Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Reconsider medical marijuana ordinance

I want to encourage the Napa County Board of Supervisors to reconsider their ordinance banning medical marijuana.

This ordinance is draconian and unacceptable. If this ordinance passes as is, I will referendum it. I want to remind you, I lead a successful referendum in Vallejo last year.

I encourage you to replace it with an ordinance modeled after Marin County.

Look at the upcoming ballot measures. How many tax increases are coming up on the ballot? Who wants to see their property taxes or sales tax go up again? Not me. Quit kicking the can down the road. It's time we embrace this tremendous revenue source. Don’t miss this opportunity to tax and regulate medical marijuana.


Charlottetown man leads petition against legalization of marijuana

Mitch Reid of Charlottetown is against the legalization of marijuana. Reid started a petition and hopes to gather over a thousand signatures before giving them to Sean Casey.

Mitch Reid says legalizing marijuana will lead more people down path of drug use

Mitch Reid of Charlottetown is saying no to legalizing marijuana as he feels this would lead more people down the path of drug use.

Reid started a petition and hopes to gather over a thousand signatures before giving them to Sean Casey.

Mitch Reid of Charlottetown is saying no to legalizing marijuana as he feels this would lead more people down the path of drug use.

"I'm concerned about the step after smoking weed. For some people, they may go down that path and may not get out of it."


Supervisors to discuss medical marijuana activities in unincorporated LA County areas

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Tuesday is expected to consider banning the establishment of medical marijuana activities in the county’s unincorporated areas until it studies the impacts of the business.


Citing an uptick in interest from these potential businesses, Supervisor Michael Antonovich will ask his colleagues to consider an interim urgency ban that would last at least 45 days and request a study on the impacts.

Last fall, the governor signed three bills into law collectively known as the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act, which regulates licensing and enforcement of medical marijuana businesses statewide.


Australia: Legalised Marijuana Could Bring In $300 Million A Year

Is the legalisation of marijuana in Australia a pipe dream? Maybe not, if the government takes the Parliamentary Budget Office’s latest estimates under consideration. According to a new report from the PBO, GST on marijuana sales could bring in over $300 per year in revenue — at least to start with.


Simi Valley City Council reverses course, will now ban personal cultivation of medical marijuana

The Simi Valley City Council has reversed course and now will join most other cities in Ventura County in banning personal cultivation of medical marijuana.

The council introduced an ordinance Jan. 11 that called for allowing personal cultivation by qualified patients.

Under California Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 that was approved by 56 percent of statewide voters, cities cannot prohibit residents from using medical marijuana if they have a serious health condition and a physician's recommendation.

But the courts have ruled that cities can ban personal cultivation, even though it is permitted under the state health and safety code.

The council voted at its meeting Monday to amend the ordinance to prohibit personal cultivation.


Ohio Group launches second attempt to legalize marijuana

CLEVELAND -- Today two Ohio State Senators traveled from Columbus to Cleveland for the main purpose to see what Clevelanders thought on medical marijuana. 

Back in November, Issue 3 failed 64% to 36%.  Many feel it was because it was dealing with both recreational and medical marijuana.  Even though Ohioans said no to both then, there are still several groups and politicians who want to see medical marijuana legal in Ohio.

Dozens of people came out to a meeting on the Cleveland State University campus and shared in a discussion that lasted a couple hours.  They expressed their opinion for and against medical marijuana. 

This was the start of a statewide tour for State senators Kenny Yuko (D-Richmond Heights) and Dave Burke (R-Marysville).


Arizona lawmaker retracts proposed medical marijuana bill

Earlier this month, Arizona Rep. Jay Lawrence of the 23rd District introduced HCR 2019, a bill that would make obtaining a medical marijuana card more difficult for medical marijuana users in Arizona. The bill has been withdrawn since Lawrence's proposal.

“It will never be heard by a committee,” Lawrence said. “It will never see the light of day.”

HCR 2019 proposed two issues that posed a major threat to cardholders, including price increases and card renewals.


Tax toke: the budget office models GST on marijuana

The federal government could raise $300 million a year in tax if it legalised marijuana. 

Just what are they smoking down in the Parliamentary Budget Office?

The normally conservative federal institution has done some highly unusual economic modelling based on the question: how much money could the Turnbull government raise if it legalised and then applied the GST to marijuana?

The answer is about $300 million a year.

And that doesn't even include the increased tax toke – sorry, take – from the inevitable boom in sales of pizza and Doritos.


MMA champion Karlos Vemola jailed for running suburban cannabis farms

One of the top cage fighters in Britain has been jailed for a year for running a series of cannabis farms with his in-laws. Karel "Karlos" Vemola, a title-holding mixed martial artist originally from the Czech Republic, was convicted alongside his former partner Sarah Sharp and her elderly parents at St Albans crown court.

The 30-year-old had convinced Linda Sharp, 70, and her partner Terrance Byman, 72, to invest in a business running at least three cannabis farms in Potters Bar and Bushey in Hertfordshire, the court heard. They had seen the venture as "an ideal way to top up their pensions".

Vemola, whose nickname in the ring is "the Terminator", had started using the drug to help with the pain he sustained from his fighting injuries, the court was told.


California Lawmakers Scramble to Fix Marijuana Law Mistake

The California legislature scrambled this week to correct a serious error that had been written into the state’s new medical marijuana regulations.

The State Assembly passed AB 21, a bill that fixes what may have been a fatal problem with the language of last year’s Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act, by a unanimous vote of 65-0 on Thursday, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. The bill had cleared the state Senate on Monday, and now awaits Gov. Jerry Brown’s signature.


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