United States

the states
the US

Dabado Helps Cannabis Concentrate Users Put Down the Blow Torch

When young entrepreneur Steven Helfer put together a Facebook page about “dabbing” (smoking marijuana concentrate) featuring funny pictures, videos of people smoking and other pot-related content, he didn’t expect to get 110,000 “Likes.” And he didn’t expect to use it as a marketing platform to help launch a multi-million dollar business.


North Dakota Says It Can't Afford A Medical Marijuana Program

It would cost North Dakota's Health Department more than $3.5-million a year and a small army of workers to regulate medical marijuana if the issue appears on the November ballot and voters approve it, according to an analysis by the agency.

The analysis was released last week, a few hours after Republican Gov. Jack Dalrymple called a special session of the North Dakota Legislature to address a $310-million shortfall to the state treasury, which may require cuts to the Health Department and other agencies.

Rilie Ray Morgan, a Fargo financial planner who is heading the effort to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes, called the estimates "overblown" and an attempt to derail the effort in a budget-challenged state, a charge the agency denies.


Randy Moss on NFL's Marijuana Ban: 'Loosen up the Rules and Let Everybody Live'

The future Hall of Famer admits to smoking marijuana during his playing career.

During Randy Moss' NFL career, in which he caught 982 passes for 15,292 yards and 156 touchdowns, he openly admitted to smoking marijuana. So, it should come as no surprise to hear Moss, who hasn't played since the 2012 season, rail against the league's marijuana policy.

When speaking with Monday Morning Quarterback's Kalyn Kahler, Moss was asked if the NFL should remove marijuana from its list of banned substances. He replied, "I think the NFL just needs to loosen up the rules and let everybody live."


Trump's VP is Nightmare Pick For Marijuana Legalization

Donald Trump has reportedly chosen Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) to be his vice presidential running mate. And that’s bad news for the socially liberal.

Who is Mike Pence? For one, he is the beleaguered Indiana Governor who, thanks to Trump’s choice, won’t have to endure a hard fought political battle this election year in the state where his popularity is waning.

The congressman is so conservative, he votes against his own party, having opposed No Child Left Behind and the George W Bush-led Medicare prescription drug expansion. He is also close to the libertarian Koch brothers.


7 Celebrity Ganjapreneurs Selling Legal Marijuana on the Side

You may have heard of Leafs by Snoop, but the other celebrities cashing in on the legal marijuana market might surprise you…

The U.S. florist industry employs around 90,000 people around the nation per year. But now, some celebrities are trying to get in on the action in a very unconventional way.


Cash Cannabis Business Easy Target for IRS

The federal authorities has vowed to take a arms off method to authorized marijuana, however its place has not stopped the Inside Income Service (IRS) from kicking down the doorways of the hashish trade, particularly these operations dealing in massive money transactions, in an obvious try to take down Colorado hashish entrepreneurs on cash laundering expenses.


After Dems back rescheduling, GOP votes against medical marijuana

Just days after the Democratic Party endorsed the rescheduling of cannabis and a “reasoned pathway to future legalization” of marijuana, delegates with the Republican Party voted against a more conservative platform that would have endorsed medical marijuana.

At a GOP Platform Committee meeting in Cleveland, Republican delegates on Monday just said no to endorsing medical marijuana.

The debate was “vigorous,” and the first vote was somewhat close, according toThe Huffington Post, which reported:


Marijuana Snake Oil: Six Marijuana Scams To Avoid

As a cannabis business attorney, I see and hear more than my share of kooky and downright bad business pitches. Bad business ideas are one thing, but total scams and rip-offs are another. Unfortunately, like any new and high growth industry with complicated and constantly changing rules and regulations, the marijuana industry is chalk full of scammers and con artists.

The following six marijuana scams are the ones I am seeing most often of late.


One striking chart shows why pharma companies are fighting legal marijuana

There's a body of research showing that painkiller abuse and overdose are lower in states with medical marijuana laws. These studies have generally assumed that when medical marijuana is available, pain patients are increasingly choosing pot over powerful and deadly prescription narcotics. But that's always been just an assumption.

Now a new study, released in the journal Health Affairs, validates these findings by providing clear evidence of a missing link in the causal chain running from medical marijuana to falling overdoses. Ashley and W. David Bradford, a daughter-father pair of researchers at the University of Georgia, scoured the database of all prescription drugs paid for under Medicare Part D from 2010 to 2013.U


Democrats Include A Path To Marijuana Legalization In Their Platform In Another Surprising Nod To Sanders

Despite his loss in the primary for the Democratic nomination, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has scored notable victories in shaping the party platform. The platform will include policies actively campaigned for by Sanders over the past year, including raising the minimum wage to $15, expanding Social Security benefits, establishing stricter sanctions for Wall Street fraud, and even abolishing the death penalty — all policies rival and presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton either didn’t support or was lukewarm about.


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