Recreational Marijuana News


Canada: Marijuana lawyer Kirk Tousaw is concerned about Trudeau's legalization scheme

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has promised to legalize marijuana and his Liberal government recently introduced Bill C-45, the Cannabis Act, to Parliament.

The historic move places Canada at the forefront of global cannabis law reform, but critics across the country are speaking out about the potential dangers of the governments new plan.

I spoke with Kirk Tousaw – one of Canada’s most successful pot lawyers – about the good, bad and ugly of the new bill and how Canada’s cannabis community can continue to make their voices heard.


Explore The World Of Cannabis With 'The Scratch & Sniff Book of Weed'

A certain image – or, rather, aroma – comes to mind when one hears the title, 


Disney Bans Medical Marijuana in Walt Disney World

Disney Bans Medical Marijuana in Walt Disney World

Medical marijuana is legal in Florida, but you can’t bring it with you into Walt Disney World.

Disney has recently made a change to its policies on the official Walt Disney World website that just says no to drugs.

According to WESH-TV, a Disney spokesperson sought to clarify the rule regarding the drug’s use…


PathogenDx launches disruptive environmental screening technology for cannabis growers

The PDx-Es technology for environmental screening will provide growers and cultivators information on detection of pathogen contamination for up to 30 organisms with a turnaround of less than a day

PDx-Es for Environmental Screening, will specifically target growers and cultivators who are at major risk of contamination during their grow cycles

PathogenDx, an Arizona, US-based biotechnology company, which has developed a disruptive, game-changing pathogen detection screening platform, recently completed the development of its second product aimed at the legalised cannabis sector.

This is the second product offering from the company after the launch of its PDx-C technology for regulated microbial testing within the medical and recreational cannabis sector.


7 Canadian Companies Positioned To Dominate the Industry

The Canadian cannabis industry continues to be one of the hottest places to invest as the country prepares to become the first G-7 nation to legalize recreational cannabis.

The government’s stance on cannabis is one of the primary reasons behind our bullish view on this sub-sector of the cannabis industry. This political environment has led to an increase in the amount of money focused on the industry, the number of companies trying to capitalize on it, and the number of company developments.

This has been a busy week for Canadian cannabis stocks and we want to highlight seven important company developments.

Canopy Make Another Acquisition


Canada Marijuana Supply Crunch Could Be a Downer for Marijuana Stocks

Expected Canada marijuana supply issues could be a ‘buzz kill’ for the stock prices of companies such as Canopy Growth Corporation (TSE:WEED) and Aphria Inc. (TSE:APH)


Nevada Dept. of Taxation reveals preliminary regulations for recreational marijuana

Recreational marijuana has been legal to use in Nevada for four months now, but there's still nowhere for adults to legally buy pot.

Nevada's first recreational marijuana dispensaries are expected to open on July 1, but questions remain about what regulations those business will be subject to. Lawmakers met with Director of the Nevada Department of Taxation Deonne Contine on Wednesday night to gain some clarity.

She said, "The department has drafted proposed temporary regulations to allow for Early Start."

The Early Start program will allow current medical marijuana businesses to be the first to participate in the recreational pot industry.


The Cannabis Health Index Aims To Be a Bible of Medical Marijuana

Ever wanted to use weed to treat what ails you, but found yourself wading through multitudes of semi-convincing blog posts and abstracts for medical papers that require a subscription to view in full? You're not alone.

The good news is, as cannabis becomes increasingly mainstream, comprehensive sources of information are emerging.

The Cannabis Health Index (North Atlantic Books, 660 pages, $20) is a new reference text by mind-body medicine author Uwe Blesching that combines evidence-based, scientific cannabis research with mindfulness techniques to help readers heal themselves of "100 chronic symptoms and diseases."


Have You Ever Smoked Pot? Saying Yes Can Get Canadians Barred for Life at U.S. Border

Canada’s likely move to completely legalize marijuana next year promises to produce immediate spillover effects in the United States, starting with increased confusion at the U.S.-Canadian border.

“I’m expecting my business to boom,” said Len Saunders, an immigration attorney from Blaine, Washington.

With recreational marijuana already legal up and down the West Coast, from Alaska to California, he said, more Canadians may let down their guard and admit to U.S. authorities that they’ve used marijuana, reason enough to get foreigners barred from entering the country.


State-Grown Dope: Uruguayans Sign up to Buy Cannabis in Drugstores

Uruguay has begun collecting names of people who wish to buy cannabis for recreational use, as the it prepares to become the first country on Earth to sell state-grown dope through a network of drugstores. 

Uruguayan citizens, or permanent residents in the country, wishing to avail of the service began signing up to the state’s weed register on Tuesday. This is the final step in a three-stage process which has already seen pot for recreational use became legal.  

The country adopted a law in December 2013 which provided three avenues for smokers wishing to consume cannabis without the risk of running into trouble with the law.


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