United States

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the US

Miami Dislikes Marijuana More Than Any Other City in America, Study Says

Pot is everywhere in Miami. Its scent wafts from bus stops, floats through open windows, and cascades out from under lifeguard stands on the beach at night. Spend more than a week here and you will, at least once, wonder if the server delivering you overpriced cocktails is stoned out of his mind. 

Which is why it's so surprising that, according to one of the most respected marijuana-usage surveys in America, roughly half the residents in Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties think smoking weed once a month is "harmful" and should be avoided. That's the highest rate in the nation.


The PTSD Marijuana Study Is Now Recruiting Veteran Volunteers

Researchers in Maryland and Arizona are looking for veteran volunteers to smoke up to two joints a day in a new study designed to find out if marijuana helps relieve symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

“We’re not arguing that cannabis is a cure, but our hypothesis is that it will at least reduce the symptoms,” says physician and study organizer Dr. Sue Sisley.

The $2.2 million study, paid for by a grant from the state of Colorado to the nonprofit Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, will be conducted at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, and Sisley’s Scottsdale Research Institute in Phoenix, Arizona.


65% Say Cannabis Enforcement "Not Worth The Cost"

Sixty-five percent of Americans ages 18 and older believe that "government efforts to enforce marijuana laws cost more than they are worth" and 55 percent of respondents say that it should be legal to consume the herb, according to national polling data compiled by YouGov.com.

Those living in the western region of the United States (65 percent), Hispanics (64 percent), Democrats (63 percent), and those under 30 (63 percent) were most likely to endorse legalizing marijuana use. Republicans (45 percent), African Americans (44 percent), and those over the age of 65 (40 percent) were least likely to be supportive. 


43 Percent of Marijuana Entrepreneurs Would Vote For Hillary Right Now

After Bernie stepped aside in the race for president of the United States, the closet ally the industry has is Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton is no hero for the marijuana industry, but after the Democratic party endorsed moving marijuana from a Schedule I drug to a Schedule II to allow for more research, 43 percent of cannabis industry executives and professionals said they'd vote for Clinton for president.


DEA's Marijuana Rescheduling Announcement May Not Come in 2016

It's unofficially official. A senior executive at the Drug Enforcement Administration has confirmed that the DEA will not be rescheduling marijuana in 2016, says a local attorney who spoke with him late last week. "The DEA is not going to reschedule marijuana this year.... They aren't issuing a public announcement about the change," the attorney adds

Many marijuana advocates — and the legislators who support them — have been hoping that the DEA would reschedule marijuana from a Schedule I to a Schedule II substance. The reclassification would acknowledge that the drug holds medical value and allow for more research. 


This Is What It's Like To Work For A Marijuana Startup

The newly budding industry’s employees are purpose-driven, highly motivated, and sometimes a little baked.

At first glance, MassRoots is just like any other technology company in America. The Denver-based social platform for marijuana enthusiasts boasts an open-concept, loft-style office filled with 33 talented programmers, developers, and sales staff.

But beneath the surface there’s something unique about working at a pot startup, and it has little to do with the fact that employees are often permitted to consume the substance on the job.


Christie to Decide If Marijuana Can Be Used to Treat New Jersey PTSD Patients

Republican Gov. Chris Christie will decide whether New Jersey residents with post-traumatic stress disorder can be treated with medical marijuana after lawmakers approved a measure Monday.

The state Senate on Monday approved the measure previously approved by the Assembly that allows marijuana to be used to treat PTSD - if it’s not treatable with conventional therapy.

Lawmakers say the measure is meant to help military veterans diagnosed with PTSD.


Trump Tuesday: The Simpsons Trash Donald Trump as President in Fake Ad

America’s first family has finally weighed in on the upcoming presidential election.

No, not the Obamas, who made their feelings plain at the Democratic convention last week – The Simpsons

The long-running Fox comedy show released a short clip on YouTube late on Sunday night, showing Homer and Marge Simpson watching a political advertisement on late-night television in order to settle who they plan to vote for.


Is Cannabis Really Getting Stronger?

The common question gets to the bottom of some of the central problems in drug policy.

Cannabis continues to be the world’s favourite illicit drug with around 147m people using it annually. However, there are fears that the drug is becoming increasingly potent and that it could pose a public health risk. But how reliable is the evidence? And is it really getting stronger?


Is Secondhand Marijuana Smoke as Dangerous as Secondhand Cigarette Smoke?

A new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association suggests that hanging out with stoners is potentially more harmful to your health than secondhand cigarette smoke. Researchers at the University of California San Francisco, led by Dr. Matthew Springer, found that artery functioning in rats exposed to one minute of secondhand marijuana smoke was reduced three times as long as when rats were exposed to one minute of secondhand tobacco.


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