Recreational Marijuana News


Poll: Half Want to See Marijuana Legalized in Arizona

A new poll shows that a voter initiative to legalize marijuana for recreational use in Arizona is going to be a nail-biter.

Half of Arizona voters surveyed in a new poll favor legalizing marijuana for recreational use, while a sizable share remain undecided on the November ballot measure.

The Arizona Republic/Morrison/Cronkite News poll found 50 percent of registered voters favor legalization, 40 percent oppose the measure and 10 percent are undecided. The poll surveyed 784 registered voters between Aug. 17 and Aug. 31. The margin of error is 3.4 percent.


Sweet Mary Jane: 10 Delicious Cannabis Desserts

Love ice cream? Love cannabis? You’ve stumbled upon the precise publish. From banana splits to an ultra-potent peach cobbler, these dessert recipes will fulfill late evening sugar cravings and supply an elevated expertise in addition. Listed here are 10 scrumptious cannabis desserts that everybody ought to strive.


1. Banana Cut up with Chocolate Hashish Sauce


Jesse Ventura’s Cannabis Theory: “I want it legalized in my lifetime.”

Jesse Ventura has been making a spectacle of himself his entire life. A Navy vet who fought in Vietnam, Ventura returned from the war and plunged into a world of professional physicality, working as bodyguard for the Rolling Stones before ascending to pro-wrestling superstardom as the loud-mouthed, trash-talking bully character “The Body.” Then things got really interesting. In 1990, Ventura swapped the physical for the political and got himself elected mayor of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. Eight years later he found himself the duly elected governor of Minnesota.


4 Reasons Why Legalizing Marijuana Could Be the Solution to America's Problems

For a few years now Americans’ have disputed on the legalization of cannabis, also known as marijuana. Recreational cannabis is legal in four states: Oregon, Colorado, Alaska, and Washington state. This November, five states will vote to legalize recreational cannabis: California, Massachusetts, Maine, Arizona, and Nevada. We’ve heard all the research and the majority of adults will admit to having tried cannabis at least once in their life. In a world where substances like alcohol and tobacco remain legal, it’s just illogical that cannabis stays illegal. Both the Republican and Democrat parties have recognized the value of cannabis, at least medically, however there is bigger picture.


The Difficulty Of Enforcing Laws Against Driving While High

This story starts with a stay-at-home-mom from the Denver suburbs.

Her name is Abby McLean. She's 30 and lives in Northglenn, Colo. She was driving home from a late dinner with a friend two years ago when she came upon a DUI roadside checkpoint.

"I hadn't drank or smoked anything, so I was like, 'Let's go through the checkpoint,' " she recalls.

McLean is a regular marijuana user but she insists she never drives while high.

Still, the cop at the checkpoint tells her he smells marijuana and that her eyes are bloodshot. Eventually he whips out handcuffs and McClean freaks.

"Like, massive panic attack. And, 'Oh, my God, I have babies at home. I need to get home. I can't go to jail!' "


UK: Jeremy Corbyn Has Shown “Some Common Sense” On Cannabis, But Not A Lot

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has finally spoken out on cannabis, endorsing the decriminalisation of the drug for “medicinal uses”. At a Labour debate with Owen Smith in Glasgow last week he expressed a more liberal stance than many in parliament, but added: “I would not be in favour of legalisation of, particularly, hard drugs.”

Meanwhile Leadership challenger Owen Smith said he would not support drug legalisation or decriminalisation at all. He said: “I think for my children and for future generations I don’t think it’s the right step for Britain to take to decriminalise recreational drugs.”


The Hidden Political Conflicts in the Marijuana Legalization Debate

The central, obvious debate over marijuana policy that Massachusetts voters will decide in November is whether or not to legalize and allow companies to sell it. The factions on either side — Yes on 4, the pro-legalization campaign, and the opposition Campaign for a Safe and Healthy Massachusetts, which is backed by some of the state’s highest-profile politicians — have begun to present more nuanced arguments. But at its heart, the conflict boils down to the legality of toking up and the sale and taxation of pot.


Marijuana's Mainstream Move Triggers Different Kinds Of Family Talks

If pot laws were colors, a map of the U.S. map would resemble a tie-dye T-shirt.

In some states, marijuana is illegal. In others, it's legal for medical purposes. And still in others, it is even legal for recreational use.

Recreational pot has been legal in Oregon now for a year, but it was a long time coming. Voters approved medicinal pot 20 years ago. Arizona is voting on it this fall – along with California, Nevada, Maine and Massachusetts. It was only six years ago that Arizona approved marijuana for medicinal use.

The Arizona measure is making some voters nervous. A group that includes two county attorneys even sued, unsuccessfully, to get it off the ballot.


More Americans Think Marijuana Is Harmless Than Ever Before

​More Americans than ever believe that marijuana poses little to no risk to their health - just as scientists are discovering it's more dangerous than they previously believed, a report said.

From 2002-2014, the number of Americans who think that smoking marijuana once or twice a week poses a 'great risk' dropped from one half to one third, according to an article in Lancet Psychiatry.

That runs counter to scientific research about pot, said Dr Wilson Compton, lead author of the study, which looked at the views of more than 500,000 US adults.


Italy’s Pikkanapa Festival Marries Cannabis and Chili Peppers

During the first weekend in September, the small Italian town of Jesi hosts a festival in celebration of two of the region’s hottest agricultural products: cannabis and spicy chilies. The plants, both quite popular in the region, combine in what some call the “indecent couple” — loved by some, maligned by others, and often misunderstood.


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