Marijuana Politics

rand paul

‘London Would Be Happier if Cannabis Was Legal’, Mayoral Hopeful Says

London would be “a happier place” if people were allowed to take drugs with impunity, a mayoral candidate claimed today. 

Self-confessed hippy Lee Harris, 79, joined the race for City Hall to campaign for the legalisation of the drug as party CISTA’s (Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol) candidate.

The grandfather-of-three, who is just three months shy of his 80th birthday, owns a “head shop” on Portobello Road called Alchemy, and attended the first rally to legalise cannabis in Hyde Park almost 50 years ago.

Who is Lee Harris and what are his ideas for London?

And ahead of next week’s mayoral election, Mr Harris told the Standard: “London would be a happier place if cannabis was legalised. If people smoke cannabis, they will drink less. 


Cautious Optimism Preached at Philly Cannabis Conference

Hundreds of optimistic entrepreneurs and potential investors flooded into Philadelphia on Saturday to garner insight into the state's budding cannabis industry, but experts cautioned against overzealous ventures into a market still facing many roadblocks.

Less than two weeks after Gov. Tom Wolf signed a bill to establish a medical marijuana program, Philadelphia-based Greenhouse Ventures hosted the state's first "Innovation in the Cannabis Industry" conference at the Chemical Heritage Foundation.

The eight-hour conference, which was a part of Philly Tech Week 2016, featured panelists discussing various cannabis industry topics including investments trends, future business outlook, technology and medicinal research.


Synthetic Cannabis 'Having a Devastating Impact in UK Prisons'

Chief inspector of prisons attributes deaths, serious illness and self-harm to cannabis substitutes ‘spice’ and ‘black mamba’.

Synthetic cannabis is having a “devastating impact” in British prisons and making it difficult for normal life to continue in some facilities, the chief inspector of prisons has said.

Sold as “spice” and “black mamba”, synthetic cannabis has been blamed for deaths, serious illness and episodes of self-harm among inmates, and some prison officers have reported falling ill from exposure to the fumes.


Trump Tuesday: Donald Trump Bong Brings A Little Humor To Presidential Race

The piece was designed by Tom Mason, an artist from Byron Bay, Australia, who specializes in making all sorts of strange, interesting, and funny ceramic smoking pieces. The Donald Trump bong is being sold by online retailer Gatorbeug.

In honor of 4/20 Gatorbeug has showcased the Trump bong as one of its featured pieces.

It seems like everyone’s talking about Donald Trump these days.


Global Marijuana March the Million Marijuana March?

It’s May, a time to celebrate the renewal of spring and remember the workers who fought and died for an eight-hour work day. For millions of marijuana users around the globe, May also means gearing up for the Million Marijuana March.

In fact, the first American May Day story brings us back all the way to the late 1600s, when wonderful weirdos of all stripes stuck it the stick-in-the-mud Puritans. So really, celebrating the counter-cultural tradition of cannabis at the beginning of May makes a lot of sense.


Toronto Vows to Crack Down on Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Jessie Young is the manager of medical marijuana dispensary in Toronto, which opened in February. He says dispensaries follow the same rules as licensed producers and provides patients with in-person options.

Storefront shops 'not what the federal government envisioned,' city official says.

Toronto's growing number of medical marijuana dispensaries are breaking the rules and could pay for it with tens of thousands of dollars in fines, one city official is warning.  

Mark Sraga, the city's director of investigation services for municipal licensing and standards, told CBC News Monday the city plans to start enforcing legislation related to marijuana shops in the coming months.


Here's Why The Governor of Puerto Rico Is Pushing For Cannabis Legalization

The governor of Puerto Rico made his last public address on Monday, February 29, 2016. In the hourlong speech Gov. Alejandro Garcia Padilla addressed a variety of topics, including the territory’s massive $70 billion debt crisis. Interestingly, he also devoted a fair amount of time to pressing the case for legalization of cannabis in the territory.

Just say no to Prohibition

Among the many reasons cited for the end of alcohol prohibition in the U.S. in the early 1900s were the enormous loss of tax revenues and “prohibitive” cost of enforcing such unpopular laws. Public support for Prohibition dwindled as the Great Depression settled in.


Colorado Is Rethinking Marijuana Limits on Pot Tourists

Colorado’s tourists would be able to buy as much marijuana as residents, if a bill moving through the state Legislature passes.

The measure repeals Colorado’s unique-in-the-nation tiered purchasing system for marijuana. All adults over 21 here are allowed to possess an ounce of marijuana — but retail pot shops can’t sell more than a quarter ounce in one day to people without Colorado IDs.

The purchasing limits were established in 2013 to prevent marijuana diversion out of state. Lawmakers figured that visiting tourists wouldn’t blaze through a full ounce before heading home. An ounce of pot is sometimes compared to a keg of beer because it’s difficult for most users to finish in a few days.


Obama Jokes About Getting High at White House Correspondents' Dinner [VIDEO]

Sign of the times: President Barack Obama made a joke about his marijuana use at last night’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner.


T&T Gov't examining decriminalising of marijuana

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad (CMC) – The Trinidad and Tobago Government is examining the possibility of decriminalising marijuana and is reviewing existing legislation as well as planning wide consultation before adopting any position, Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi has said.

He told the Trinidad Guardian newspaper Monday that there has been “a full exercise of analysing the types of crime in our prisons and the pre-trials detention or remand statistics for a range of offences, including possession of narcotics, and particularly possession of cannabis.

“From that perspective there’s certainly a drive to gather statistical information, as the issue of decriminalising of marijuana isn’t a simple one on the public side.”


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