Recreational Marijuana News


It's clear why support for legalizing marijuana is at an all-time high

Support for weed legalization in the US recently hit an all-time high, but looking at the industry, it's been a long time coming.

Sixty-percent of Americans — up from 35% in 2005 — now support legalization, according to a Gallup poll from Wednesday.


Boston official pushes for minority-owned businesses if marijuana becomes legal

A Boston city councilor wants to make sure minority-owned businesses get a fair shot if retail marijuana sales become legal in Massachusetts.

Councilor Ayanna Pressley has scheduled a hearing for Monday evening at Boston City Hall to discuss ways of providing equitable access to licensing opportunities and jobs in the commercial marijuana industry.

Question 4 on the November ballot would legalize recreational pot in Massachusetts.

It includes a unique provision that would require marijuana regulators to develop policies aimed to help "communities that have previously been disproportionately harmed by marijuana prohibition and enforcement."


Here's What the Latest Polls Suggest in the 9 States Voting on Marijuana

Elections aside, the marijuana industry has had an incredible run over the past two decades.

Prior to the 1996 approval of a compassionate use medical cannabis law in California, marijuana was illegal in all aspects (medical and recreational), and public support for nationwide legalization stood at just 25% per Gallup. Fast-forward to today and 25 states have legalized medical cannabis, with four states, as well as Washington D.C., legalizing the purchase of recreational marijuana for adults ages 21 and up. It's worth noting that the two most recent states to legalize medical marijuana -- Pennsylvania and Ohio -- did so entirely through the legislative process. Furthermore, public support for nationwide legalization tied an all-time high in Gallup's 2015 poll at 58%.


Nevada marijuana proposition: how to answer the nay-sayers

The War on Drugs doesn’t have a lot of defenders left, and with good reason.

It’s been a decadeslong disaster, leading to overcrowded jails and prisons, a shameful legacy of incarcerating blacks at a far higher rate than people of other ethnicities and little if any reduction in the demand for drugs.

Nevadans have a chance to make meaningful progress by voting to legalize the recreational use of marijuana.

We encourage them to vote yes.

To explain why, we’ll offer answers to key concerns.

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Opponents: Given that marijuana is already legal for medicinal purposes in Nevada, why take this next step?


Marijuana Legalization in Uruguay: Progress and Challenges Three Years Later

In December 2013, the Uruguayan Chamber of Senators approved Law 19.172, through which the General Assembly regulated the production, marketing and possession of marijuana in Uruguay.

According to the Scientific Advisory Committee for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Policy for the Regulation and Control of Marijuana in Uruguay, Law 19.172 decriminalizes users of recreational cannabis, and helps concentrate the country’s institutional efforts in the promotion of drug prevention programs, as well as medical care for the potential affected users, while fighting drug trafficking.

Nearly three years after the creation of this law, it is worth examining how its implementation is doing.


Spark The Conversation Launches Cannabis Education Bus Tour

Exciting news come out of California yesterday. Spark the Conversation – a nonprofit cannabis organization dedicated to changing the social stigma around cannabis consumption – leaves for a two-week California-length bus tour.

With California’s Proposition 64 on the ballot in November, the tour comes at an opportune time to discuss personal liberties and cannabis.

The bus will leave Los Angeles on October 19, run the length of California and back, and then conclude in San Francisco for an election viewing party on November 8.


How would legalizing marijuana affect drug war at San Diego's border?

Over the past few decades, the U.S. has spent hundreds of billions of dollars trying to stem the flow of drugs from the Mexican border.

San Diego is on the front lines of that battle: filling in underground tunnels, taking down smuggling organizations, prosecuting corrupt border officers, freezing money-laundering operations and seizing loads of illegal drugs that come in by semi, car, person, boat and even drone.

By far, marijuana has historically been the cash crop traffickers have depended on.


N.J. could legalize marijuana as early as 2018, Senate president says

Legalized marijuana could be "a game-changer" for New Jersey's economy, Senate President Stephen Sweeney said Thursday, declaring his intent to help change the law as soon as the next governor takes office in 2018.

Fresh off their trip to Colorado to see how the legal marijuana industry works, Sweeney and a group of state lawmakers told reporters Thursday they were impressed with how regulated, safe and profitable this new cash crop has been for the Rocky Mountain state.


Friday Funny: Johnny Carson’s Sly Late Night Cannabis Battle with NBC

Johnny Carson, the beloved silver-haired late night talk show host and cultural icon, never made his relationship with cannabis public domain. Instead, he preferred to slip in subtle jabs about marijuana in relation to the stars he profiled rather than speak about his own feelings towards the wacky tobacky.

Although Carson loved to poke fun and make jokes about marijuana, the producers at NBC didn’t find it all that funny. He was warned to keep it under wraps, and he generally agreed, keeping his own political commentary to a minimum.


'This Is Your Brain on Drugs' Guy Endorses Recreational Marijuana

Almost 30 years ago, actor John Roselius filmed the now-iconic “This Is Your Brain on Drugs” PSA for the Partnership for a Drug-Free America. Today, Roselius says he’s still sometimes recognized as the “Egg Guy”—and is voting “yes” on a California ballot measure legalizing recreational marijuana.


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