Recreational Marijuana News


Poll: Arizona Voters Split On Support For Marijuana Legalization Initiative

Arizona is on many lists as one of the states that is likely to legalize marijuana in 2016. I have personally put Arizona on all of my lists, in addition to California, Nevada, Michigan, Maine, and Massachusetts. It sounds like Vermont and Rhode Island have a good chance of legalizing between now and then via legislative action as well. However, a recent poll shows the Arizona effort losing be a very slim margin right now. Per Biz Journals:

A new Arizona State University Morrison-Cronkite Poll shows 49 percent of state voters support marijuana legalization while 51 percent oppose.


Wana Brands Launches New Infused Cannabis Products for Adult-Use Market

STONE, Colo., Dec. 10, 2015/ Weed Wire/– Wana Brands, a leading maker of infused products, today announced the addition of new products to its growing line of adult-use (leisure) items.

The brand-new items include Watermelon Sour Gummies, Hot Cocoa, and CBD Wana Cocoa Rolls. Wana Brands will also introduce High CBD WanaCapsXR into the Colorado adult-use market. The prolonged release marijuana pills, which were previously just readily available to the medical market, now provide leisure users medical benefits with little to no psychoactivity for approximately 12 hours.

Wana Brands items are readily available in over 400 of Colorado’s 480 dispensaries, and will be getting in Oregon and Nevada in early 2016.


Why we need to re-brand the phrase “getting high”

Why is THC so often considered the bad boy of cannabis? Why are there CBD-only laws? What’s with all the negative connotation around getting high?

These are important questions.

So many people still treat the cannabis high like it’s a bad thing. But it’s not. The psychoactive experience can, in fact, be a very positive thing in a person’s life and health.

But we at Green Flower found ourselves wondering this: does the phrase “getting high” somehow cheapen cannabis as medicine? Is there a better way to say it? Do we even care?

Of course we care. How we talk about the plant DEFINES how we approach it and how we teach others to approach it.


Three years ago, Colorado legalized retail marijuana

3 years ago, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper formalized Amendment 64 into the state’s constitution. As my colleague Kristen Wyatt with the Associated Press wrote last year, “It was a procedural but important step. The governor’s executive order was the first public declaration that Colorado wouldn’t try to block marijuana legalization or ask the federal government, which considers pot illegal, to intervene.”

And here we are three years later, a slightly changed society.


7 Popular Marijuana Myths

While the march towards legalizing medical marijuana continues, so do the questions about pot’s impact on smokers’ health. With 23 states already legalized weed, 7 more states are on the verge of legalizing possession and consumption of weeds in US.

Arguments for medical marijuana embrace right of choice, capacity to raise revenue for the government and a reduction in marijuana-related arrests. Many states will have medical marijuana on the ballot soon. The real question is not who is in favor and who isn’t. Instead, the question is what the laws should look like.

Myth: No Evidence for Medical Marijuana


Up in smoke: New Oregon law closing 'cannabis cafes'

Public views mixed, but Bend official says: Not here, either

As of Jan. 1. the World Famous Cannabis Cafe in Portland is being forced to close, as state lawmakers have broadened the state's clean indoor air regulations to include marijuana.

By law an Inhalant means:  "Nicotine, a cannabinoid or any other substance that's inhaled into a person's respiratory system."

With this new law, marijuana lounges, of which only a handful exist, are not allowed in the state of Oregon.

Bend City Councilor Victor Chudowsky said Bend will follow the lead of the state.

"Cannabis cafes are absolutely illegal in Bend," Chudowsky said. " If somebody tired to open one here, it would not only be contrary to the codes that we just passed, but also to state law."


Tommy Chong Joins is proud to announce the addition of Tommy Chong to our line-up of shows. Tommy and his son Paris are no strangers to the mic, and will once again take up podcasting where they left off. You can expect Tommy to be as candid as ever, as him and Paris take up timely topics of legalization around the country. They’ll also explore the cannabis lifestyle and engage in comedic chats about the days news and whatever Tommy wants to share with you the listener. Listeners will not want to miss an episode as there will be some kick-ass contests for really cool stuff. We’d tell you what kind of stuff, but you’ll just have to listen to learn what it is and how to win.

Bio: (Credit IMDB)


Someone’s turning traffic lights into cannabis lights

Someone in Serbia is spicing up motorists’ journeys by turning traffic lights into colourful marijuana symbols, a Serbian media outlet has claimed.

The lights were reportedly spotted at a main intersection in a small village called Ljubic, Serbia and on another set of lights further down the road.

The green light was turned into a marijuana leaf, the yellow featured the sun symbol and the red light was turned into a heart.

Local resident Andjelka Stojkovic noticed the lights and said: ‘Although I am middle-aged, all this looks sweet.


Pot legalization: ‘We never hear the downside’

Marijuana is going to be legalized.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s speech from the throne, read Friday by Gov. General David Johnston, said the Liberal government would introduce legislation that will “legalize, regulate and restrict access to marijuana.”

But before you run to the nearest dispensary and buy a dime-bag of their finest ganja, maybe it’s time to step back and evaluate the downside of the drug.

It’s not hard to find research that highlights the positive, medicinal effects of marijuana.

And it’s not hard to find studies the reveal the damaging short and long-term effects of heavy use.

Some pro-pot advocates will argue that marijuana doesn’t have any addictive properties, that it’s a nearly harmless drug.


Dallas Police Chief David Brown: Swapping arrests for tickets in marijuana possession cases ‘hard to argue with’

Dallas Police Chief David Brown says he has mixed feelings about writing tickets instead of making arrests when people are caught with small amounts of marijuana.

At a meeting of the Dallas City Council’s Public Safety Committee, police officials and council members discussed whether to try a “cite and release” pilot program.The committee referred the idea to the full council without a recommendation.


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