Recreational Marijuana News


Cannabis Concentrates: Green Salvation or a Sticky Mess?

As cannabis regulatory change wafts through major American states and budding entrepreneurs hungry for profit high jack everything green I thought it was time to share the results of the biggest study of Butane Hash Oil (BHO, cannabis concentrates) ever conducted. It was undertaken as part of Global Drug Survey (GDS) 2015. A blog piece published here a year ago was met by a fair bit of moral grandstanding (although I learned quite a bit from the comments). It was suggested that as an addiction specialist anything I had to say was tarnished by the fact that I made money from addiction. I thought that was rather unfair - my interest is to help people use drugs more safely and if they never need to seek help beyond good quality information that is great.


Rastafari Rootzfest Celebrates Jamaica's Emancipation of Marijuana

The Rastafari Rootzfest, launched on October 27, 2015 at the Bob Marley Museum in Kingston, Jamaica, brought together reggae music and ganja in a groundbreaking event on the Caribbean island that has led the way in decriminalising marijuana.


Elected officials talk marijuana

ANAMOSA, Iowa — Marijuana was the hot button topic Thursday night in Anamosa.

The Jones County Safe and Healthy Youth Coalition organized a forum called “Marijuana — Let’s Talk.”

It was a forum meant to inform people, and elected officials from both parties took part.

While the event focused a lot on marijuana, other substance-related issues surfaced surrounding alcohol use as well.

A senator, two representatives, the sheriff and two county supervisors took on the questions.

They discussed recreational marijuana and marijuana used by people for medical reasons.

During the forum a legislator and the sheriff said they’re seeing marijuana coming into the state from Colorado where it’s legal.


Prime Minister Trudeau must see new doc on marijuana edibles

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is somewhat busy these days, but it would be interesting to get his take on Muse Entertainment’s excellent new feature-length documentary called Grass Fed about marijuana edibles. Featuring actor-comedian Mike Paterson, it will air on CBC’s Documentary Channel on Tuesday, Nov. 24 at 9 pm.

Trudeau has ordered a major overhaul of Canada's criminal justice system that will put a new focus on restorative justice and hatch a priority plan to regulate and legalize pot. He said legalizing marijuana would fix a "failed system" and help "remove the criminal element" linked to the drug.


Cy-Fair teen shares story about how synthetic marijuana changed her life


Home isn't where most high school seniors want to spend homecoming weekend. Home is where Cy-Fair senior Emily Bauer will be.

Three years ago Emily's mom, Tonya Bauer, got a call from her daughter's then-boyfriend admitting they smoked synthetic marijuana. Bauer rushed home to a girl she didn't know.

"This sound that didn't even sound human, just screaming sounds, they had 5 constables holding her down to get her in the ambulance... I remember just standing by her dresser crying," Bauer remembers.


New Zealand: Substance abuse amongst youth in Southland dropping

Southland youth substance abuse problem is on par with the rest of the country but figures are trending down, a New Zealand Drug Foundation expert says.

National Youth Services advisor Ben Birks Ang, of Auckland, was in Invercargill on Monday running a seminar at the Lindisfarne Methodist Community Centre about how to reduce substance abuse in young people.

"Southland is similar to the rest of the country. Substance abuse is trending down," he said.

"But we need to work as a community to make changes."

The most common substances used were alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana, while less than 3 per cent of young people uwere sing harder substances, he said.



Illinois State Police have issued a warning about a drug that's new to the Chicago area.

"Shatter" resembles a sheet of amber or brown glass and contains a high concentration of THC, the primary psycho-active chemical in cannabis.

Police say it's up to six times stronger than the average marijuana cigarette. Illinois state police say the drug can cause users to disconnect from reality.

Police arrested three people in Grundy County this summer for possessing shatter.


Manitoba premier says government liquor stores best place to sell marijuana

Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger says government liquor stores are the best place to sell marijuana if and when the federal government legalizes the drug.

Selinger says Manitoba Liquor Mart outlets have staff that are well-trained on the potential risks of alcohol, and he suggests they would be in the same position to provide advice about marijuana.

He says there would be no requirement for workers to consume the drug.

Selinger adds there would probably be some private involvement too.

Liquor is sold in private outlets in some rural Manitoba areas where there is no government store, and Selinger says he expects that model could be used for marijuana as well.


No complaints of drugs in vapes

Police have yet to receive complaints of cannabis being used in vape liquids, reported Sinar Harian.

However, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said those found doing so would be charged under the Dangerous Drugs Act.

"If they (vapers) are found to be taking or ingesting drugs, appropriate legal action will be taken against them," he told reporters.

On Tuesday, the daily reported that some popular vape liquids were found to contain two types of cannabidiol, which are natural molecules found in cannabis.

The test by Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin's East Coast Environment Research Institute also found traces of dronabinol, a synthetic substance found in marijuana.



Uber Could Deliver Medical Marijuana

Given the healthy trends Uber has been following by delivering flu shots to riders, celebrating National Cat Day as part as their UberHEALTH campaign. If marijuana is legalized under Federal Law, could Uber start delivering medical marijuana to riders in the future?



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