Recreational Marijuana News


Uruguay to Sign up Users to Buy Cannabis in Pharmacies

Uruguay, which in July will become the first country selling state-produced cannabis in pharmacies for recreational use, will open a user registry on Tuesday, authorities said.

Any Uruguayan or permanent resident wishing to purchase cannabis in that way will be required to register.

The drug will be sold for $1.30 per gram, in five and 10-gram packets, with each user limited to 10 grams (0.35 ounce) per week.

For now, Uruguay has a supply of 400 kilos (880 pounds) of marijuana on hand, produced by two private firms under state control.


Wichita Mulls a More Mellow Approach to Marijuana

A proposal to reduce penalties for first-time marijuana possession has been deferred for two weeks by the Wichita City Council as the city explores whether it can be made more lenient for violators than originally suggested.

The proposed ordinance would fulfill part of what city voters tried to do through the initiative process two years ago when they voted to cut the penalty for pot possession to $50.

The state Supreme Court overturned that initiative on a technicality related to the signature-gathering process that put it on the ballot. Proponents are now collecting signatures to try to put it on the ballot again, but have said they will drop that effort if the council adopts a suitable ordinance relaxing penalties.


You Have A One In 23,000 Chance Of Having A Psychotic Episode If You Use Cannabis

The best remedy to treat cannabis psychosis is legalization, according to a researcher who recently pored over 50+ years of studies on marijuana and mental health. University of York lecturer Ian Hamilton says that the incidence of cannabis users experiencing psychotic episodes is relatively low, but the best way to reduce the number of those incidents even further is to legalize and regulate marijuana.


The Cannabis Beauty Product Boom

New products address everything from skin hydration to wrinkle defense, pain elimination to muscle relaxation.

Cannabis beauty. It's the next frontier in the increasingly chic world of weed, with new products addressing everything from skin hydration to wrinkle defense, pain elimination to muscle relaxation.

The magic ingredients being sourced from cannabis plants and used in beauty products include hemp seed oil (said to have up to 80 percent essential fatty acids, one of the highest percentages of any plant oil in the world), plus terpenes, sterols and vitamin E, which can help keep skin moisturized and balanced.


How Colorado's Edible Pot Market Went from Public Enemy to Public Health Leader

A tray of tempting pastel-coloured candies sits on a countertop inside AmeriCanna's production facility. Although shaped like pot leaves and stamped with Colorado's universal symbol for the mind-altering ingredient in cannabis – a diamond containing the letters "THC" – the gummies would only provide a sugar high at this point.

Working with precision and speed, the kitchen supervisor uses a device to soak each candy with marijuana extract, so each piece contains exactly 10 milligrams of THC, a single dose under the state's regulations.

The entire process takes seconds, but it represents the culmination of a long regulatory journey for Colorado's edible marijuana industry – one that AmeriCanna owner Dan Anglin is urging Canada to learn from.


Five Myths About Marijuana Legalization Debunked by Colorado's Experience

Here are five myths about marijuana legalization that Colorado officials and businesses say have been debunked in the state, where recreational pot was first legalized in 2012:

1. It's a tax windfall.

Marijuana sales surpassed US$1.3 billion in Colorado in 2016, but that's only a fraction of the state's $333 billion GDP, said Ashley Kilroy, Denver's executive director of excise and licences, which oversees marijuana policy.

In 2016, the state collected $199 million in tax and fee revenue, of which $40 million was earmarked for school construction projects and $5.7 million was designated generally for public schools. Colorado's overall budget is $26.8 billion this year.


Report: Legal Approaches to Decriminalize Cannabis in 16 Different Countries

This report, prepared by the foreign law specialists and analysts of the Law Library of Congress, provides a review of laws adopted in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, the Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, and Uruguay with regard to decriminalization of narcotics, and touches specifically on cannabis and legalization.


Early Cannabis Sales 'Unbelievably High' After Legalization: Consultant

A U.S. consultant hired by Ottawa to assess Canada's eventual recreational pot market says jurisdictions that regulate cannabis should expect "unbelievably high" sales growth in the first few years as criminals are driven out of business.

Adam Orens, a founding partner of the Marijuana Policy Group, said he is not yet authorized to discuss his findings on the future Canadian pot market because his organization is under contract with Health Canada.

However, a look at the group's estimates for Colorado's regulated cannabis industry suggests Canada can expect its own sector to generate billions of dollars per year in direct and indirect economic activity.


Two Months out from Recreational Marijuana Sales — Is Nevada Ready for the Green Rush?


Recreational marijuana sales are just two months away with sales set to begin on July 1.

The legal and heavily taxed sales of pot are expected to bring tens of millions of dollars into the state by the end of the year.

So, Nevada … are you ready for the green rush?

Jason Sturtsman thinks so. He’s a cannabis advocate we met in a North Las Vegas production plant which creates cannabis vape pens.

“Some dispensaries may very well stay medical but in Colorado, recreation is about 80-percent of the market,” said Sturtsman.

Sturtsman is confident early retail pot sales are on track for a July 1 launch.


No wonder marijuana stocks are soaring! Support for legalizing weed just hit an all-time high

The marijuana industry is the hottest thing since sliced bread, and marijuana stocks are thriving as a result. Here's a quick rundown of how some of the industry's largest players' stock prices have performed over the trailing 12 months:


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