Recreational Marijuana News


Marijuana Industry Presses Ahead in California's Wine Country

In the heart of Northern California’s wine country, a civil engineer turned marijuana entrepreneur is adding a new dimension to the art of matching fine wines with gourmet food: cannabis and wine pairing dinners.

Sam Edwards, co-founder of the Sonoma Cannabis Company, charges diners $100 to $150 for a meal that experiments with everything from marijuana-leaf pesto sauce to sniffs of cannabis flowers paired with sips of a crisp Russian River chardonnay.

“It accentuates the intensity of your palate,” Mr. Edwards, 30, said of the dinners, one of which was held recently at a winery with sweeping views of the Sonoma vineyards. “We are seeing what works and what flavors are coming out.”


San Francisco's trendiest coffee roaster is now making a $12 marijuana-infused cold brew

A Bay Area pot startup has made it even easier to "wake and bake," with a new marijuana-infused cold-brew coffee.


Legal Marijuana a 'Powerful Force' in Oregon Economy

A new report on the recreational and medical marijuana industry in Oregon estimates that 12,500 jobs have been created with cumulative annual wages of $315 million.

With the report, done by Beau Whitney of Whitney Economics, Oregon joins Colorado in reporting a big economic boost from the legalization of marijuana.

It’s important to note that Whitney wrote the report for the Oregon State House of Representatives Committee on Economic Development and Trade. In another words, it’s a government-sponsored report. With that caveat, the report shows some impressive numbers associated with the marijuana business, much like Colorado reported late in 2016.


5 things to know about Thursday's marijuana raids in Colorado

Law enforcement agencies busted a large-scale illegal marijuana grow and distribution operation across Colorado Thursday morning. Here are five things you need to know about the raids:

Where did the raids occur?

The Drug Enforcement Agency, which assisted local law enforcement agencies in the raids, says there were 20 locations in Denver, Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert and El Paso counties.

Denver7 crews watched as crews pulled plants out of a warehouse at 37th and Salem in Denver late Thursday morning after prior raids in the 7300 block of Valdi Court in Aurora and at a house in Castle Rock.


California's Great Cannabis Unbanning

By every estimate, California produces and consumes significantly more marijuana than any other state in America. But in much of the state, the multibillion-dollar industry still behaves as an underground enterprise, operating as if it were still illegal—because, for now at least, it still is.


Organizers cancel marijuana festival at Cheesman Park citing 'ridiculous' requirements

The organizers of a marijuana festival at Cheesman Park next month have decided to cancel the event.

Denver 420 Fest was scheduled to take place over two days beginning on April 20, the unofficial “holiday” for marijuana enthusiasts, and was to feature musical performances and a number of vendors.

Neighbors had expressed concerns about noise, traffic and possible drug use, though the event’s website states that no public consumption of marijuana would be allowed.

Thursday evening, organizers posted a message on the event’s website saying the event was canceled in light of “ridiculous” requirements from the city.


Alabamians react to Jeff Sessions' medical marijuana comment

United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions has harsh words for the use of marijuana.

He wrote the criticism into a prepared speech for law enforcement officers in Richmond, Virginia.

In the speech, Sessions describes marijuana as "only slightly less awful" than heroin. After the speech he told reporters "medical marijuana has been hyped--maybe too much".

Dustin Chandler of Hoover calls the attorney general's comments disappointing. Chandler's daughter, Carly, was born with a neurological disorder. In 2014, Carly's Law was passed in Alabama, allowing similar patients to access cannabidiol oil through UAB.


Cannabis 101 de-hazes legal weed for seniors

Weed was always something Ilene Cohn knew her children did. But until recently she had never thought to partake.

"You know we never thought of it for ourselves – we knew our kids were using it," Cohn said."(Village Concepts) offered this trip to us, and we thought it was very exciting. We've gotten little bits of information, enough to whet our appetite to hear more and see more."


Bill to legalize recreational marijuana introduced in West Virginia

A bill to legalize marijuana for recreational use has been introduced to the West Virginia House of Delegates.  House Bill 3035 was submitted on Tuesday, March 14, 2017, by Delegate Sean Hornbuckle of Cabell County.  The opening text of the bill reads as follows:

“In the interest of allowing law enforcement to focus on violent and property crimes, generating revenue for education and other public purposes and individual freedom, the Legislature of the State of West Virginia finds that the use of marijuana should be legal…”


Employers want Ottawa's help to deal with marijuana-smoking workers

More stoned workers will be showing up in Canada's workplaces with the coming legalization of marijuana, but companies have few tools to cope with potential safety risks.

That's the message from some employers, who say they've received no assurances from Ottawa so far that the new pot regime will include workplace safeguards.

"We're caught in a potential Catch 22: how do you protect the worker and those around them as well as deal with legalized marijuana?" said Cameron MacGillivray, president of Enform, a Calgary-based oil-and-gas safety group.

"It is a pressing concern for the industry because of the … potential catastrophic impacts of somebody doing a critical safety job when they're impaired."


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