Recreational Marijuana News


Marijuana-Legalization Campaign Sues Over Arizona Ballot Language

The campaign to legalize marijuana for recreational use in Arizona is suing state officials over the description of the ballot measure, saying it is "inaccurate and misleading."

The lawsuit, brought by the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, asks the Maricopa County Superior Court to order the removal of state officials' description of Proposition 205 from the voter publicity pamphlet. The secretary of state prepared the description of the ballot language for the pamphlet, and the attorney general approved it, according to the lawsuit.


Maine Wants Research Before Deciding Potential Marijuana Restrictions

Bangor plans to start studying how cities and towns in other states have reacted to the legalization of marijuana before figuring out what, if any, restrictions to set for businesses that want to sell it.

City leadership hopes to get the ball rolling before the November election, when Mainers will decide whether marijuana should be legal in the state for people over 21.


Australia: Sex Party Leads Push to Legalise Marijuana

Victorians would be free to smoke and grow marijuana if a push by the Sex Party to legalise the drug is successful.

On Wednesday, Sex Party MP Fiona Patten will introduce a motion to the upper house calling on the government to immediately remove criminal sanctions for the possession, use and cultivation of marijuana for personal use by people 18 and older.

The motion will also urge the government to allow the drug to be grown by farmers, which would create an additional revenue source through taxation. 

She will move the motion in a bid to force the major parties to debate the legalisation of cannabis. The matter is set for debate on September 14.


Australia: 'Naughty Nimbin' - The Sleepy Town Full of Surprises

THE FIRST clue was the tour operator, who gleefully rubbed his hands together when I told him I was going to Nimbin.

“Ooh, naughty, naughty Nimbin,” he said with a thick British accent that made him sound like a character from Harry Potter.

It was my first trip to Byron Bay, a holiday town on the far north coast of New South Wales, and I was keen to check out the sights. I was trying to decide between kayaking with dolphins or horseback riding on the beach when someone suggested I take a day trip.

He said Nimbin was a cute town, with really amazing waterfalls along the way, and the tour included a barbecue lunch. For me, the equation is simple: waterfalls + food = yes please.


How Big Alcohol Is About to Get Rich Off California Weed

With recreational marijuana on the ballot, some worry that big business will transform the way pot is grown, distributed and sold.

More than 20 years later, Hezekiah Allen remembers the Blackhawk helicopters hovering over his childhood home, the armed soldiers barricading the road to the family’s northern California pot farm, the neighbor who hang-glided to escape from the Feds. More than once, Allen came home from a friend’s house to find his mother and stepfather had been arrested again. 


Pennsylvania Governor Says Cannabis Prohibition Clogging Prisons, Hurting Families

Gov. Tom Wolf says Pennsylvania needs to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana possession in systematic fashion, and remains guarded about the kind of recreational legalization in place in several western states.

Wolf said Monday some municipalities have stopped arresting people for possessing small amounts. But he says the state should act because too many people are still going to prison for marijuana possession and that’s clogging prisons and hurting families.

Wolf spoke on WITF-FM’s Smart Talk program.


HAPPY Parties Offer Cannabis Connoisseurs a Twist on Tupperware Parties

A behind-the-scenes glimpse inside Portland's boutique cannabis soirées.

“That’s my kind of Tupperware party!” exclaimed a friend on Instagram after I posted an image of a table covered in bongs, grinders, vaporizers, stash canisters, and nugs. This was my first time at a HAPPY Parties event and I was excited to document my findings. Unlike direct sales parties of yesterday, these enterprising shindigs feature cutting-edge cannabis technology with an emphasis on education while getting stoned in the comfort of your living room. I wonder what Earl Silas Tupper would think if he were alive today.


Monthly Marijuana Cooking Class Teaches Calgarians to Cook With Cannabis

Recipes include cannabis cooking oils, flour and butter.

A group of Calgarians took part in a special cooking class Saturday to learn to cook with marijuana.

First up, Crystal Gooding explained her recipe for CannaCoconut Oil, which is coconut oil infused with marijuana.

"You're going to dump your cannabis in there, your ounce... and you're going to bring it to a good simmer," she told the group of about 15 people who turned up at the 420 Clinic in Inglewood for the cooking class.

Gooding also shared recipes for cannabis olive oil, cannabis flour and cannabis butter.

"My favourite is melting [the cannabis butter] and putting it on popcorn," she said.


New Campaign in Colorado Looks to Keep Underage Kids From Using Cannabis

The “Good to Know” campaign is hoping to curb underage cannabis use by keeping parents and educators informed.

As someone who lived in Boulder for a short stint before moving to my current residence in New York City, I can tell you first-hand that the state of Colorado is majestically evergreen, a landscape packed with towering trees and beautiful buds. It’s one of the most cannabis-friendly regions around, and has a high-caliber culture that represents all of the best things that marijuana and hemp has to offer the world. But, not everything is all peachy in the green wonderland of Colorado, and although cannabis is widely accepted statewide, the potential for underage cannabis use remains a prevalent issue to some. 


Poll: Should Thailand Legalize Marijuana? Yes, Most Say

AN ONLINE poll seeking public opinion on whether the Thai government should legalize the use of marijuana has so far resulted in nearly 80 percent of respondents saying “yes”.

Even more interesting is that those who agreed with the proposal said the authorities should allow marijuana to be used for both medical and recreational purposes.

In the still-ongoing survey posted on Saturday by Thai Visa, respondents were asked to select one of three answers to the question: Should marijuana be legalized in Thailand?

As of 9am Monday, of the 230 who voted, only 14 respondents or 6.54 percent said they felt it was not a good idea.


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