Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Do Licensed Producers Benefit From The Toronto Dispensary Raids?

We know that 43 illegal medical marijuana dispensaries in Toronto were raided by police May 26. But what led to shut-downs is a matter of debate for within the medical marijuana community of dispensaries, activists, and licensed producers (LP's). 


Bermuda Cancer Patient: Not Using Medical Cannabis Deemed 'Insane'

A ten-year cancer survivor, who prefers to be identified only as patient X, supports the idea of cannabis decriminalisation in Bermuda.

Researching his cancer, which first announced itself with a haematoma that left him “ankle-deep in blood”, quickly became part of his daily routine.

“It scared the life out of me, but I put on a brave face, carried on with life, and then plunged into internet research,” the patient told The Royal Gazette.

“I had mental problems for the first couple of years. That isn’t unusual; many cancer patients get depressed.”

Teaching himself online offered new hopes. Among them were the promising applications of cannabis, as well as drugs derived from the plant.


Recreational Pot Needs New Federal Rules, Says Toronto Councillor

'The police are enforcing a failed federal law. That law needs to change,' says Joe Cressy

A Toronto city councillor is calling on the Trudeau government to introduce a new federal regulatory framework that would clarify the rules of recreational pot in Canada because cities are in "legislative limbo" as they try to deal with marijuana dispensaries.

"When it comes to federal law on this issue, the federal government needs to act," Joe Cressy, councillor for Ward 20 and chair of the Toronto Drug Strategy Implementation Panel, told Metro Morning.

"The federal government has let down cities right across this country," he said. "Cities are struggling. You cannot arrest your way to a solution."


Trump Tuesday: 10 Times John Oliver Slammed Donald Trump That You Need To See Again — VIDEO

It was a topic HBO's Last Week Tonight With John Oliver tried their best to avoid for a long time. Yet even the best-laid plans can go awry and eventually the British late-night host was forced to step into the ring to take on Donald Trump's presidential campaign. And thank God for that, really, because I just can't imagine a world without Drumpf. However, the infamous "Donald Drumpf" segment wasn't the last, or even the first, time the comedic talk show host has poked fun at the real estate mogul. John Oliver has hilariously criticized Trump on more than a few occasions.


Oregon: It's Getting Much Harder For Marijuana Entertainment Events And Venues

One of my favorite niches or sectors of the marijuana industry in Oregon is the marijuana entertainment sector. The first one that I had ever heard of was the World Famous Cannabis Cafe (WFCC). It has since been shutdown due to new indoor air rules, but at one point in time it was the hotspot destination in Oregon. Other venues built on a similar model started popping up all over Oregon. Some are still operating, while others have been shutdown like the WFCC.


Petition to Legalize Medical Marijuana in Oklahoma Underway

Medical marijuana supporters believe the drug will soon become legal in Oklahoma.

Right now, a petition is circulating to get the issue on the November ballot.

Oklahoman’s for Health need 66,000 signatures.

The petition kicked off May 14th and will end August 11th.

So far the group says it has around 8,000 to 10,000 signatures.

About half of those were collected at this weekend’s Paseo Arts Festival.

Those heading the petition feel strongly that legalizing medical marijuana would turn our state around.


Arizona Marijuana Activist Billy Hayes Sentenced to Two Years in Prison

A judge sentenced cannabis activist Billy Hayes to two years in prison on Friday for his role in two medical-marijuana businesses.


Medical Marijuana Testing Rule Possible Boon for S.W. Colorado Labs

A requirement for medical marijuana dispensaries and growers to have their products tested could be a boon for Durango testing facilities – if a local license is in place in time.

The state’s mandatory testing rule takes effect July 1, and Aurum Labs and Green Lab Solutions are asking city officials to create a license for the testing, owners said. The labs test for marijuana potency, mold and bacteria.

Their request is reasonable, said Councillor Dick White, who was approached by Aurum Labs representatives about creating a city license.

But city officials want to work on several changes to local marijuana regulations, including the new license, and pass them at the same time. White could not say how long that might take.


Two Insurers to Stop Treating All Pot Users as Smokers as Marijuana Increasingly Accepted

In a sign of marijuana’s growing normalization in Canada, two major life insurance companies have decided to treat cannabis users as non-smokers, reversing a long-standing policy and offering many of them far cheaper premiums.

Like their competitors, Sun Life and BMO Insurance have for years classified anyone who disclosed using marijuana – either recreationally or for medical purposes – as a smoker, saddling them with charges that could be triple those of non-smokers.

But in memos released over the last week, the companies say the latest research on the drug’s health impacts convinced them to change that approach.


Pot Dispensaries Urge City to Drop Charges

Mitchell Cutler had just finished selling a THC-infused ointment to an arthritic woman — her “medicine” — when Toronto police showed up and charged him with possession for the purposes of trafficking.

“If these charges do stick I guess my future is pretty much over,” said the marijuana dispensary worker, who says he has never before been in trouble with police.

Cutler was at city hall Monday as part of a coalition of pot dispensaries urging the city to drop the charges laid by Toronto police during raids last Thursday.


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