United States

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the US

New Cannabis Worker Permits Unveiled in Oregon

A new Oregon program will require all workers in the recreational cannabis industry — including seasonal and part-time employees — to have a cannabis worker permit in order to maintain their spot in the industry. The Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) launched its online permit application system for the permits last week, according to The Bulletin.

Applicants must be at least 21 years old and will be tested on their knowledge of Oregon cannabis law, the safe handling of marijuana products, proper ID checks, and on recognizing the visible signs of cannabis intoxication.


This Fancy Weed Chocolate Helps You Not Get Too Stoned

PEOPLE WHO WOULD rather ingest marijuana than smoke it have plenty of options. You can buy weed-infused pasta sauce, chewing gum, beef jerky… even vegan caviar. The edibles market is big. And this November, voters in California and several other states will decide whether to legalize the recreational use of pot—which means it’s poised to get a lot bigger.

The issue with edibles is their notoriously unpredictable user experience: They’re potent, take a while to kick in, and can take a long time for your body to metabolize. All that makes dosing an intimidating guessing game.


Marijuana Side Effects: 5 Worst Complaints From Users

With more states moving toward decriminalizing marijuana and rumors that the federal government might reclassify cannabis as a Schedule II drug, the era of pot prohibition is waning in the United States. Yet even as use of the drug becomes more accepted, both for medical and recreational use, questions about marijuana side effects remain.


IRS Said to Be Auditing Colorado Marijuana Businesses

Colorado pot businesses are increasingly coming under scrutiny from the Internal Revenue Service due to the industry's focus on cash, according to a report Tuesday from Marijuana Business Daily. 

Marijuana businesses such as dispensaries are known to deal predominantly in cash due to continued U.S. banking restrictions that make it difficult for them to have bank accounts with federally chartered financial institutions. And those cannabis businesses with bank accounts sometimes have accounts closed once the bank learns about the marijuana-related activities.


33 People Collapse in the Street at the Same Time After Smoking Synthetic Marijuana K2

More than 30 people had to be taken to hospital in New York after a mass-overdose of synthetic marijuana, police have said.

They collapsed or were barely able to walk in the same neighbourhood of Brooklyn after smoking K2.

Witnesses reported seeing victims lying on the pavement, shaking and leaning against trees and fire hydrants.

In total 33 people were taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, police said. It was not immediately clear what drugs the victims had ingested, but police said some of the victims had been smoking K2, also known as synthetic marijuana.

Dennis Gonzalez, of Bushwick, told WNBC-TV that K2 use in that part of Brooklyn was out of control.


LA County Supervisors Vote to Tax Marijuana to Help Homeless

After a nearly four-hour public hearing Tuesday, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors agreed to place a measure on the November ballot to tax legalized marijuana to bolster local funds for homeless services.

The board voted 3-2 to levy a countywide tax on recreational cannabis should California voters pass the Adult Use of Marijuana Act Initiative in the November election. Based on rough estimates, a 5 to 10 percent sales tax on recreational marijuana, for example, is projected to generate between $78 million and $130 million annually.


What Nevada Can Learn From Colorado About Marijuana

A group of Nevada lawmakers and industry leaders recently traveled to Denver where Marijuana has quickly grown into a billion dollar business.

But with the successes come challenges and Colorado regulators are still working with lawmakers to shape the state's marijuana industry.

Regulators there are trying to combat some of the same issues they faced a year ago, including some new ones.

When you ask state regulators and industry insiders in Colorado what the biggest issues are related to legal weed in their state, there are two that come up consistently.

One of them is a problem that plagued Nevada's fledgling medical marijuana industry -- regulating pesticides.

Something Colorado's Director of Marijuana Policy, Andrew Freedman knows all too well.


Pot Pesticides Pose Health Risks

Further investigation into the state’s burgeoning medical marijuana industry has produced a dangerous revelation that suggests what you don’t know could hurt you.

As Yolo County, along with the rest of the state, works to regulate the once underground industry, local ag officials are uncovering unanticipated problems.

The latest, reported by Yolo Ag Commissioner John Young this past week, is that some of the county’s marijuana crops are being treated with unapproved pesticides and legitimate labs have federal licenses that prohibit them from testing these products — which means even marijuana labeled “pesticide free” at dispensaries may still contain anywhere from trace to large amounts of pesticides.


The Marijuana Show World Premiere Launches on Amazon & iTunes

“Smoked Shark Tank” Ganjapreneurs Offered Over $13 million in financing.

The first-ever television show about investing in Cannabis, The Marijuana Show, heats up Summer Television programming when it premieres Friday, July 8, on Amazon, iTunes and Google Play. The Show was also picked up by Amazon Prime, launching in August. 


How Cannabis Is Helping One Company Research Treatment of CTE

“Imagine if you said to Paul Tagliabue, back in 2003, that Ricky Williams might one day be able to save Junior Seau’s life…”— Thoma Kikkis, co-founder of Kannalife Sciences

Imagine that it’s the year 2025. In locker rooms across the NFL, as ankles are taped and braces strapped on, trainers hand out gel capsules for players to ingest minutes before they take the field. The capsules are scientifically designed to protect against the deleterious effect of concussive blows to the head and traumatic brain injury—and, as a result, they have helped to sustain the viability of the sport of football. Oh, and yeah, they are derived from marijuana.


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