Recreational Marijuana News


Could A Small 250-Acre Oregon Town Become the Next Cannabis Haven?

Tiller, Oregon is an idyllic riverside town. It’s bordered by national parks, with abundant resources and enough infrastructure to support a handful of residents. It also happens to be for sale, and while it will most likely be turned into a housing development of some sort - the 256-acre plot of multi-use land is also getting plentiful interest from the cannabis industry.


Can I fly with my legal weed? The skies are surprisingly friendly for marijuana users

Even though it's part of a federal agency, the TSA doesn't really care about your pot.

Marijuana is legal now in eight states and medical marijuana is legal in 28. That’s a lot of places where at least some people can possess the demon weed. But what if you’re in one of those places and you want to fly elsewhere? If pot is legal, can I take it on the plane?

Well, that depends.


Colorado: New residential marijuana grow limit likely to pass

On Monday, March 13, the Colorado House passed a proposal to limit residential pot grows in an effort to clamp down on criminal activity and force more patients into the regulated marketplace. House Bill 1220, “Prevent Marijuana Diversion to Illegal Market,” is the culmination of a years-long debate over the state’s relatively lenient home-grow laws. Currently, those laws limit personal grows to 99 plants. Colorado is the only one of 28 medical marijuana states to allow so many plants, which some claim has led to a proliferation of neighborhood grow operations that divert product out-of-state.


Half of Canadians Polled Support Marijuana Legalization

Majority believe if legalized, it should be limited to adults and come with a sales tax.

As Canadians await an expected bill on the legalization of marijuana, a new poll shows the country sharply divided on the issue. 

Fifty-one per cent of Canadians said they were in favour of legalization in the online survey by NRG Research Group, compared to 33 per cent who said they were in opposition, and 14 per cent who neither support nor oppose the measure.The poll, conducted between Feb. 23 and 27 with 1,000 respondents, showed support for legalization was highest in Manitoba (59 per cent) and British Columbia (57 per cent) and lowest in Quebec (37 per cent).


What's Really Inside Your Cannabis Vape Cartridge?

We traced the supply chain for vape pens to see what you might actually be inhaling.

Nearly every week it seems like there's a new vape product on the market. Even though dried cannabis flowers are still the most popular purchase among California medical marijuana patients, according to the 2016 State of Cannabis report from weed delivery service Eaze, vapes are swiftly catching up.


The History of Dutch Cannabis Coffeeshops

Seattle has long been synonymous with coffee, and nowadays the city with a distinctive coffee culture is crafting a burgeoning reputation for cannabis culture. What might happen when you combine the two, coffeeshop and cannabis? Sounds like a great idea, right? Like it was meant to be?

In assessing the true potential of this endeavor, where else could we begin than with the elder statesman of not only the cannabis coffeeshop industry, but also cannabis legalization: the Netherlands. We’ll take a look at the context in which cannabis coffeeshops emerged and the changes they have undergone over time. What valuable lessons can be learned from the Dutch cannabis experience, and how might they apply in the context of the United States?


Denver considers letting marijuana shops stay open until midnight

Marijuana industry representatives want stores to be able to stay open later in Denver, but elected officials weren’t ready Monday to change the city’s 7 p.m. closing time.

Several City Council members on Denver’s committee on marijuana said they wanted to hear from more residents before considering a proposal to push back the allowed operating hours to midnight. Mayor Michael Hancock and City Council would have to give the final OK on the proposal before recreational and medical marijuana stores can start serving evening customers.


Please Stop Arresting Marijuana Activists, For Canada's Sake

Last week police arrested Marc Emery for the 30th time. It is believed this is the first time he's been arrested since police in Montreal picked him up in December, but it's tough to keep track. Police also raided Cannabis Culture dispensaries owned by him and his partner Jodie in Toronto, Vancouver and Hamilton. Emery faces 15 charges relating to distributing marijuana, and Jodie Emery has been charged with five such offences.


The Best Outdoor Cannabis Strains To Grow In Italy for 2017

Whether you're based in the North with only a tiny balcony cannabis garden in Milan or have a countryside haven in rural Sicily. We've got 5 amazing weed strains for the outdoor cannabis hobby grower in Italy to consider cropping in 2017.


The short answer is yes, absolutely. Moreover, Italy as a whole probably has the best-suited climate in all of Europe for outdoor cannabis cultivation.

It’s no secret that Italian food is some of the best in Europe, if not the world. What’s less well known outside of Italy is that some of the finest weed cropped in Europe is farmed in Southern Italy.


UK: Hemp gummy aims for slice of €188m cannabis extract market

The European cannabis extract market could be a set for boost following the introduction of a novelty gummy, says Love Hemp.

The UK-based firm says it has sold out of its initial stock of 2,000 gummy bears infused with cannabidiol (CBD) in under 48 hours and believes its novelty product could be a hit in Europe and further afield - taking a slice of a global CBD industry worth around $200million (€188m).

The sweets are sold as a food supplement and each fruit flavoured bear contains 10mg of CBD, as well vitamin B12 and vitamin D3.

The hemp company believes some consumers are turned off by supplements containing hemp oil because of their strong taste, with gummy bears providing a sweet alternative.


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