Recreational Marijuana News


Why You Shouldn’t Buy Cannabis on the Streets of Prague

Looking to spend some time in Europe, enjoy its rich history, and sample some quality cannabis while you’re at it? The Czech Republic and its stunning capital of Prague is one of your best bets.

Prague: The good and the bad

Cannabis is incredibly popular in Czechia, and in Prague it’s a familiar aroma as you explore the city streets. The upshot? The capital’s busiest intersections and tourist spots are occupied by suspicious-looking dealers. While strolling through Wenceslas Square, the city’s largest and most famous plaza, you hear the question Want some weed or hash? almost constantly.

“When I examined it thoroughly at home, I realized I had bought hash mixed with asphalt.”


11 Odd Facts About Marijuana

Going mainstream

Marijuana, the most commonly used illegal drug in America, is going mainstream. Now legal for recreational use in Colorado and Washington, pot seems poised for wider use, too: 21 states allow the possession and use of marijuana for medicinal purposes, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. And legalization campaigns are underway in Oregon, California and even Alaska.

But just how much do you know about the wacky weed and its odd effects? How exactly does marijuana provide its high, and who discovered the effects of smoking the plant in the first place? Read on for some of the stranger facts about cannabis consumption.


All You Need to Know About Marijuana Legalization in Canada

In this zero-to-expert feature, you'll become well-versed on how Canada plans to 'go-green.'

Picture this: you’re driving back from a weekend at the cottage with your friends.

It’s Sunday at noon, and the countryside is beautiful. Suddenly you see blue and red flashing lights ahead; it’s a roadside spot check. You kill the music.

You tell yourself you’ve got nothing to worry about. You’re sober as a gopher. In fact, you’re kind of wired on that large Timmies coffee you stopped for an hour ago. You’re fine.


Will Texas Legalize Marijuana?

One thing that won't be on the ballot in Texas next week, is whether to legalize marijuana. However, a growing number of states are considering it and supporters say it gives them more momentum here in our area.

Right now, recreational marijuana is legal in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington and Washington D.C. It's on the ballot in Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada.

"It's been a part of my life since I was a child, family members growing up in Katy farming community believe it or not,” said Cara Bonin, Exectuive Director for Houston NORML. "This is a natural plant that god put on this earth."

She's paying close attention this election to how marijuana does on ballots across the country.


Colorado Lawmakers Want Arizona's Anti-Marijuana Campaign To Stop Misleading People About Their State

As Arizona voters prepare to vote on legalization, an anti-drug group paints a bleak picture of life in a neighboring state.

Lawmakers in Colorado on Monday asked an anti-marijuana campaign in Arizona to stop airing ads that they say contain false information about their state and could mislead voters who will be deciding on recreational legalization of the drug next week. 

State Sen. Pat Steadman (D) and Democratic state Reps. Millie Hamner and Johnathan Singer wrote an email to Arizonans for Responsible Drug Policy leaders to call out ads the group has run. They say the TV spots contain “inaccurate and misleading statements” about the use of legal marijuana tax revenue in Colorado as well as rates of teen drug use.


60 Minutes' first report on marijuana

This week on 60 Minutes, correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook reports on the impact of marijuana legalization on a community in Colorado. He visits the largest recreational cultivation facility in the country —36 acres of plants that are each tagged and tracked, from seed to sale. 

It’s quite a difference from the first time 60 Minutes showed viewers marijuana harvesting.

It was 1970, and correspondent Mike Wallace took viewers to Kansas, “quite literally Middle America,” he says in the clip above. There, he found 63,000 acres of the plant, growing like a weed, appropriately enough.


Marijuana's Catch-22: Is There No Way for Cannabis to Succeed?

By most accounts, the marijuana industry is growing like a weed.Since California became the first state to legalize medical cannabis in 1996, two dozen additional states have also legalized medical pot, and four states -- Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska -- along with Washington, D.C., have legalized the sale of recreational marijuana.

This is pretty exceptional considering that public support for the nationwide legalization of marijuana stood at just 36% in 2005. Today, according to Gallup's most recent poll, 60% of Americans approve of the idea of fully legalizing marijuana.


Catholic Church Spends Big Money Fighting Marijuana Legalization

The Boston Archdiocese spends big money in last-minute effort to prevent legal marijuana in Massachusetts.

According to reports the Catholic church in Boston is dumping nearly a million dollars to defeat the ballot measure known as Question 4. The measure would legalize marijuana in Massachusetts.


Alaska's first marijuana retailer opens to throngs of customers

They weren't giving away marijuana, but that didn't stop dozens from lining up hours in advance for the opening of Alaska's first pot shop on Saturday.

Residents of Valdez are calling their community "the highest little town at sea level," KTVA reported.

People in Alaska see the opening of Herbal Outfitters as a historic event in their state.

Mike Holcombe was chosen to be the first inside the shop, and called the moment "monumental."


Orthodox Rabbis Declare Marijuana Kosher for Passover, Sukkot

Leading haredi rabbi declares marijuana kosher for Passover, just months after Orthodox Union certifies cannabis as kosher.

Federal authorities still consider cannabis a schedule one drug. But orthodox Jews answer to a Higher authority.

Orthodox Jewish authorities have declared cannabis and Marijuana Kosher (Parve) for Passover and all year, reports the Israel National News.

After sniffing the leaves, Rabbi Kanievksy and Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein said that the Cannabis plant has a "healing smell," according to the Times of Israel, and blessed the leaves.

For the eight-days of Passover, Jews avoid leavened bread and any food made with wheat, barley, rye, spelt or oats.


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