United States

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the US

Startups Get Creative With DC's Marijuana Laws

DC juice delivery service comes with a gift of cannabis.

When Washington, DC residents voted to legalize marijuana back in 2015, many stoners (while high, of course) probably imagined President Obama blowing O’s in the White House rose garden after a tough day at the office; however, due to the District’s lack of statehood, and the tempestuous relationship that exists between DC and Congress—even the President might have a hard time understanding the Chocolate City’s stance on the green.


Why PAX Has Become the Most Popular Vaporizer in the World

Far removed from joints and bongs, marijuana smoking methods have truly entered the high-tech age. Beginning with tabletop devices like Storz and Bickel’s revolutionary Volcano vaporizer, the market has seen a greater demand for more portable, high-end devices that seem to have more in common with mobile phone technology than their paper and pipe ancestors.


Working With Weed: Meet a Technology Developer

In many ways, Matt Norris’ work developing mobile sites and apps feels like any other startup gig.

His team moves quickly, testing new products and sometimes failing. His co-workers are young, passionate and often wearing headsets.

But the Irvine office often has a distinct smell. And it happens to be part of a profitable, international company – which, Norris points out, is pretty rare in the world of startups.

That company is Weedmaps, which allows consumers to find and rate marijuana dispensaries.

As a vice president, Norris’ job is to create mobile products that work for everyone from elderly medical marijuana patients to strain-savvy millennials.


Where the Stoners Are: America's Top 10 Marijuana Using States

Acceptance of marijuana seems to have reached a tipping point in the United States. Four states and the District of Columbia have already legalized it, half the states have medical marijuana laws now (two-thirds if you count the CBD-only states), and as many as a half dozen states, including California, could vote on legalization in November.

Public opinion polls now consistently report majority support for legalization nationwide, and pot is increasingly moving from newspapers' crime pages to the finance and culture sections.


Trump Tuesday: Donald Trump Is Now a Marvel Supervillain

Less presidential nominee, more "Mental Organism Designed As America's King"

Marvel has obviously been scouring the news for inspiration regarding the latest instalment of one of its comic book series.

A new issue titled Spider-Gwen Annual #1 appears to reimagine a classic supervillain as presidential candidate Donald Trump.


How the DEA Could Introduce Big Pharma to Marijuana

The U.S. could soon be one step closer to allowing marijuana sales at your local drugstore. But while that might mean good news for patients, it could also overturn 20 years of development in the medical marijuana industry.


California Pot Exhibit Aims for Debate on Provocative Plant

 It's known as Mary Jane, ganja, Chronic and even the sticky icky and has been featured in countless movies, including one that warned of its dangers, "Reefer Madness."

Now, marijuana is the subject of a contemporary history and science exhibit.

"Altered State: Marijuana in California," a one-of-its-kind museum exhibition focusing on the topic, is open through the summer at the Oakland Museum of California.


A Hash Bath Is the Marijuana Spa Treatment You Deserve

The night Dahlia Mertens first dropped some marijuana leaves in her bath was a revelation. “I couldn’t believe how relaxed it made me feel,” Mertens says. Soon after she created her signature "hash bath" mixture. “It’s essentially a big tea bag of cannabis mixed with lavender, chamomile and peppermint and some bath salts,” Mertens explains.

The “hash bath” is part of Mertens’ Colorado-based Mary Jane’s Medicinals topical product line, which she founded in 2010. Mertens currently works with a growing number of Los Angeles dispensaries that offer her non-psychoactive, marijuana-infused massage oil, lip balms, salve and bath products.


Commercial Cannabis Farm Registration Ends Smoothly in California

List of commercial registrants could top 700.

A last-day change in the application process that allowed people registering cannabis farms to turn in their paperwork and have it stamped by county workers for review at a later time relieved an anticipated crush of people trying to beat the deadline at 4 p.m. on Thursday.

Calaveras County Planning Director Peter Maurer was clearly relieved when his wristwatch passed the 4 p.m. mark. He said there appeared to be more than 700 applications, but said 25 percent of those might fail to pass muster.


Consumers Develop a Taste for Marijuana Edibles

Bend processors say they cannot keep up with demand.

The whir and hum of pumps provided background music in a warren of small rooms in a second-floor, nondescript section of an industrial building in northeast Bend. 

That music was money being made, in the form of oil extracted from marijuana flowers and leaves, and infused into edibles like gel candies, or baked into macaroons, or, in a solid form, dusted onto nuts and pretzels. 

Cameron Yee, owner of Lunchbox Alchemy, said that since food, beverages, extracts and topical applications infused with THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana, became available to all Oregon adults in June, his firm can barely keep up with demand. 


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