Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Cannabis Exec Denied Life Insurance for...Being a Cannabis Exec

Derek Peterson, the CEO of TerraTech, a publicly traded cannabis company with operations in California and Nevada, recently took up what is usually a very boring task: applying for life insurance. However, his application was rejected. On June 13, he received a denial letter from his insurer of choice, Mutual of Omaha, with the following terse explanation:

"We have discontinued the processing of your application for insurance due to company policy. We cannot accept premium[sic] from individuals or entities who are associated with the marijuana industry. We are regulated by agencies of the."


Jamaica: MoBay Ganja Farmer Unhappy With CLA

At least one western Jamaica-based ganja farmer has come out openly in challenging what he says is the Cannabis Licensing Authority's (CLA) lack of readiness to preside over a properly regulated legal ganja and hemp industry.

During a recent town hall meeting in Montego Bay, officials of the CLA were taken to task by businessman Orville Powell, after he was told that the authority did not have a blueprint on how to export ganja, and were also unaware of any importers who were waiting in the wings to do business with local ganja farmers.


New Zealand: Medicinal Cannabis User Goes Public to Denounce Ministry Review

Huhana Hickey used to take an array of medication each day to help manage her chronic pain.

It never eased it completely and left her feeling 'zombied' and in tears for two hours after work every day. 

But for the past four months she hasn't needed the medication and it's all because of a medicinal cannabis mouth spray called Sativex. 

The South Auckland woman has gone public alongside 11 other users and caregivers in order to denounce the Ministry of Health's recent review of the criteria for medicinal cannabis use.

The Maori health research fellow says the group believes the Government is dragging its heels on the issue.

"They are just fudging the issue but they are actually playing with the lives of people who don't have the resources.


Brilliant Music Video Shows Why Weed Should Be Legal

Barack Obama has roughly six months left in office. Will he end the country’s war on marijuana before the clock runs out? 

Probably not.

But rapper Prince Ea isn’t ready to stop trying. In his latest video, he’s created a 10-minute magnum opus on why America’s war on this Schedule I drug is not only crazy, but also racist and hypocritical.

Just four years ago, the rapper was anti-weed. He says, at the end of the video, that a little honest research changed his mind.


Danes Want Legal Cannabis, but Govt Vows Crackdown

A majority of Danes support legalizing cannabis at the same time the government is preparing new hardline initatives. 

Amidst a new debate on cannabis, spurred by a massive police action at Christiania, a majority of Danes are in favour of legalization. 


California Raises Enough Funds To Vote On Legalizing Pot In November

The California Secretary of State’s office said Tuesday that Californians will decide whether to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in a vote to be held in November. The campaign raised enough funds to battle the initiative’s opponents.

The initiative, which needed 402,000 signatures, reportedly received a whopping 600,000. The proposed Adult Use of Marijuana Act is supported by Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom and former Facebook President Sean Parker among others.


Judge Orders Illinois to Add PTSD to Medical Marijuana List

Illinois must add post-traumatic stress disorder to the list of diseases eligible for medical marijuana treatment, a Cook County judge ordered Tuesday in a sternly worded ruling that also said the state's public health director engaged in a "private investigation" that was "constitutionally inappropriate."

In a lawsuit filed by an Iraq war veteran, Judge Neil Cohen ordered Illinois Department of Public Health Director Nirav Shah to add PTSD within 30 days. It's the first decision among eight lawsuits filed by patients disappointed with across-the-board rejections by Gov. Bruce Rauner's administration of recommendations from an advisory board on medical marijuana.

The health department is reviewing the judge's order, department spokeswoman Melaney Arnold said.


Marijuana Provision Stripped From Veterans Affairs Funding Bill

A provision that would have made it legal for Veterans Affairs doctors to discuss medical marijuana with their patients in some states disappeared mysteriously from the final VA funding bill last week, just before the House approved the legislation by a 239-171 vote.

But the measure is not completely dead, as a failure by the Senate on Tuesday to forward the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs funding bill for a vote provides an opportunity for the marijuana provision to be put back in.

The failure in the Senate to pass a procedural vote over a dispute involving funding to fight the Zika virus means the bill can be reconsidered after the Independence Day break.


Arizona Pro-Cannabis Ad: Buy American Marijuana and Support Schools, Not Cartels

​The legalize Marijuana campaign in Arizona has taken a patriotic turn.

The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol says legalizing the drug would mean Arizonans would be able to 'Buy American and Support Schools, Not Cartels.'

A billboard with the slogan will appear in the city of Tempe and a retired U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency agent who investigated Mexican drug cartels has backed the scheme.


Another Reason Cannabis is a Socially Responsible Investment

The Evils of Capitalism Will Make You Wealthy.

The title of the article was, “The Undeniable Evils of Capitalism.”

The guy who wrote it was clearly a fool.

If there’s one thing that really fires me up, it’s some moral do-gooder who seeks to place the burden of blame for the world’s problems on what is the greatest force for good in the world: capitalism.

The truth is, I actually take offense to the suggestion that those who seek to utilize capitalism as a mechanism to wealth and prosperity are somehow evil. Especially when you consider that capitalism is also the greatest catalyst for positive change in our world today.

No Apologies


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