Marijuana Politics

rand paul

US Federal Government Is Thwarting Proper Marijuana Research, Report Claims

Marijuana is still categorized as more dangerous than cocaine, methamphetamine, and PCP.

Marijuana continues to gain its status as an effective treatment for a number of health conditions, from epilepsy to the severe pain experienced by chronic cancer patients. As of today, 23 states, as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, have legalized Cannabis sativa to benefit people suffering from a number of medical conditions.


Toronto City Council Committee Turns Away Marijuana Advocates

Pot dispensary owners erupted in anger as Toronto City Council’s licensing committee voted to defer discussion of possible rules for storefront medical marijuana operations until October, denying them the ability to address city councillors.

“People are dying every day, calling my shop, crying for their family members,” yelled Brandy Zurborg, co-owner of the Queens of Cannabis medical marijuana dispensary, one of dozens caught in up in last month’s massive sweep by police and bylaw officials.


Trump Tuesday: Angry Scots Troll Donald Trump Over Brexit Gaffe

Donald Trump is not getting the warm Scottish welcome he was hoping for.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee arrived in Scotland on Friday to officially open his new Trump Turnberry golf resort. Protesters greeted him with golf balls emblazoned with Swastikas — a symbol synonymous with Nazi Germany — at the opening of the course.


Guam Medicinal Marijuana Regulations to Be Overhauled

After months of public input highlighting concerns about the proposed rules and regulations surrounding medical marijuana, it seems legislators are willing to throw the rules out entirely and start with a clean slate.

Sen. Tina Muña-Barnes said she will be complying with a recommendation to reject the rules and will be facilitating amendments to the enabling statute, the Joaquin “KC” Concepcion II Compassionate Cannabis Use Act of 2013.

Sen. Dennis Rodriguez, chairman of the legislative committee on health, stated in a release yesterday that he is recommending the rejection of the rules because they contain provisions outside of or in addition to statute.


Like Seriously! Marijuana Is Legal in These 7 Countries

New Delhi: One must have seen naga babas consuming marijuana. Consumption of Cannabis is legal in various states across the United States of America and some other European countries, but that of course comes with T&C applied.

Here, we bring you some countries where consumption of marijuana is legal:

Czech Republic:

Marijuana is legal in this European country that permits its possession up to 15 grams. It has been legalised for medical use on prescription since 2013.


Illinois Medical Marijuana Director Resigns

An attorney appointed last year by Gov. Bruce Rauner to lead the Illinois medical marijuana program has resigned to pursue work in the private sector.

Joseph Wright, 32, who was in the position for just over one year, told The Associated Press on Monday he felt the time was right to seek other opportunities, possibly in the medical cannabis industry.

A spokeswoman for the governor confirmed the resignation Monday. Spokeswoman Catherine Kelly told the AP the governor's office "will have no further comment" on the reasons for the resignation.


Bo Shaffer: Attack on Cannabis Is Misguided, Dangerous

There have been recent letters to the editor, T-C Line statements and even statements at city council that are at best erroneous, and at worst, self-serving. I'd like to correct the perception generated by this outlandish misinformation. These statements all concerned "potheads" and how terrible it would be to allow illegal drugs into our communities. How bad "pot" is and how all your children will be born naked if you use it ... or something like that.


5 Considerations for Avoiding Cannabis Ownership Disputes

Lately, my firm’s cannabis litigation team has seen a massive spike in cannabis businesses owners suing their fellow owners within the same cannabis business. Whether you’re already headed to court or you’re just sensing a company mutiny brewing on the horizon, the five tips in this blog post will help you prevent an ownership dispute and best resolve one if one should occur.

    A Busy Week in Canadian Cannabis News

    Toronto begins to look at dispensary regulations, US FDA learns about the MMPR, Canadian researchers in Poland, a possible task force announcement and more.

    It’s a big week for those focussed on cannabis and cannabis policy in Canada. Several meetings and expected announcements, as well as one possible discussion are lined up for this last week in June.


    Justices reject appeal over medical marijuana in Montana

    The Supreme Court won’t hear an appeal challenging a Montana law that limits medical marijuana providers to selling the drug to a maximum of three patients each.

    The justices on Monday let stand a Montana Supreme Court ruling that upheld key provisions of a state law that rolled back much of the 2004 voter-approved initiative legalizing medicinal marijuana.
    The Montana Cannabis Industry Association said the rollbacks would force the closure of dispensaries and leave patients without a legal way to obtain the drug.

    The new restrictions are set to take effect Aug. 31.


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