United States

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the US

High Hopes for a Georgia Town's Marijuana Ordinance

The Clarkston City Council has voted unanimously to approve the most liberal marijuana ordinance in the state, reducing fine from up to $1,000 to $75 for possessing less than an ounce, and eliminating the possibility of jail time for breaking municipal law.

“We just made history,” whispered Sharon Ravert, a Dahlonega resident and advocate for marijuana legalization, when she saw the council’s seven hands raised in unison on Tuesday.


Grover Beach, California, Eyes Marijuana Sales Tax Measure

Grover Beach is moving forward with plans to tax medical marijuana sales in the city — though they have to move fast: a deadline to put the measure on the Nov. 8 general election ballot is fast approaching.

If voters approved such a measure, Grover Beach would be the first city in San Luis Obispo County to tax medical marijuana sales. 


Can You Really Tell the Difference Between Sativa and Indica?

As a rookie smoker years ago I probably couldn’t tell what type of strain I was smoking based on its smoke, appearance, or smell but with time I was able to determine the effects of the strains I obtained. The differences in strain appearance were always vivid with almost all strains showing plenty of sticky resin but the smell would always differ. It wasn’t until about a few years down into smoking medical marijuana I was able to tell the difference between sativa and indica strains. Also, with the introduction of “hybrid strains” the possibilities of effects are almost endless.


Medical Marijuana Linked To Modest Budget Benefits For Medicare Part D, Study Finds

Prescription drug prices are up, making policy experts increasingly anxious. But relief could come from a surprising source. Just ask Cheech and Chong.

New research published Wednesday found that states that legalized medical marijuana — which is sometimes recommended for symptoms like chronic pain, anxiety or depression — saw declines in the number of Medicare prescriptions for drugs used to treat those conditions and a dip in spending by Medicare Part D, which covers the cost on prescription medications.


Massachusetts: Marijuana Legalization Question Can Go on November Ballot With Changes, SJC Rules

A ballot question on whether marijuana can be sold recreationally in Massachusetts can appear on the November ballot, the Supreme Judicial Court announced in an opinion Wednesday.

However, the court also ruled that the title and one-sentence statement describing what a “yes” vote would mean were misleading — leaving out the full array of “marijuana products” that would be legalized — and said it should be amended by the Attorney General and Secretary of State offices.


The Unique and Completely Legal Products Sold at New York City's 'Cannabis World Congress'

Cannabis is a serious business. 

Currently, medical marijuana is legal in 25 states, with several more considering bills. The Tax Foundation, a nonpartisan research group, estimates that it's a $45 billion industry in the US alone. 

This year, the International Cannabis Association hosted the second-annual Cannabis World Congress and Business Exposition in New York City, where cannabis businesses from around the world can network, show off their products, and attend seminars and panel discussions about the burgeoning industry.


Prohibition Gold Announces Potshotz™, the World's First Powdered-Marijuana Mixer

Prohibition Gold, a Seattle-based marijuana company, announces a major step forward in the legal recreational-marijuana market with Potshotz™, a premeasured single gram of neutral tasting white powder that quickly dissolves when added to any beverage.

"This isn't what comes to mind when you think about marijuana," said co-founder Tom Williams. "It looks different and creates an entirely new product category for marijuana. It's such a convenient, easy-to-use powdered mixer."

Potshotz come in small packets containing 10mg of THC in just a quarter teaspoon  of powder. "We worked hard to simplify our recipe so it blends well with other flavors," said Williams. "It really creates almost unlimited possibilities for anyone who enjoys marijuana."


Pot Backers Hope California Vote Will Pressure Congress to Ease Laws

When Lynette Davies, co-operator of the Canna Care medical marijuana dispensary in Sacramento, pays her California taxes she needs to haul a bag with $20,000 in cash to the state tax office.

“That’s really unsafe for me, and it’s unsafe for my employees to have this cash in the store,” said Davies, whose business is legal under state law as a result of California’s 1996 vote on the use of medical marijuana. “All because the banks that want to bank with us can’t.”


Expand Eligibility for Medical Pot

The state Department of Health wants to hear from the public about illnesses and conditions that should be added to the eligibility list for medical marijuana.

That sounds reasonable enough, we’re just not sure why officials are bothering with this process, which involves completion of a three-page petition detailing other available treatments for targeted illnesses and documentation from physicians about the potential benefits of cannabis.


California City Puts Alternative Growth and Marijuana Measures on Costa Mesa Ballot

The November ballot in Costa Mesa will get a bit longer after City Council members decided Tuesday night to put city-authored initiatives on medical marijuana and growth up for a public vote this fall.

Council members voted 3-2 to approve the proposed growth initiative, which was pitched as a competing measure against one sponsored by Costa Mesa First, a political action committee.

Mayor Pro Tem Jim Righeimer has characterized the Costa Mesa First initiative as overly strict and said he thinks residents should have the option to vote on an alternative.

"I'll be fine with the vote, whatever it is in the end," Righeimer said Tuesday.


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