Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Hillary Clinton Campaign Says She Would Reschedule Marijuana

plans to reschedule marijuana if she is elected in November, according to a statement issued by the campaign.


Fear In Australia: New Laws Will Kill Cannabis Research

The fight for access to cannabis medicine means a lot to Barry Lambert. His granddaughter suffers from a severe form of epilepsy. That is why this retired financial billionaire donated $33.7 million dollars to Sydney University. But his generosity might be money down the drain as Australian law looks to change.

Grow laws will kill research & the industry

Imagine the cost of bread and resultant social unrest if we had to grow wheat in a glass house because someone might use it to make alcohol.


Obama Administration Set to Remove Barrier to Marijuana Research

The Obama administration is planning to remove a major roadblock to marijuana research, officials said Wednesday, potentially spurring broad scientific study of a drug that is being used to treat dozens of diseases in states across the nation despite little rigorous evidence of its effectiveness.

The new policy is expected to sharply increase the supply of marijuana available to researchers.


Marijuana to remain illegal under federal law, DEA says

Marijuana advocates who hoped the cascade of states moving to legalize medical marijuana would soften the federal stance on the drug faced disappointment Thursday as the Drug Enforcement Administration announced it will keep marijuana illegal for any purpose.

Marijuana will remain a Schedule 1 substance under the Controlled Substances Act. Substances in Schedule 1 are determined by the Food and Drug Administration to have no medical use. States that allow marijuana for medical use or legalize recreational use remain in defiance of federal law.


Liberals promising to deal with marijuana threat to road safety

OTTAWA — Before proceeding with its pot-legalization agenda next spring, the Liberal government is promising to tackle the issue of drug-impaired driving, which bureaucrats say could spike considerably if marijuana becomes legal.

Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould was warned by officials in January of the risks, a classified briefing document obtained by The Canadian Press shows.

“The legalization of marijuana could lead to a significant increase in drug-impaired driving cases,” the memorandum reads.

Bureaucrats say there is limited data as only two jurisdictions in the United States have legalized marijuana: Colorado and Washington.


More research marijuana coming as NIDA monopoly falls

More research marijuana coming as NIDA monopoly falls

DEA fails to reschedule marijuana, ends monopoly instead. (Photo by David Downs)

American medical researchers will get access to thousands of more pounds of U.S. government-certified marijuana, potentially spurring dozens of breakthroughs for chronic pain and depression, under a historic new shift in DEA policy.

In a major moment in for global drug law reform, the Drug Enforcement Administration is expected to announce an end to its monopoly on what it deems ‘research-grade’ marijuana.


What is Obama's daughter smoking? Malia Obama snapped

Malia Obama was caught on video with the rolled-up cigarette at Chicago’s Lollapalooza festival as she danced and twerked along to rap music.

The 18-year-old raised eyebrows by ducking out of the Democratic National Convention with her parents in order to attend the raucous gathering in her hometown.

She was already pictured dancing raunchily, grinding while wearing a skimpy pair of shorts and a tight-fitting boob tube, when the shocking smoking footage emerged.

Jerrdin Selwyn, 18, witnessed the incident and told Radar Online that the smell of weed hung thick in the air.

She said: “I caught Malia smoking pot and I have the pictures to prove it.

“You could smell the marijuana smoke.


West Midlands named nation's cannabis capital - taking crown from London

The West Midlands has been named the nation’s cannabis capital - after taking the crown from London.

A total of 54,711 cannabis plants were seized by West Midlands Police during the 2014/15 financial year, around 2,500 more than the previous year.

The actions of the region’s officers saw them leapfrog their colleagues in the capital in seizing the most plants over the 12-month period.

The Metropolitan Police got their hands on 38,369 plants according to the latest figures, compared with 59,002 the year before.


DEA Rejects Marijuana Rescheduling but Eliminates a Research Barrier

Jacob SullumToday the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is expected to reject two petitions asking it to reclassify marijuana while agreeing to loosen restrictions on the supply of marijuana for medical research. Although the drug's legal status will remain the same, the DEA's willingness to allow competition among marijuana suppliers should facilitate research by removing a bureaucratic bottleneck and improving the quality and variety of cannabis available to scientists investigating the plant's medical benefits.


Arkansas Farm Bureau Joins Four Other Groups In Opposing Medical Marijuana

The Arkansas Farm Bureau Federation is joining with the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce in opposing two medical marijuana initiatives that are likely to be on the ballot this November.

Representatives of those two organizations met Friday along with three other groups that oppose the measure: the Coalition for Safer Arkansas Communities, which was formed by members of law enforcement and the medical community to oppose the proposals; the Family Council; and the Arkansas Faith & Ethics Council. The five groups agreed to jointly oppose the marijuana proposals and will meet Aug. 15 at the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce for an organizational meeting.


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