Marijuana Politics

rand paul

When Will Rhode Island Legalize Marijuana?

Officials in Rhode Island seem to agree: The state is likely to legalize marijuana. But, so far, they haven’t reached a consensus on when that will happen.

Earlier this month, State Sen. Josh Miller introduced a bill that would end prohibition and regulate and tax the cannabis industry. Among the 15 co-sponsors joining him are powerful names like Senate Majority Leader Dominick Ruggerio and Judiciary Committee Chairman Michael McCaffrey.

On the House side, Rep. Scott Slater is expected to introduce companion legislation this week with a sizable number of co-sponsors, including with Republican Minority Leader Brian Newberry.


Barcelona's Pot Boom and Bust

The uncertain fate of cannabis clubs in "the Amsterdam of southern Europe"

It was 7 p.m. on July 10, 2014. Albert Centellas was smoking a joint in the spacious lounge of Club Kali, a quasi-legal cannabis club an hour's drive south of Barcelona. He heard a loud bang, like a thunderclap, and then another. The police were breaking down the door.


Utah: SB73 best hope for limited, humane medical marijuana law

When the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced its opposition to SB73, Sen. Mark Madsen’s bill legalizing medical marijuana, it cited concern about “unintended consequences.”

Madsen responded by amending the bill to eliminate whatever uncertainty it originally contained. He crafted a sharply defined law to end the chronic suffering of thousands of Utahns — without opioids.

Voting against SB73 condemns those Utahns to a life of needless agony.


Applications for speakers at the Special Session of the General Assembly on the World Drug Problem (UNGASS 2016) now open

The Special Session of the General Assembly on the World Drug Problem (UNGASS 2016) will be convened from 19 – 21 April 2016 at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The UNGASS will feature a general debate plenary and five interactive, multi-stakeholder round tables conducted in parallel with the plenary.


Here's Where the Remaining 8 Presidential Candidates Stand on Marijuana

From full legalization to ramping up the War on Drugs, here's your cheat sheet on where the final eight presidential candidates stand on marijuana.



Scotland: Lib Dem drug policy to 'stop treating addiction as crime'

People caught with drugs for personal use would be referred for health treatment rather than sent to jail under proposals unveiled by the Scottish Liberal Democrats.

Leader Willie Rennie said Scotland’s current drugs policy “is costly and fails to work for everyone”.

Drugs misuse costs society ÂŁ3.5 billion a year - amounting to around ÂŁ900 for every adult in Scotland, he said.

The Lib Dems will call for drug users to be “referred for treatment, education or civil penalties, ending the use of imprisonment”, in a manifesto policy put forward for discussion at its Scottish spring conference this week.

Possession of class A drugs such as ecstasy, LSD, heroin, cocaine and magic mushrooms is punishable by up to seven years in prison.


Canada: Legalizing marijuana: let's get this right

The legalization of marijuana in Canada now appears to be a question of when and how, not if. The new federal government has committed to this initiative and is now looking at how to implement it.

A large part of our society believes marijuana is a relatively harmless substance, but that isn’t entirely true. The impact of marijuana on an adolescent’s brain can be severe. In fact, study after study has shown that frequent marijuana use by young people can have a number of negative effects and leave lasting impairments on a brain that is still growing and developing.


Marine Combat Vet Faces Deportation for Legally Using Cannabis to Treat His PTSD

Because of the government’s irrational commitment to pot prohibition, this combat vet could be forced to choose between death and exile.

Given that on an average day 22 American combat veterans commit suicide, it’s a species of miracle that Ivano Rodriguez is still alive. It may be an even greater miracle that Rodriguez, a resident of Washington State who has used marijuana to treat his Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), hasn’t been exiled to Ecuador by a federal immigration judge.


Supreme Court postpones marijuana case for Antonin Scalia memorial ceremony

The Supreme Court was scheduled to confer over a major marijuana case Feb. 19 but has postponed the meeting due to late Justice Antonin Scalia’s memorial ceremony at the Supreme Court falling on the same day, according a SCOTUS Blog report.

The Supreme Court was set to weigh in on a challenge to Colorado’s marijuana legalization law launched by Nebraska and Oklahoma.


California Considers Marijuana 'Track and Trace' System for Cannabis Industry

As the state of California ventures into a new regulatory effort to track all marijuana grown and sold in the state, one of the key decisions before state officials is what kind of system it should deploy.

The Board of Equalization last week held a stakeholder hearing in Sacramento to explore the different systems currently being used by Colorado, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico and Illinois to regulate the cannabis industry.

“As a taxing agency, we’re concerned that taxes are applied correctly, and there’s really no way for us to do that correctly if we don’t have the ability to trace,” board member George Runner said at the hearing.


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