Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Cannabis Edibles Are Not Legal in Georgia

Maybe it caught your attention along I-75 south in Byron: a billboard advertising the sale of cannabis, also known as marijuana.

John Cater from Macon saw the billboard. It’s an online marijuana dispensary.  

“Edible Cannabis is legal in Georgia, that’s what the billboard says, so it must be true,” Cater said.

State Representative Allen Peake of Macon, who crafted Georgia's medical marijuana law, says that's not the case.

“I don’t know how they're saying that. I wrote the law, I know the law, and medical cannabis oil is the only form that you can legally possess in Georgia,” Peake said.

He says to legally possess it, you have to have one of eight medical conditions and register with the state.


Smoker Finds Insecticide in Organic Marijuana

Reports that a chemical insecticide was found in legal, organically grown marijuana in Oregon have led to a class action lawsuit — not against growers, but against the insecticide maker.

Guardian mite spray, advertised as an "all natural" product, contains ivermectin — a conventional pesticide in the avermectin family, Benjamin Efran claims in a July 14 lawsuit in Multnomah County Court.

He sued All In Enterprises, and its officers Michael Delamater, both of Illinois, and Thomas McCathron, of Michigan.

According to the lawsuit, the company listed the ingredients as "cinnamon oil, lemon grass oil, citric acid, yeast extract, sunflower lecithin, and water." Guardian was primarily used to kill mites.


This Organization Is On a Mission To Decriminalize Drug Addiction

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) is a nonprofit focused on drug policy reform, drug regulation, and the destigmatization of addiction. 

As marijuana slowly becomes legal across the United States, there are still many that are opposed to it, especially in law enforcement. Yet there is one organization, LEAP (which stands for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) that’s trying to de-stigmatize addiction and pull back the draconian laws that still exist against marijuana.


Congress Passes Opioid Bill — While Entirely Ignoring New Studies Showing Cannabis Kills Pain

Congress is patting itself on the back after passing the Comprehensive Addiction & Recovery Act (CARA) and sending it to Obama’s desk. The “overwhelmingly bipartisan” bill is meant to address the opioid epidemic currently gripping the U.S.

It was an easy one for congressmen to brag about to their constituency, but the legislation is notable for its failure perhaps more so than its achievement. Namely, the failure to recognize medical cannabis as part of a viable alternative for treating chronic pain, and failure to call out the role of Big Pharma in getting the nation hooked on opioids.


Portland Signs Off on Marijuana Festival Featuring Free Samples

It's legal to possess, grow and buy marijuana in Oregon, but state clean air laws and local rules have put a damper on public festivals featuring giveaways and consumption.

The Oregon Cannabis Association has found a way to host a summer fair where members of the public -- as long as they're 21 and older -- can take home free samples. 

The Summer Fair, featuring dozens of Oregon producers and processors, will be held July 24 at the North Warehouse in Portland. 


Michigan State Police to Begin Swabbing Drivers Suspected of Being Impaired

Michigan will begin a one-year pilot test program later this year that allows trained state police officers to take roadside saliva drug tests from drivers whom they suspect are driving while impaired from drugs.

Five counties, to be chosen by state police from areas where the most drug-related arrests and impaired driving accidents have occurred, will begin the program sometime after this summer, state police officials announced Wednesday.

The Michigan program is expected to be watched by other states amid rising concern among  lawmakers and law enforcement on how to effectively police those who  drive while using  drugs  ( policies for drunk driving are well-established).


Lawmakers: Decriminalizing Marijuana Could Be Good for Texas Business

Texans who are arrested for possessing small amounts of marijuana shouldn’t be locked out of jobs and haunted by minor lapses in judgment for the rest of their lives, business and legislative leaders say.

As acceptance of marijuana — medical and otherwise — grows nationally and in Texas, members of both major political parties in the Legislature have staked out positions supporting the decriminalization of possession of small amounts of marijuana. The proposed change could be beneficial for Texas businesses, proponents have said.


Marijuana Laws On The Ballot in Seven States And Climbing This November Election

With interest in topics like “marijuana” and “cannabis” hitting all-time high levels according to Google Trends, nine states in the U.S. will vote on marijuana measures in the world’s most important general election Nov. 8, according to the Ballot Initiative Strategy Center.

Voters in California, Florida, Nevada, Massachusetts, Maine, Arizona, and Arkansas will definitely be casting a ballot to affect cannabis policy in their state. Voters in Missouri, Montana, and North Dakota have submitted signatures to place marijuana proposals on the ballot, while Oklahoma has cleared to circulate a last-minute measure.


New Zealand Cannabis Tax Could Generate $150m a Year

The government could generate $150 million annually by taxing cannabis, rather than spending $400m a year enforcing drug prohibition, a Treasury note says.

An Official Information Act request by Nelson lawyer Sue Grey turned up the Drug Classification note, part of an internal Treasury forum from 2013.

The previously unreleased document said studies showed alcohol and tobacco caused far more harm than cannabis; that there was no evidence it was a gateway drug, and that Māori "take the brunt of current policies" - making up 14.5 percent of the population, but receiving 43 percent of cannabis convictions.


Stephen Colbert Steals Stage at Republican Convention to Mock Donald Trump

Stephen Colbert is filming The Late Show in Cleveland this week for the Republican National Convention, and he just gave Donald Trump a good reason to put him on his long list of banned journalists. Colbert, in costume as Caesar Flickerman from The Hunger Games, appears to have sneaked onto the stage without permission to mock the Republican convention and Trump himself. "Look, I'm not supposed to be here," Colbert said, as a security guard pushed him off the stage, "but let's be honest, neither is Donald Trump."


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