Recreational Marijuana News


European Cannabis News

A roundup of various movement in cannabis legalization in Europe.

While in the Americas in the last few years we have seen several waves of liberal reforms in countries like the USA, Canada, Chile, and Uruguay, we rarely hear similar news concerning European countries. But cannabis legalization is also winning support slowly in European countries other than the Netherlands Spain and Portugal.

In the UK last month, Liberal Democrat MP Norman Lamb raised a bill for decriminalization of cannabis – a second hearing will take place on May.


6 Foods You Didn't Know Could Get You High

Cannabis-infused goodies used to be strictly a dessert-lover's game: THC's fat solubility and munchie-causing properties mean it matches up naturally with sweet, fatty treats. But in 2016, pretty much any genre of food you can think of has been given a marijuana makeover, as manufacturers eschew traditional brownies and cookies in favour of one-upping each other on taste, discretion, and sophistication. 

Here are six infused foods you probably didn't know existed - guaranteed to make eating your greens a pleasure.


How Will Canada Crack down on Marijuana-Impaired Drivers?

When Colorado legalized pot in 2014, police weren't prepared to crack down on smoking and driving.

Law enforcement agencies should prepare for an influx of drug-impaired drivers before marijuana is legalized in Canada, says an American state trooper.

When Colorado legalized marijuana in 2014, police weren't prepared to crack down on those who light up before getting behind the wheel, said Lt.-Col. Kevin Eldridge. 

'You have to think about how you're going to deal with this increase of a drug in the society, and how you keep people from driving under the influence.'


Canada Is Legalising Cannabis - Here Is Why the UK Should Too

The Canadian government last week announced that cannabis will be legalised and regulated from spring next year.

George Murkin, of the Transform Drug Policy Foundation, says that it's time the UK followed suit.

Who should control the production and supply of drugs : Governments or gangsters? That’s the choice that politicians face – there’s no third option in which drugs don’t exist. Unlike the UK, Canada has recognised this reality.

The country’s health minister announced last week that the Canadian­ government will bring the cannabis trade under their control, by legalising and regulating it in spring next year.


Why Does The United Nations Find It So Hard To Talk About Drugs?

I have just watched the closing plenary session of the 2016 UN General Assembly Special Session on the world drug problem here in New York. Presidents and Prime Ministers will now move on to the climate change summit that opens tomorrow, and the thousands of government and NGO delegates who have filled the UN building in Manhattan over the last 3 days will catch their flights back to all corners of the globe. So was it worth it – three years of preparation, tens of millions of dollars of travel and meeting costs, and countless hours of debate and negotiation. Is the international community any better placed to reduce the health, social and economic problems associated with illicit drug markets?


Canadian PM Says Decriminalizing Marijuana Would Hinder Efforts to Fully Legalize the Drug

Canada won’t decriminalize marijuana before legalizing in 2017.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his Liberal government will not decriminalize marijuana possession before moving to fully legalize the drug in 2017, as reported by The Huffington Post Canada.


Can Cannabis Make You A Better Parent?

There has been some controversy over the idea that cannabis can either make you a good or bad parent. With more and more parent marijuana smokers on the rise in the United States, is it possible that cannabis make you a better parent?

Today, about 10 % of the United States adult population are regular marijuana smokers. This is almost double the amount of marijuana smokers that were on record in the early 2000’s. This means that the people who are smoking the most marijuana in this country are among ages that are normal for having children, 25 to 30 years old.


Caribbean: The Cannabis Movement in St. Lucia Is Demanding Radical Change

Protestors, including members of the Rastafarian community, are stepping up calls for the decriminalization of weed.

Cannabis activists in Saint Lucia want the government to decriminalize the drug.

There is a growing movement for cannabis legalization in the Caribbean, and over the weekend proponents of the drug took to the streets and demanded their government modernize its approach to drug policy by recognizing the medicinal and religious value of marijuana.

Organizers of the Cannabis March in the southern town of Soufriere say there has been far too much talk and no action on the issue.


Marijuana Advocates Light Up at DC's First National Cannabis Festival

With the sounds of reggae and rap blaring from the concert stage and groups of people lounging in the grass, Saturday's scene at RFK's Lot 6 could have been any outdoor music festival, with one glaring exception—the line for beer was practically nonexistent.

The lack of swarming crowds around the alcohol offerings was the biggest hint that attendees were at the first-ever National Cannabis Festival, which promised a celebration of the progress on marijuana legalization amidst the musical stylings of headliner De La Soul, as well as the Backyard Band, Congo Sanchez, and more.


Protecting kids: Can Canada make Marijuana uncool?

The emphasis on the need to legalize marijuana to keep it out of the hands of youth has been a common theme for the Liberal party since they formally adopted a legalization policy in 2015.

While traditionally many legalization activists have lobbied for a repeal of prohibition because of what is often described as the relative harmlessness of marijuana, especially in relation to other legal drugs like alcohol or tobacco, the current government’s approach arguably seeks to achieve many of the same ends prohibition has attempted to achieve.


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