Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Rand Paul: Remove Federal Prohibition on Cannabis

Rand Paul, in his Ask me Anything session on Reddit, Senator Rand Paul gave his strongest backing of cannabis since he introduced the CARERS Act of 2015.


Alabama moms make passionate plea: Legalize medical marijuana oil

Three moms, three children suffering from various forms of epilepsy, three different stories trying to share one message:

Legalize medicinal oil derived from marijuana.

In Alabama, that potential law has been dubbed Leni's Law and state Rep. Mike Ball, R-Huntsville, is the bill's sponsor. Sen. Paul Sanford, R-Huntsville, will carry the bill in the Senate.

On Monday, the three moms addressed the Madison County legislative delegation at its annual public forum. Their singular message came from three different vantage points:


California lawmakers scrambling to slow local bans on marijuana growing

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The California Senate on Monday approved a bill aimed at slowing a rush of cities and counties racing to ban marijuana cultivation.

The measure corrects what lawmakers say was a mistake in California’s first comprehensive medical marijuana regulations, which were adopted in the closing hours of last year’s legislative session.

A paragraph in that 70-page bill gave the state authority to license growers in jurisdictions that do not have their own laws on the books by March 1.


Israel: Likud MK's bill urges cannabis decriminalization

MK Sharren Haskel says more than a million Israelis occasionally use cannabis and that decriminalization for personal use over the age of 21 will free up funds to be reallocated for education and public information campaigns.

Attempts to move towards decriminalization of cannabis use in Israel have typically come from left-wing parties in the opposition. But recently, MK Sharren Haskel (Likud) put forward a bill calling to amend the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance and decriminalize personal use of cannabis.


Potential Marijuana Legalization in Arizona Threatens Tasc Drug-Treatment Firm's Funding

A Maricopa County nonprofit that makes much of its money off low-level marijuana offenders would take a big financial hit if Arizona voters legalize marijuana in November.

The Treatment Assessment Screening Center, better known as TASC, contracts with the county to provide six months of mandatory drug-treatment services for first- or second-time offenders who get busted for possession of illegal drugs. TASC participants, with exceptions for low-income offenders, pay their own way for the program


Cannabis Reform Takes Root in Mexico and South America

While much of the focus on legalizing marijuana is on the United State there are countries making real progress South of the border.

The Supreme Court in Mexico handed down a landmark ruling in November that declared overall prohibition unconstitutional. The case was brought by four individual citizens. The arguments were not some long list of regulatory details but instead a more fundamental question of basic human rights.


Utahns make a moral argument for medical marijuana

House Speaker Greg Hughes, R-Draper, addresses legislators in the House of Representatives on the first day of the Utah Legislature at the Capitol in Salt Lake City on Monday, Jan. 25, 2016.

The Utah Legislature is considering a push for medical marijuana in 2016. A new bill may open the doors for edible marijuana products containing THC, though smoking marijuana would remain illegal. This bill, sponsored by Sen. Mark Madsen, R-Saratoga Springs, has garnered support from Salt Lake County District Attorney Sam Gill, as well as the Libertas Institute, a libertarian nonprofit think tank in Lehi.


Georgia: Mother testifies about getting marijuana illegally for ailing daughter

Mom says those horrible raging episodes her daughter used to suffer from are now gone and she hasn't had to restrain her daughter since she started her on the medical marijuana back in October.

ATLANTA — The mother of an autistic child went before Georgia lawmakers Monday, admitting she broke the law to get relief for her daughter.

Channel 2’s Lori Geary sat in on the first hearing of Georgia’s new medical marijuana bill that would allow the growing of medical marijuana in Georgia and expand the number of conditions patients need to qualify, including Alzheimer’s disease and autism.

Jennifer Conforti testified that she gets marijuana on the black market and turns it into cannabis oil for her 5-year-old daughter.


Mexican lawmakers look to change marijuana policy

Members of Congress called Monday for changing Mexico's punitive marijuana laws at hearings on the use of the plant, whose cultivation and use were approved by the Supreme Court for four citizens last year.

"We have the challenge of proposing an alternative to the problem of the illegal market for marijuana and its negative consequences. Or remain as we are, running the risk of compromising the health, security and dignity of people," the speaker of the lower house of Congress, Jesus Zambrano, said at the start of the session.

Anti-drug policy around the world has been based on punishment, Zambrano, a member of the leftist Party of the Democratic Revolution, or PRD, said.


California: Newark council bans commercial medical marijuana cultivation

Although commercial cultivation of medical marijuana is prohibited in Newark under an ordinance unanimously approved Jan. 14 by the City Council, qualified patients and their primary caregivers will still be allowed to grow their own plants.

The city specifically banned medical marijuana dispensaries in 2011. However, the city's zoning ordinance did not specifically address whether commercial cultivation of medical marijuana is a permitted use or a conditionally permitted use in any zoning district. The new ordinance is meant to clearly prohibit commercial cultivation.


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