Recreational Marijuana News


Another record month for Colorado rec pot sales

For the third consecutive month, recreational marijuana sales in Colorado reached record highs in March 2015, according to new Department of Revenue data.

More than $42.7 million of recreational cannabis was sold in Colorado pot shops in March, the most recent data available from the state. Those sales totals crushed previous records set in February ($39.1 million) and January ($36.4 million) 2015.


Marijuana Biz to Generate $8 Billion in Sales in Three Years, Study Predicts

Master P and Silkk The Shocker aren't the only ones looking for weed to make money anymore.

Marijuana is legal for adult use in two states and available to medical patients in almost half the country, and legal sales generated over $2 billion in 2014. But a regulated pot industry could unltimately generate $45 billion annually if marijuana is legalized nationally, according to an industry study published earlier this month.


Kickstart this: GrassRoots: The Cannabis Revolution

GrassRoots: The Cannabis Revolution, is a feature-length documentary exploring the medicinal use of cannabis, the patients involved & the campaign to change UK law. With unrestricted access to activists/medical cannabis patients, we lift the lid on the people within the UK movement. A subculture of politically driven people who feel they are forced to break the law getting access to the medication needed to treat their varying conditions.

Over the course of 3 years we explore their lives and why they campaign for change. As well as discussing the beneficial properties of cannabis, investigating the UK’s drug laws, and challenging cannabis stigma.


Paris protesters call on France to legalize recreational marijuana use

People demand the legalisation of marijuana, on May 9, 2015 in Paris, France (AFP Photo/Kenzo Tribouillard)

Sporting T-shirts and caps printed with marijuana leaves and with joints hanging from their lips, hundreds of people demonstrated in Paris on Saturday as part of a world march calling for the legalisation of cannabis.

Crowds of protesters, many dressed in Jamaican colours, made their way through the streets of the French capital from the Place de la Republique to Bastille calling for the legalisation of recreational marijuana use.

“What do we want? Legalisation,” chanted the crowd, wreathed in clouds of hashish smoke and gathered behind a banner reading “Another drug policy is possible” and placards calling for “Ganga for all”.


The 3 deadliest drugs in America are all totally legal

As the US debates drug policy reforms and marijuana legalization, there's one aspect of the war on drugs that remains perplexingly contradictory: some of the most dangerous drugs in the US are legal.


To tax or not to tax? The marijuana problem

Dissonance between state law and federal law in the United States is leading to exorbitant tax bills for marijuana retailers.

While a legal activity in certain states, the sale of marijuana is still considered illegal under federal law.

States like Colorado that legalised the sale of marijuana have reported substantial tax revenue. Currently 23 states and one district have legalised marijuana for medical or recreational use, allowing anyone over the age of 21 to purchase retail marijuana from licensed shops.

However US federal law, including the federal tax system, remains at odds with permissive state laws. The incongruity is resulting in crippling tax bills for fledgling marijuana dispensaries.


Colorado's Openly Anti-Cannabis Governor Admits Legalization’s Been Good for the Economy

When the new Governor of Colorado, John Hickenlooper, was first elected to office, there was some cause for concern. The concern stemmed from Hickenlooper being openly anti-cannabis in his policy. While it was pretty clear that Colorado was experiencing success with the legalization movement at the time Hickenlooper took office, it was too late to backtrack, and it was anybody’s guess how this new arrangement would play out.


Job interview: Should I talk about pot use, med or rec?

Hey, Cannabist!
I received a call for a job I applied for. Great, right? But should I disclose that I have a medical marijuana card during my interview? How do I find out the company’s drug-testing policy, if it’s not readily posted? By asking, aren’t I admitting that I partake? Can an employer legally ask if I do? –Masking Mota Manager


Oregon lawmakers face key vote tonight on medical marijuana

SALEM — A special committee of lawmakers will hold a key vote tonight on a bill placing new limits on the state’s medical marijuana program.

The limits in Senate Bill 844 are designed to stanch a substantial flow of marijuana, ostensibly grown in Oregon for the medical program, to the black market. Lawmakers say preventing that black market “leakage” is essential to setting up the recreational marijuana market that voters approved in November. But some growers and patients in the program have adamantly opposed the bill.


More than 12 pounds of marijuana washes up on Atlantic Beach


More than 12 pounds of pot - 12.35 pounds to be exact - washed up on the main part of Atlantic Beach, according to Atlantic Beach Police Chief Jeff Harvey.

Chief Harvey tells us some people walking along the beach Sunday called 911 about a suspicious package on Atlantic Beach, in the area off the circle. Firefighters responded and then called in police, who opened up the package and found the marijuana. It was wrapped in brown paper and taped up.

It appears the package had been in the water for quite some time. Chief Harvey describes barnacles and other growth on the outside of the pot package. He says they have no idea where the package came from and there are no markings on it.


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