Recreational Marijuana News


Another Study Shows Cannabis Legalization Does Not Increase Underage Access

A few months ago, we wrote about why cannabis legalization doesn’t lead to higher teen use rates. A recent Washington study from the American Academy of Pediatrics bolsters that claim with new evidence showing that minors do not feel cannabis has been any easier to obtain since the state legalized recreational use in 2012. This data comes from the Washington State Healthy Youth Survey which polls tens of thousands of students each year across hundreds of schools.


Cannabis Legalization And The NFL: Athletes Are Embracing The Medicinal And Financial Benefits Of Marijuana

It might go down as the most expensive bong hit in history. Last Thursday night, Ole Miss offensive tackle Laremy Tunsil tumbled in the NFL draft right after a video appeared on his Twitter feed showing him smoking from a gas mask pipe. Tunsil went from a potential No. 1 pick to the No. 13 slot, when he was selected by the Miami Dolphins — potentially losing more than $8 million over the course of his rookie contract and at least $7.3 million in guaranteed payments.


This Bill Could Bar You From Smoking Marijuana In Your Own Apartment

Californians: you may want enjoy those cozy, smoke-wreathed Netflix nights on the couch while you can. With the Sunshine State poised for a November vote on legalizing recreational cannabis, a new bill could make it illegal for renters to smoke marijuana in their own homes.

"Secondhand smoke, regardless of whether it's smoke from tobacco or marijuana, is especially problematic in multiunit apartments and condos because the smoke easily travels the windows, doors and other ventilation systems," said Jim Wood, the state assemblyman who introduced the bill. "It's a nuisance that tenants should not have to live with."


5 Fresh Reasons to Sneer at Cannabis Critics

Perhaps the single biggest argument against cannabis use, voiced by marijuana critics the world over, is that which suggests insufficient research has been carried out to reach any real conclusions about its ‘supposed’ benefits. Unfortunately, this is also an absolute crock…not to put too fine a point on it.


What is Decarboxylation, and Why Does Your Cannabis Need It?

Here's a scenario we have all seen in film before: Somebody consumes an entire bag of raw cannabis in order to avoid getting caught with it. Eyes pop wide open and gasps ensue. “You just ate that whole bag!” somebody shouts. However, the aftermath of this scene usually involves a very different representation of what actually happens when you consume raw cannabis. Spoiler alert: The effects will be lackluster at best. Why is this the case?

The answer to this mystery lies in a process called decarboxylation, one that is necessary for us to enjoy the psychoactive effects of the cannabinoids we consume.

Decarboxylation Explained


Synthetic Cannabis 'Having a Devastating Impact in UK Prisons'

Chief inspector of prisons attributes deaths, serious illness and self-harm to cannabis substitutes ‘spice’ and ‘black mamba’.

Synthetic cannabis is having a “devastating impact” in British prisons and making it difficult for normal life to continue in some facilities, the chief inspector of prisons has said.

Sold as “spice” and “black mamba”, synthetic cannabis has been blamed for deaths, serious illness and episodes of self-harm among inmates, and some prison officers have reported falling ill from exposure to the fumes.


Trump Tuesday: Donald Trump Bong Brings A Little Humor To Presidential Race

The piece was designed by Tom Mason, an artist from Byron Bay, Australia, who specializes in making all sorts of strange, interesting, and funny ceramic smoking pieces. The Donald Trump bong is being sold by online retailer Gatorbeug.

In honor of 4/20 Gatorbeug has showcased the Trump bong as one of its featured pieces.

It seems like everyone’s talking about Donald Trump these days.


If I Stop Marijuana, I Will Soon Die, Says 95-Year Old Woman Smoker

If I stop marijuana, I will soon die, says 95-year old woman smoker.

Melita Gordon has been smoking for 85 years and refuses to put the pipe down despite the protests of her family, has reported. She began her connection to marijuana as a designated lighter for pipes for those in her family. As they were part of a Rastafari culture, the report has it that marijuana played a huge role in their belief system.


Global Marijuana March the Million Marijuana March?

It’s May, a time to celebrate the renewal of spring and remember the workers who fought and died for an eight-hour work day. For millions of marijuana users around the globe, May also means gearing up for the Million Marijuana March.

In fact, the first American May Day story brings us back all the way to the late 1600s, when wonderful weirdos of all stripes stuck it the stick-in-the-mud Puritans. So really, celebrating the counter-cultural tradition of cannabis at the beginning of May makes a lot of sense.


Legalization of marijuana in Washington had no effect on teens' access to drug

Despite concerns that legalizing marijuana use for adults would make it easier for adolescents to get ahold of it, a new study in Washington State shows that teens find it no easier now than before the law was passed in 2012.

An abstract of the study, "Adolescents' Ease of Access to Marijuana Before and After Legalization of Marijuana in Washington State," will be presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies 2016 Meeting in Baltimore on Sunday, May 1. Researchers compared 2010 and 2014 data from the Washington State Healthy Youth Survey. Each year's survey included questions about ease of access to marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes and other illicit drugs.


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