United States

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Here's Why This Marijuana Drug Company's Stock Is Soaring Today

GW Pharmaceuticals gwph could be on its way to eventually winning the first U.S. approval for a marijuana-based prescription drug.

The U.K.-based biopharma on Monday unveiled more data finding that its investigational therapy Epidiolex, which is derived from a marijuana component called cannabidiol, or CBD, helped significantly reduce the number of monthly seizures suffered by patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS)—a rare disease that often strikes during childhood and usually causes debilitating epileptic episodes. It afflicts about 30,000 children and adults in the U.S., according to the LGS Foundation.


Moon Denver First to Add Marijuana Tips to Mainstream Travel Guide

How important is pot to Colorado tourism? “It is the elephant in the room,” said Cathy Ritter, the new state tourism head, who moved here from Illinois, shortly after she started in January. “Everyone does want to know about the impact of marijuana in Colorado.”


Illinois Medical Marijuana Director Resigns

An attorney appointed last year by Gov. Bruce Rauner to lead the Illinois medical marijuana program has resigned to pursue work in the private sector.

Joseph Wright, 32, who was in the position for just over one year, told The Associated Press on Monday he felt the time was right to seek other opportunities, possibly in the medical cannabis industry.

A spokeswoman for the governor confirmed the resignation Monday. Spokeswoman Catherine Kelly told the AP the governor's office "will have no further comment" on the reasons for the resignation.


Stats May Finally Back Claim Marijuana Is Oregon's Top Crop

Sales and tax figures collected by state agencies may finally solve one of Oregon’s long-running farm crop questions: whether marijuana is indeed the state’s most valuable crop, as cannabis advocates have always maintained.

Tight controls and reporting requirements by the Oregon Department of Revenue and Oregon Liquor Control Commission should result in accurate information about pot, said Bruce Pokarney, spokesman for the state Department of Agriculture. The department compiles an annual list of the state’s most valuable crops.


Do U.S. Consumers Know When They're Putting Chinese-Made Cannabis Products Into Their Bodies?

Just because cannabis is legal in Colorado doesn't mean all the companies based in the state are using Colorado grown weed in their products. We've been digging into rumors and lore about some edibles companies using CBD oil made in China instead of locally grown CBD.


Bo Shaffer: Attack on Cannabis Is Misguided, Dangerous

There have been recent letters to the editor, T-C Line statements and even statements at city council that are at best erroneous, and at worst, self-serving. I'd like to correct the perception generated by this outlandish misinformation. These statements all concerned "potheads" and how terrible it would be to allow illegal drugs into our communities. How bad "pot" is and how all your children will be born naked if you use it ... or something like that.


This L.A. Startup Could Become the Wells Fargo of Weed

When KIND Financial began in 2014, it was supposed to be the Wells Fargo for weed growers and dispensaries. 

“I was initially going to be KIND Banking," CEO David Dinenberg says. "I was going to be the marijuana bank.”


5 Considerations for Avoiding Cannabis Ownership Disputes

Lately, my firm’s cannabis litigation team has seen a massive spike in cannabis businesses owners suing their fellow owners within the same cannabis business. Whether you’re already headed to court or you’re just sensing a company mutiny brewing on the horizon, the five tips in this blog post will help you prevent an ownership dispute and best resolve one if one should occur.

    Cannabis conversation urged at North American Leaders Summit

    At the end of this week, President Barack Obama, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto will meet in Ottawa for the North American Leaders’ Summit. Since the summit was first convened in 2005, this regular gathering has been used to discuss shared economic and security issues, like trade and resource management. This year, however, these three leaders have a unique chance to address the future of an industry that will be among the defining political and economic forces of the next ten years, if not the next fifty. That industry is legal cannabis.


    Arguably the Most Important Marijuana Decision Ever Is Just Weeks Away

    You'd be hard-pressed to find an industry with faster growth potential than marijuana.

    Since it was first approved in California 20 years ago, medical marijuana has become legalized throughout half the country. Most interestingly, the last two states to legalize medical marijuana -- Pennsylvania and Ohio -- have done so entirely through the legislative process (i.e., without bringing the matter to vote by residents of the state). We've also witnessed four states (Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska), as well as Washington, D.C., legalize recreational cannabis.


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