Recreational Marijuana News


Denver Starts Work on Allowing Marijuana in Public, a First in US

Denver is starting work on becoming the first city in the nation to allow marijuana clubs and public pot use in places such as coffee shops, yoga studios and art galleries.

Voters narrowly approved the "social use" measure last November. But the ballot proposal didn't spell out many rules for how the marijuana could be consumed, beyond saying that the drug can't be smoked inside and that patrons must be over 21.

A workgroup made up of Denver business owners, city pot regulators and marijuana opponents starts work Wednesday on suggesting regulations.

The state Liquor Control Board already has decreed that no businesses with a liquor license can allow marijuana use. That leaves it to restaurants that don't serve alcohol and other event spaces.


Cashed: The 6 Most Bogus Claims In The Marijuana Industry

With a new year and a new presidential administration set to begin, my firm is fielding a lot of questions about what is going to happen and is hearing a lot of claims about the cannabis industry that just aren’t true. In the past, I’ve written about the top 10 industry red flags and the top 10 industry red herrings. In this post, I discuss the following six bogus claims about the marijuana industry:

President-elect Donald Trump and appointee U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions will not impair state-legal marijuana.


You Probably Don't Know Enough About Marijuana to Pass This Quiz (or Invest in Pot)

Test your pot knowledge before you invest in cannabis.

Marijuana legalization has made the marijuana industry incredibly alluring to investors. The marijuana market is expected to surge to $21 billion by 2020, and that's got many people wondering which marijuana stocks could benefit most.

While the marijuana market is undeniably growing quickly, and that's good news for marijuana stocks, most investors don't have enough information about the pros and cons associated with marijuana companies to make the best money-making decisions. Do you have the knowledge necessary to profit from marijuana's explosive growth opportunity?


Lawmakers Eye Changes To Massachusetts' Progressive Marijuana Law

Legislative leaders have made clear they are not through with making changes to the voter-approved recreational Massachusetts marijuana initiative, but it remains to be seen whether future action amounts to an overhaul of or a mere tinkering with the new law.

A committee of House and Senate lawmakers will soon be named to consider potential revisions and make recommendations to the full Legislature.


Marijuana Legalization Not Hurting Beer Sales

In fact, legal weed could be helping brewers sell more beer.

Although some believe the legalization of marijuana in a growing number of states is drastically cutting into the profits of the brewing industry, a new report finds this claim is mostly false.

According to market analysis firm Bernstein, the talk over legal weed crippling the American beer market is not exactly accurate. In fact, the report published last week suggests the legalization of medical marijuana is more than likely helping brewers sell more beer.


'End of Prohibition': Investors Hope to Cash in on Exploding Marijuana Market

With the passage of Proposition 64, investors are hoping to cash in and take advantage of California's growing marijuana industry.

Hundreds of investors looking to cash in on the state's growing marijuana industry traveled to West Hollywood on Monday to tour MedMen, a West Hollywood dispensary. 

The dispensary refers to itself as the "Whole Foods of Cannabis" and its goal is to normalize marijuana now that the industry no longer needs to hide. 

"We want people to feel like they can explore and really take their time looking at all our products," said Jocelyn Pettway, director of facility design. "It's really just like any other store."


A new era for cannabis clubs in Spain

New Era Following the Supreme Court's judgements against cannabis clubs in 2015, ordinary courts have started interpreting them. Spain's major clubs, above all in Barcelona, appear to have their days numbered. However, increasingly more judges understand that small clubs fit in with the Law. A new era is dawning.


New laws in Michigan shake up the marijuana industry

John Wallace stood in a small storage building with concrete-block walls and explained his vision for the first retail marijuana store in Buchanan.

Medical cannabis patients would have to check in at a front desk. After showing the proper identification, they would be shown to the display room, where friendly bud-tenders would help them choose from a selection of weed, oils or marijuana-laced foods.

With a shortage of authorized caregivers to provide medical marijuana services, patients could benefit from a retail outlet, he said, though city officials have yet to give it their blessing.


Marijuana legislation inches ahead in New Jersey despite Christie warning

Republican Gov. Chris Christie's warning to the Democrat-led Legislature not to move forward with legalizing marijuana is going mostly unheeded.

Christie cautioned lawmakers against allowing recreational marijuana in an impassioned state of the state address aimed at battling the state's opioid epidemic.

But as the governor charges full-steam ahead with a program to battle drug addiction that got a warm reception from Democratic leaders, he's getting pushback when it comes to marijuana.

The issue comes to the fore has some are hoping New Jersey will soon join California, Massachusetts, Maine and Nevada that approved marijuana legalization this year.


Adolescent Marijuana Use May Be on the Rise After All, New Study Shows

The marijuana industry enters 2017 with high hopes. Last year was arguably the best year ever for cannabis, and pro-legalization enthusiasts are counting on that trend to continue.

Entering 2016, 23 states had legalized medical cannabis while residents in another four states had legalized the sale of recreational pot. By year's end, five new states have legalized medical cannabis, two of which did so entirely through the legislative process (Ohio and Pennsylvania). What's more, the number of recreation-legal weed states doubled to eight, with Nevada, Maine, Massachusetts, and the crown jewel, California, all voting in favor of their respective state's pot initiative.


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