Recreational Marijuana News


Canada's Trudeau to legalize marijuana, but he won't smoke it

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has admitted to smoking marijuana in the past, said on Thursday he has no plans to light up even after his government makes it legal to do so.

"I don't think so. I'm not someone who has a history of using drugs," Trudeau said, speaking in Winnipeg in a question and answer session with the Winnipeg Free Press newspaper. "I lived in Whistler (British Columbia) for a few years, surrounded by friends who did.

"It was never my thing."

Trudeau, 44, said he does not drink much alcohol or coffee, either.

Canadians are allowed to use medical marijuana with a prescription, but recreational use is illegal. The government has said it will introduce legislation to legalize recreational use in 2017.


How marijuana legalization will change the pot industry

Legalized weed looks like a cash cow, and just like any other billion-dollar industry, it will be heavily regulated

In one episode of HBO's hit show The Wire, Stringer Bell, the brutal head of a Baltimore heroin cartel, demands that his meetings about the day-to-day operations of the "game" be run in strict compliance with Robert's Rules of Order: the street-corner pushers have to be recognized by the chair before speaking. Though the scene seemed outlandish, perhaps it was ahead of its time.


Uruguay sharpens details to start selling marijuana in July in 50 pharmacies

However, sales of recreational cannabis in pharmacies is no consensus in the trade sector, such as the Association of Chemistry and Pharmacy of Uruguay (AQFU), which has communicated to its various partners "it is not the place to sell  this drug" in contrast to the provisions of the current law.

Today official sources reported that the Uruguayan government finalized the details to begin the sale of marijuana for recreational use in some 50 pharmacies across the country starting July, following the adoption in 2013 of a law that regulates the production and sale of the grass.


Israel Justice minister mulls decriminalizing cannabis

Justice minister suggests fines will replace criminal proceedings, while local report says ministers will vote Sunday on draft bill

The Justice Ministry is exploring the possibility of Israel decriminalizing the use of soft drugs such as cannabis, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked said Wednesday.

Shaked told Army Radio said that under potential guidelines, those caught using soft drugs would have to pay a fine, but it would no longer be considered a criminal act.


The Pothead Diaries Forms Branding Partnership with The Cannabis Marketing Lab

The Pothead Diaries is proud to announce a partnership with The Cannabis Marketing Lab, the cannabis industry’s premier digital marketing firm. The Cannabis Marketing Lab will increase awareness of The Pothead Diaries /PHD through an integrated online strategy.

“We’ve heard wonderful things about The Cannabis Marketing Lab,” said Pothead Diaries Co-Founders Peter and Gianni. “Celeste Miranda has some great relationships in the business, and we plan to leverage her incredible knowledge of branding and social media marketing for the marijuana demographic. We really believe this joint venture (pun intended) is a giant step forward for The Pothead Diaries.”

The Pothead Diaries is  “Branding the Modern Romance Between Young Adult Culture and Cannabis”


South Africa: ‘Dagga fan’ Malema blows smoke in ANC faces

‘Legalise it,’ the EFF leader said, before laying into ‘ANC complainers’ who want to join his party.

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema on Monday said he fully supported calls for the legalisation of dagga. Malema said he felt alcohol was more dangerous than marijuana.

“I’ve seen a lot of people smoke dagga and not have a problem, but I’ve never seen anyone drink alcohol and read books. I’ve seen people drink alcohol, get into their cars and cause accidents, but I’ve never heard of an accident caused by a dagga smoker.

“There is no solid reason why it cannot be legalised, if there is anything that needs to be made illegal is alcohol, it is the most dangerous thing.”


Move aside, corn. Nebraska researchers receive permit to use hemp as field crop


LINCOLN, Neb. — Researchers in Nebraska are one step closer to starting research on using hemp as a field crop.

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s agronomy and horticulture department received a permit last week that will allow it to research hemp, the Lincoln Journal Star reported. But they’re still waiting for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency to approve the importation of seeds from Canada-based Parkland Industrial Hemp Growers Cooperative.

It’ll likely take at least three weeks to get the seeds after the DEA signs off on the paperwork, said Héctor L. Santiago, assistant dean of the Agronomy Department’s Agricultural Research Division.


Legal Marijuana Opponents Lobbying City Councils Across US

A group dedicated to keeping marijuana illegal has launched an effort to convince city councils across the country to actively oppose measures to end cannabis prohibition that are expected to appear on at least five state ballots this November.


The Rise Of The Cannabis Connoisseur

Back in 2014, a man named Sean Azzariti made the first state-legal cannabis purchase in Colorado. Azzariti, an Iraq-war veteran, happily forked over about $60 for an eighth (4 grams) of Bubba Kush and some edibles. His huge grin was splashed atop news articles about the momentous occasion.

“I think for most cannabis consumers, the fact that they walked into a store, showed their ID and bought real legal marijuana for the first time in history was a huge deal,” said Matthew Huron, CEO of Colorado dispensary Good Chemistry. “That was two years ago, and it was like, ‘Wow, this is great.’ And since then, [consumers] are getting hungry.”


Oregon Marijuana Edibles to Be Sold Legally June 2

Marijuana edibles will be legally available to buy in medical marijuana dispensaries in Oregon Thursday, June 2.

Those products can contain up to 15 mg of THC and adults over 21 can buy them.

Eating or drinking marijuana exposes you to THC, the chemical that makes you high, without the risk of smoke exposure. The effects of edibles can take hours to feel, much slower than the effects of smoking or vaping.

The Oregon Health Authority says marijuana can make children very sick, so it’s important to keep any marijuana products in a locked area out of the reach of children.

If a child does eat or drink a marijuana product, call the Poison Center Hotline at 1.800.222.1222.


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