Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Justice Minister Reveals UK Is Trialling Portuguese Approach To Drugs

In the secretive way that now seems to be standard practice for the UK government, the justice minister, Andrew Selous MP, revealed yesterday, in an answer to a written Parliamentary Question, that he is “currently trialling ‘Liaison and Diversion’ services”.

“These services place health professionals at police stations and courts to assess suspects for a range of health problems, including drug misuse, and make referrals to treatment and support. Information shared with the criminal justice system can be used to inform decisions, supporting diversion into treatment as part of an alternative to charge or to custody where appropriate.


Oregon Lawmakers propose tweaks to marijuana law

Removing a two-year residency requirement to start a marijuana business is one of the proposed changes.


SALEM — Representatives from the marijuana industry came out in droves Tuesday to speak out on legislation to hone the state’s infant marijuana laws.

“This is going to be an ongoing process that probably goes on for several years, but I hope what you’re hearing is we are making a good faith effort to meet people’s needs,” said Rep. Ann Lininger, D-Lake Oswego, co-chairwoman of the Joint Committee on Marijuana Legalization.

The committee has moved a series of proposed changes to the law.


Tunisia: Widespread Abuses Under Drug Law

A draft law to reduce penalties for drug use would stop short of fixing major human rights concerns in the current law, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Tunisian authorities should revise the law to eliminate all prison sentences for recreational drug use or possession.


Politics and Pot: After the Iowa Caucuses

Wherein your resident political junkie smokes a bowl and explains what happened in Iowa this week, and what to expect next. Share your comments below.

At long last, the political phony war is over, and actual votes are in. No matter which combination of candidates faces off in the finals in November, cannabis policy will be on the national ballot. Iowa has voted, so we know new things to expect going forward.

There are cannabis-relevant headlines on both sides, so let’s start with the Democrats.



Rand Paul dropping out of presidential race

(CNN)Rand Paul, the libertarian-minded freshman senator who was once viewed as a formidable presidential contender, is suspending his White House bid.

Paul discussed the matter with staff Wednesday morning and sent out a statement confirming the decision to drop out of the Republican presidential primary.

"It's been an incredible honor to run a principled campaign for the White House," Paul said in the statement. "Today, I will end where I began, ready and willing to fight for the cause of Liberty."


Weeding out the truth: No substance to DEA's claims of pot-crazed bunnies

Are rabbits in the grips of reefer madness ravaging the Utah countryside? No, they are not.

What’s the difference between a stoned rabbit and a not-stoned rabbit? The layhuman may not be keen to the symptoms, subtle as they are, exhibited by indoor varieties, but an expert in the wild - he can tell.

These are bunnies. But are they high bunnies?

Such was the effect in the Utah State Senate last March, when Drug Enforcement Administration agent and canna-buzzed rabbit connoisseur Matt Fairbanks offered his testimony to Senate Bill 259, a medical cannabis bill.


It’s Official – Medical Marijuana is on the Ballot in Florida for 2016

November 2014 medical marijuana was on the ballot in Florida for the first time – many families and individuals were hopeful that this would finally mean they would get access to some much needed relief. After months of petition gathering, struggles with Supreme Court approval, and a campaign that seemed to be attacked and nitpicked at every turn – the initiative lost by only 2%.

The chance at legal access to medicine that could change the quality of life for thousands of citizens was so close – I remember refreshing the statistics until the vote was over, watching the number go from 64% to 63% and eventually drop under 60%. With less than half an hour left I knew we had lost – and by the time the polls closed, we had just over 58% of the vote.


The Need for Regulation in the Emerging Canadian Cannabis Market

Don Briere tells reporter Mike Hager that illegal pot dispensaries are a force for good, “drawing the money away from organized crime, who buy guns, heroin, cocaine and do human trafficking.” 


New Zealand: Minister of Health backs medicinal cannabis campaigner under police investigation

A senior minister will continue to work with the woman spear-heading access to medicinal cannabis despite her being investigated by police.

Toni-Marie Matich, co-founder of United in Compassion (UIC), was last year thrust into the public eye through her work with Children's Commissioner Russell Wills, the NZ Drug Foundation and Associate Minister of Health Peter Dunne, to broaden access to medicinal cannabis.

Police confirmed last month they were investigating Matich, who allegedly owes $78,000 to hundreds of ticket-buyers.


Ohio marijuana legalization group almost broke, but pushing on

Ohioans to End Prohibition, the political action committee behind the Legalize Ohio 2016 campaign, has less than $300 in the bank, according to its latest campaign finance report. The group's proposed Cannabis Control Amendment would legalize recreational and medical marijuana use as well as allow cultivation of industrial hemp.

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A pro-marijuana group that campaigned against Issue 3 last year and promised voters a better alternative this year is close to broke. But leaders said the mostly-volunteer group will move forward with its recreational marijuana amendment.


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