United States

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the US

Some NFL Execs Open to Changing League's Marijuana Testing Policy

Most of America is ready for the legalization of marijuana, according to a recent Quinnipiac University poll. 

Americans support full legalization of marijuana by a 54 to 41 percent margin. Voters also support allowing adults to legally use medical marijuana if prescribed by a doctor by an 89 to 9 percent margin. 

So far, Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington and the District of Columbia have legalized the recreational use of marijuana. California, Maine, Nevada and Massachusetts will be voting on full legalization in November. Medicinal marijuana is currently legal in 25 states.


Marijuana, Tobacco Taxes Could Bring $2 Billion (or More) to California

Smoking marijuana or tobacco could come at a heftier price after November in California.  (Photo: Thinkstock)

California voters will be asked in November whether or not the state should levy new taxes on two 'sins' -- tobacco and marijuana use. 

Often referred to as 'sin taxes,' an excise tax on a good that's considered harmful is intended to curb the use of that good by increasing its cost to the consumer.

For Californians in November,  will weigh whether tobacco should have a higher tax rate and if marijuana should be legalized and taxed? If voters approved the two measures, Props. 56 and 64 respectively, the measure have the potential to bring $2 billion in tax revenue to the state, according to the Legislative Analyst's Office.


Can Pot Save the Economy? Tommy Chong Sees Green

Marijuana is turning into big business, so it's no surprise stoner icon Tommy Chong is getting involved. The Cheech and Chong alum talks to CNET about the industry's growth, the poetry of Twitter and telepathic note-taking apps.

Tommy Chong's business has always been weed. Now he's hoping it'll grow like one too.

You might remember the 78-year-old counterculture icon as the bearded half of the stoner comedy duo Cheech and Chong. In his decades-long career, he's become synonymous with cannabis. In the best of times, he was accepting a Best Comedy Album Grammy for the pair's 1973 album "Los Cochinos." In the worst of times, he was jailed for sending bongs across state lines.


Pennsylvania Names Director Of New Med Marijuana Program

As Pennsylvania’s new medical marijuana program takes shape, the man who will lead the office begins his duties on Monday.

In a teleconference with reporters, Pennsylvania’s Health Secretary Karen Murphy announced the hiring of John Collins to be the director of the Office of Medical Marijuana. 

Collins actually joined the Health Department in April but prior to that, he served as chief operating officer for a firm that prepared radioactive materials for nuclear medicine procedures.

“I truly believe my experience, as outlined by Dr. Murphy, managing medical products and service organizations in heavily regulated industries provides for a perfect fit for the requirements of overseeing the implementation of Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana program,” said Collins.


Private Equity Firms Help Fund the Growing Cannabis Industry

It’s no secret to investors that the cannabis sector is the fastest growing and arguably, the most lucrative. More and more cannabis businesses are also going public. In a response to the cold shoulder that many financial institutions give industry entrepreneurs, dozens of cannabis-finance companies have formed in order to capitalize on the green rush. 


The Hazy Politics of Cannabis

All it will take is a quick neighborhood stroll for the next resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to confront the United States’ stunningly inconsistent marijuana laws. The president cannot legally light up a joint at home, of course — it’s federal property, after all — yet a private party down the street would be chill, thanks to the District of Columbia’s legalization vote. But, even there, POTUS couldn’t legally buy any weed. How far might he or she go to address it come 2017?


Michigan Marijuana Campaign Says It's Not Too Late to Make '16 Ballot

The campaign to legalize marijuana in Michigan says there’s still time to get the question on the November ballot. That was a core issue in the most recent briefs filed last week in the MI Legalize campaign’s challenge to an elections board decision that petition drive fell short in the required number of signatures.

The Board of State Canvassers said too many signatures were more than 180 days old when the petitions were turned in. The rule exists to ensure that only the names of currently registered voters are counted. MI Legalize says the rule is anachronistic when it’s very easy to check the names against the state’s online database of registered voters. So the campaign is asking a state Court of Claims judge to order the state to count the older signatures.


Florida Campaign for Medical Marijuana Trumps Number On 2 Opposition Donations Nearly 700 to 1

The fight over medical marijuana has raked in big money from both supporters and opponents of the constitutional amendment, but far more donations have come from the campaign fighting for medical marijuana in Florida than those fighting against it.

Donations towards the Yes on 2 campaign outnumbered donations from Drug Free Florida by nearly 650 to one, with Yes on 2 receiving over 7,000 donations to Drug Free Florida’s 11 donations.

This isn't the first time Florida has seen a constitutional amendment to legalize medical pot. Voters last cast their ballots on the amendment in 2014, when it missed the necessary 60 percent to pass by only two points. 


Auditor: New Mexico Health Department Can Clear Medical Marijuana Backlog

New Mexico's state auditor is investigating the state Department of Health for making chronically-ill patients wait for their medical marijuana cards.

Health officials admit that for the last several months, people have waited up to 60 days for their cards. By law, they're supposed to process those within half that time.

The department has said they lack the staff to keep up with applications, but State Auditor Tim Keller said he finds that hard to believe.

Keller said after reviewing the department's finances, it appears they have more than enough money to hire all the employees they need.


Bumpy Start for New York Medical Marijuana Companies

Andy Williams projects 2016 will be another good year for his marijuana business.

The Medicine Man CEO estimates the company is valued at about $30 million, with some $18 million in revenue projected for 2016.

So goes business for a successful marijuana company in Colorado, where recreational and medicinal uses of the drug are legal.


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