

Cannabis Science Inc Records Huge Success At Spannabis Fair

Consumer interest is what making Cannabis Science Inc (OTCMKTS:CBIS) move on the bourses. The company happily announced that how several organizations are keen on knowing its products. The company released a press release stating that following the Spannabis Fair, which concluded on March 22, 2015 in Barcelona, Spain, it has swiftly begun reaching out to the interested organizations and businesses.

Prospective consumers


Hemp Based Batteries Could Change The Way We Store Energy Forever

As hemp makes a comeback in the U.S. after a decades-long ban on its cultivation, scientists are reporting that fibers from the plant can pack as much energy and power as graphene, long-touted as the model material for supercapacitors. They’re presenting their research, which a Canadian start-up company is working on scaling up, at the 248th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society.

Although hemp (cannabis sativa) and marijuana (cannabis sativa var. indica) come from a similar species of plant, they are very different and confusion has been caused by deliberate misinformation with far reaching effects on socioeconomics as well as on environmental matters.


Spain: Everyone Gets Behind #FreePannagh

A Trial to Decide the Future of the Spanish Cannabis Community

On 10 and 11 March the "Pannagh" association in Bilbao faces a hearing whose decision could be decisive for the whole process of legalising social cannabis clubsin Spain. Thus, the entire community of activists wishes to show its support to the group and its five indicted members, who face 22 years of prison and millions of euros in bail. 


Hashish Trafficking Network in Spain and France Dismantled, 12 Arrested

MURCIA, Spain – Spanish and French police forces dismantled an international hashish-smuggling organization that exported product from Morocco and distributed it in Europe, arresting 12 suspects, according the Spanish security forces on Friday.

Authorities detailed that two of the detainees are Spanish citizens, four are Moroccan nationals, and the remaining six are French citizens of North African descent, while pointing out that the raid operation was overseen by the European agency EUROJUST.


Barcelona's booming cannabis clubs turn Spain into 'Holland of the South'

Catalonia's public health agency has proposed strict new measures to regulate cannabis clubs in the region, amid claims that Barcelona is on its way to rivalling Amsterdam as a smoker's haven.

Amsterdam has tightened restrictions on cannabis sales just as the number of clubs in Spain has proliferated from some 40 in 2010 to more than 700 today, say smokers' groups. The Catalan capital is home to more than half of these clubs.


Barcelona: Cannabis clubs cannot be opened for at least a year

Barcelona City Council banned new cannabis clubs for a year. At this time the Consistory drafted a regulation to halt their proliferation.

The First Deputy Mayor, Joaquim Forn, explained that last Wednesday the Government Commission approved emergency procedure for the suspension "to allow time to develop a legislation to establish when you can open these premises and under what conditions". To develop this legislation, the Consistory seeks advice from experts of the medical and pharmacological field.

Forn has also insisted on the fact that these associations "can not become a source of problems of coexistence" and said: "No loophole did not leave for a few can alter coexistence around the club" .


How to create your own cannabis social club and not die trying

Cannabis social clubs are associations that distribute and stock up on cannabis among their members, all of them of legal age. They function in the private sphere, thus reducing the risks associated with the black market and indiscriminate growing. These not-for-profit associations have arisen in countries where marijuana use has been decriminalized – as it is the case of Spain – to cover the needs of smokers who may have the right to consume, but not the right to grow or have restricted rights to do so. Find here below different requirements to start a cannabis club in Spain and succeed in the attempt:

1) Creation and registration



Day #1 MCBikeTour 2014 - Medical Cannabis BikeTour

So, Day 1 on the ride. We have 130km to make, through Valencia, from Onda to the historic town of Tortosa.

OK, so maybe we are not the early birds… it was a late night at the local Pizzaria the night before. But, by 10am our band of international brothers and sisters are ready to hit the road.

We leave Onda in glorious sunshine, riding across mostly flat country, where orange tree orchards and olive trees line the road.

We are much bigger than last year, 50 people coming together and a lot new faces to get to know. The morning isn’t the smoothest operation, the Spanish countryside can play tricks… and so there may have been a few wrong turns along the road to lunch. But we get there in the end!


Cannabis Social Clubs and Associations in Spain

Cannabis Social Clubs in Spain - Collectives and Associations

If you are considering starting your own cannabis social club, collective or association here in Spain then take a look at Start Your Own Cannabis Club.


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