Recreational Marijuana News


The Benefits of Cannabis on Your Self-Esteem - Leafly

If I told you that your body is worthy of love, care, and compassion exactly the way it is right this second, would you believe me? If you’re suddenly squirming uncomfortably or rolling your eyes, the odds are you probably aren’t completely comfortable with your body. You’re not alone. A 2012 UK study conducted by the All Party Parliamentary Group found that “roughly two-thirds of adults suffer from negative body image.” Yes, all adults. This is not just a “women’s issue.” People of all genders struggle with body image.


Massachusetts; Six Months Delay in Opening of Recreational Marijuana Shops

Massachusetts voters passed a ballot initiative to legalize the possession or home-grown marijuana in the last election. However, residents may need to wait longer to buy the legalized weed.

On Wednesday, Massachusetts lawmakers passed a legislation that will postpone the opening date for recreational marijuana for six months. Residents cannot buy legalized weed until July 2017.

According to the Boston Globe, the House and Senate held an informal meeting on Wednesday morning and ruled for the unexpected legislation.

The ballot initiative to sell recreational marijuana in stores was set for January 2017. However, legislators needed more time to finalize the sale regulations for marijuana.


Thousands of Nevada medical marijuana dispensary applications exposed online

Nevadans have the opportunity in November to vote on whether to legalize recreational marijuana.

RENO — Thousands of medical marijuana agent applications for people looking to run a dispensary were exposed online, according to a statement from the Nevada Division of Public Behavioral Health.

In a statement sent Wednesday evening, the state said it was investigating a "cyber-attack" on its Medical Marijuana Program database that affected medical marijuana agent cards, disclosing the Social Security numbers and other identifiable information for employees and owners of medical marijuana establishments. The state said no private medical marijuana patient information was disclosed.


Canada's Future of the Marijuana Industry Comes into Focus

Comprehensive. Compassionate. Courageous.


A Minnesota man just got four years in prison for marijuana. In 2016.

Closer inspection revealed 260 packages filled with high-grade marijuana. They called the cops, who laid in wait for the shipment’s recipient, one Steven Yang.

Yang would plead guilty to first-degree drug possession with intent to sell 258 pounds. At his sentencing this month, his attorney, Sia Lo, told the judge his 27-year-old client had no criminal record of any kind, and was currently caring for a disabled brother and his father.

Yang said his giant failed pot deal was “one of the biggest mistakes I’ve made in my life.”

Judge Gina Brandt rubbed it in: “Mr. Yang, I hope this was the worst mistake you ever made.”

Yang received a 74-month sentence. With good behavior, he’ll be out around New Year’s Day, 2021.


2016: Historic Victories And Devastating Setbacks In Fight Against Failed Drug War

For the last seven years I have written an end-of-year piece about the top stories of the year in the fight to end our disastrous war on drugs.

2016 has been a strange, difficult year. We've accomplished more historic victories than ever -- but they're now overshadowed by the election of Donald Trump and the despair he is primed to wreak on our most vulnerable communities.

Here's my take on this year's most important victories and its most enormous setbacks.

Marijuana Legalization Wins Big on Election Night


The Marijuana Industry Is Dispatching High-End Weed to the Rich via Mail Subscription

The subscription box business is big. From socks to sex toys, Americans are signing up for monthly personal care packages of themed, curated goods at a rate that generates an estimated $5 billion dollars annually. Marijuana is a natural fit for this model.


Don't Legalize Pot Before Figuring out How to Deal with Stoned Drivers: Poll

Over 80 per cent of Canadians think that it would be a mistake to legalize marijuana before we have a reliable system for testing stoned drivers, a poll shows.

Driving while impaired by a drug is just as illegal as driving drunk, but testing drivers for cannabis is more challenging than testing them for alcohol. As well, there’s no consensus about where a bloodstream limit for THC should be set for drivers.

“Until Canadians are convinced that the legalization of marijuana isn’t going to make our roads less safe, we should just put the brakes on legalizing marijuana until we’ve got this figured out,” said Sean Simpson, vice-president of Ipsos Public Affairs, summarizing the poll’s findings.


How the Largest Legal Weed Company in the World Is Preparing for Canada's Coming Legalization

So far the company has only been allowed to sell to medical patients, but that will all change when prime minister Justin Trudeau makes good on his promise to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes in the Spring of 2017.


Need Pot, but Can't Leave the House? Marijuana Delivery Services Are Coming to Portland.

Portland on Wednesday blessed "marijuana couriers" and other pot-related "micro" business types in a move to ease financial barriers for entrepreneurs.

The council voted unanimously to immediately adopt the additions and other changes to the city's marijuana code.

"Since the state regulations keep changing and the industry keep flourishing, we'll be coming back with multiple changes I'm sure," Commissioner Amanda Fritz said. "I look forward to that time."

Courier businesses can now produce marijuana and other cannabis products but they can sell it only through delivery.


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