Marijuana Politics

rand paul

What Should Canada's Legal Age For Recreational Marijuana Be?

On April 20 (fittingly enough), Canadian Health Minister Jane Philpott announced that legislation to legalize recreational marijuana use would be introduced by spring 2017. Now the speculation on what the government's cannabis regulations will look like have finally begun.


South Carolina Legislators, Congress Should Back Medical Marijuana

Since she was 9 months old, my daughter, Mary Louise, has suffered from seizures — sometimes up to 200 an hour. Watching my daughter, now 8, suffer has led me — as a parent — to seek any treatment possible.

We have tried multiple medications, special diets, and seen specialists around the country. All of these treatments had been largely unsuccessful; however, upon learning of cannabis oil, and the success that other epileptic patients have experienced, we were filled with a new hope.

In 2014, we helped support a bill that ultimately was passed by the South Carolina General Assembly which allowed patients with severe epilepsy to access CBD oil for treatment.


Study: There's No Scientific Basis for Laws Regulating Marijuana and Driving

Six states that allow marijuana use legal tests to determine driving while impaired by the drug that have no scientific basis, according to a study by the nation's largest automobile club that calls for scrapping those laws.

The study commissioned by AAA's safety foundation said it's not possible to set a blood-test threshold for THC, the chemical in marijuana that makes people high, that can reliably determine impairment.

Yet the laws in five of the six states automatically presume a driver guilty if that person tests higher than the limit, and not guilty if it's lower.

As a result, drivers who are unsafe may be going free while others may be wrongly convicted, the foundation said.


Canada's Justin Trudeau May Legalize Marijuana. That Could Impact US Drug Policy.

As Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the country's Liberal Party move forward with their big agenda following last year's election, the US's northern neighbor could soon undertake an enormous change in drug policy: marijuana legalization.


Poll: Massachusetts Split down the Middle on Marijuana Legalization

Massachusetts voters are split on whether their state should follow suit of states like Colorado, Washington, and Alaska—and legalize recreational marijuana.

According to a Suffolk University/Boston Globe poll Saturday, 43 percent of likely Bay State voters said they would support a likely ballot initiative to legalize the sale of marijuana to anyone more than 21 years old, while 45.8 percent said they would oppose the measure.


Is Hillary Clinton Bluffing On Her Marijuana Policy Stance?

Hillary Clinton wants to remove Cannabis Marijuana from Schedule 1 Federal Classification.  Taking it off the same schedule as such dangerous recreational drugs with the highest potential for abuse and addiction, among them heroin and cocaine.  This is what the MMJ industry has been waiting for!  Getting weed off of Schedule 1 should be a boon for the Cannabis industry, right?  The likely Democratic nominee who is churning inevitably closer to the nomination of the same party that brought us 8 years of President Obama and state level legalization in Colorado, Washington, Oregon with several more putting initiatives on the ballot that would involve some sort of legalization of recreational cannabis use on a state level.


Australia: Medicinal Marijuana Bill to Be Tabled in Queensland Parliament a Day After Cancer-Stricken Child Dies

Laws to legalise medicinal marijuana in Queensland will be introduced to Parliament today, a day after a child who was given cannabis oil illegally by her father died from cancer.

Health Minister Cameron Dick will introduce the Public Health (Medicinal Cannabis) Bill 2016, which he said would create the most progressive laws in Australia and set up a robust framework to ensure it was prescribed safely.

He said more than 1,000 people responded in an online survey to the draft bill, with 96 per cent in favour of cannabis being used for treatment.

"Queenslanders have sent us a strong message — we have listened, and by presenting this bill to Parliament we are moving towards delivering for them," he said.


Canada: Jean Chretien Says Pot Possession Should Be Decriminalized

Jean Chretien says politicians have to adjust to changing times, as his own views on marijuana, capital punishment and other contentious issues evolved after he was first elected in the early 1960s.

Whether it's pot smoking, abortion, gay marriage or the death penalty, the former prime minister says he's tried to reflect the spirit of the times — even if his changing politics put him in conflict with his conservative upbringing in a large, Roman Catholic family in rural Quebec.

"What were certain values 50 years ago, are not the same today. We have to live with that. It's not always easy," he said.

When asked Monday about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's decision to legalize the sale of marijuana, Chretien said he is in favour of decriminalization.


Veterans Say Auditor General's Prescribed Pot Report Flawed, Too Narrow in Scope

A veterans group says auditor general Michael Ferguson's latest report clouds the most important issue when it comes to the increasing use of medical marijuana to treat injuries such as post-traumatic stress disorder.

Clayton Goodwin, of the Veterans Accountability Commission, one of a growing number of grassroots organizations, says last week's audit focused too narrowly on the rising cost of the program and not on the health benefits of switching from pharmaceuticals to medicinal pot.

He claims there are cost-savings associated with dropping prescription drugs, and would have preferred to see the report analyze that aspect.


4 States Where a Legal Marijuana Vote Is Guaranteed This November

Voters will soon be deciding if recreational or medical marijuana is right for their state.

This could be a transformative year in more ways than one. Not only are voters heading to the polls in six months to decide who should become the next President of the United States of America, but voters in quite a few states could be heading to their respective state polls to decide whether or not to expand the use of medical or recreational marijuana within their state.


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