in the Legislature revealed:


New Zealand Support for Cannabis Reform: Why So High?

Analysis - 72 percent support in February. 79 percent by August.

They're the poll results politicians dream of - but it's support for medical marijuana that's hauling in the big numbers.

Until this year, the last time New Zealanders were asked for their views on legalising cannabis for medical use was in 2006, when a TV3/TNS poll reported 63 percent support.

And though it still lags behind, personal possession for any kind of use was at 64 percent support in the New Zealand Drug Foundation-commissioned poll released yesterday- up from a 50-50 split in February, and a huge rise from the mid-30 percent range it has languished in since the 1990s.


Famous Prohibitionists Of History: Napoleon Bonaparte

When you think of anti-cannabis crusaders, names like former President Richard Nixon and former First Lady Nancy Reagan immediately come to mind. But Napoleon Bonaparte - the French emperor and general who was tastefully portrayed by Verne Troyer on TV's Jack of All Trades - is also among the ranks of history's prohibitionists.


How Gary Johnson's Marijuana Position Could Affect His Presidential Bid

Will Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson's bid for the White House go up in smoke?

Conditions are ripe for the rise of a candidate like the former New Mexico governor, who is attempting to appeal to disaffected voters by highlighting his record as a socially liberal yet fiscally conservative two-term Republican in a reliably blue state.


Imani Duncan-Price on Jamaican Ganja: Beyond Mining Red Dirt

Come with me. Red dirt/bauxite is to aluminium as ganja/cannabis is to cannabis medicinals? Jamaica has a clear choice in the development of the cannabis industry.

Is Jamaica on a course to actively leverage the ganja industry to raise the developmental capabilities of the country, or will the decisions made now perpetuate the economic situation, where the majority of people are left out of the value-added industry and only those with capital truly benefit?


Where Does All That Colorado Pot Tax Go?

Colorado is pulling in a significant amount of money by taxing recreational marijuana, but it’s not enough to pave the streets in gold.

In part because supporters of legal pot hyped the potential to raise millions, some Coloradans have been left to wonder why all that money hasn’t revolutionized life in our state.

In the last couple of months, viewers have asked 9NEWS questions like:


“I understand the schools need refurbishing but isn't that what the taxes from the marijuana was supposed to go to?  Why isn't anyone responsible to account for all of that money?”

“When will taxes collected on the passing of the legalization of marijuana actually be distributed to the promised programs?”


Advisers Charged in Tribe's Marijuana Resort Enter Pleas

Two consultants who helped a Native American tribe plan the nation's first marijuana resort entered opposing pleas Monday to drug offenses, with the attorney for the man who pleaded not guilty arguing outside of court that South Dakota's top prosecutor is proceeding under a "legal fiction."


Marijuana Activist Drops Out of Race for Pa. Attorney General

Philadelphia marijuana activist “N.A. Poe” (left) with former Marine war veteran and fellow activist Mike Whiter (right) in the Capitol in Harrisburg.

Marijuana activist N.A. Poe has extinguished his campaign for Pennsylvania Attorney General.

Poe, the Libertarian candidate, announced his intention to withdraw from the race this morning. His entire effort, he said, “could be interpreted as solely an act of stoner comedy.”

“First, I would like to thank all of my supporters,” Poe said in a statement. “It is indeed a sad day when voters lose the chance to exercise their right to cast a ballot for a high school educated marijuana activist to be the top law enforcement officer in our great Commonwealth.”


New Medical Marijuana Policy Is a Catch-22, Researchers Say

Medical research on marijuana probably won't get any easier, experts say, despite a new government policy aimed at boosting the supply of the drug for medical studies.

That means the types of studies that are needed to address the safety and effectiveness of the drug as a medicine could still be a long way off.


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