United States

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the US

Colorado pot club measure clears 1st hurdle

Colorado is moving ahead with a first-in-the-nation attempt to allow marijuana clubs.

But the measure that passed a Republican state Senate committee Wednesday evening doesn’t go as far as some marijuana activists hoped.

The bill would allow on-site marijuana consumption at private clubs in willing jurisdictions. And those clubs may allow indoor pot smoking, despite health concerns about indoor smoking.

But the bill is far from allowing a statewide network of pot clubs. For one, it would allow any jurisdiction to ban them, same as they can currently prohibit retail pot sales.

Also, the bill does not permit pot clubs to serve alcohol nor food.


Remarkable Ways Cannabis Can Help Prevent Illness

When it comes to health, “cannabis” is the new buzzword. While this all-natural remedy has been around for thousands of years, scientists are still learning about its many different uses, including the impact it has on human health.

So far, research has taught us that cannabis may be effective for combating cancer, reducing and/or eliminating seizures, managing pain and inflammation, and treating neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s. Cannabis may very well have more health benefits than any man-made or natural substance found on Earth.


Alaska Cannabis Shops Can't Meet Demand

A second marijuana retailer has opened for business in the southeast Alaska city of Sitka.

The Northern Lights Indoor Gardens began selling its products February 16. The business is located in the same strip mall as the city’s first marijuana business, Weed Dudes, The Sitka Sentinel reported Tuesday.

Northern Lights owner Micah Miller said he’s been selling about a pound of pot each day and likely won’t have enough to keep up with demand before his next crop is ready in late March.

He expects sales to pick up in March when commercial fishermen come into town for herring season.

“My doors will be closed at some moment for a minute,” said shop owner Micah Miller. “Really, I wish we had twice the operation.”


420 Intel launches business directory service

420 Intel is delighted to announce the launch of a brand new business directory service!

Business owners are continually looking to garner more customers and gain greater exposure for their products and services. One of the most supreme ways to expose your company to a wider audience online is to list yourself on a business directory. Once your business appears on the listing, you increase the chances and the number of ways that you can be discovered by potential customers. You need to choose a business directory that can offer the most exposure to your target market.


Regulate Cannabis Potency to Reduce Psychosis Risk, Experts Say

Policymakers should regulate the potency of cannabis products such as skunk and oil, aiming for a chemical balance that reduces the risk of psychosis without losing the drug's pleasurable effects, experts said on Thursday.

With cannabis laws becoming more liberalized in many countries - particularly the United States - there is also an urgent need for more detailed and accurate scientific studies to explore how cannabis use can be made safer, the experts said.

"Worldwide there is a trend towards liberalization and increasing consumption," said Robin Murray, a professor at King College's London's the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience.


eBottles.com Announces Award of US Design Patent D781151

eBottles.com a leading online supplier of glass and plastic containers announced today that it has been granted design patent D781151 by the US Patent and Trademark Office for their line of cosmetic thick wall glass jars with symmetric child resistant closures.

In remarks during a recent announcement to employees and other stakeholders, Robert Lerman, President of eBottles.com declared that the company had been issued the design patent for their unique design which pairs child resistant closures with cosmetic thick wall glass jars.


Cannabis Is Producing Jobs, Revenue in States Where It’s Legal

The states that have legalized recreational marijuana — a multibillion-dollar business — don’t want to hear the federal government talk about a crackdown. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown says she wants Oregonians left alone to “grow these jobs.”

In Oregon alone, that’s roughly 12,500 jobs, said economist Beau Whitney of Portland, adding that he is making a conservative estimate. Oregon’s attorney general said she would be duty-bound to fight to protect the state’s cannabis industry.


The World’s First ‘Cannabis Gym’ Is Opening in San Francisco

Marijuana and fitness are generally not associated with one another — but gym owner Jim McAlpine is hoping to change that.

McAlpine will be opening the world’s first “cannabis gym” in San Francisco in May. In addition to being a traditional gym and wellness center, Power Plant Fitness will allow members to consume cannabis at the gym before or after their workouts.


Massachusetts in 'no man's land' on legal marijuana, Gov. Charlie Baker says

As Springfield police officers shuttered a store handing out marijuana for "free" while charging an admission fee, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker acknowledged the state is in a "no man's land" four months after voters broadly legalized the controversial substance for adults who are over the age of 21.

In a Wednesday sit-down with the editorial board of MassLive.com and the Springfield Republican, Baker called incidents like the Page Boulevard store, which operated under the name Mary Jane Makes Your Heart Sing, "troubling."


Virginia: Garrett introduces legislation to remove marijuana from controlled substances list

5th District Congressman Tom Garrett introduced legislation aimed at federally decriminalizing marijuana.

The short title for this legislation is cited as the "Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2017." If passed, this bill would take marijuana off the federal controlled substances list - joining other industries such as alcohol and tobacco.

Originally introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders in 2015, this bill fulfills a responsibility to create a level playing field across the country.

Upon introduction of this legislation, Rep. Garrett released the following statement:


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