United States

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the US

Judge Orders Illinois to Add PTSD to Medical Marijuana List

Illinois must add post-traumatic stress disorder to the list of diseases eligible for medical marijuana treatment, a Cook County judge ordered Tuesday in a sternly worded ruling that also said the state's public health director engaged in a "private investigation" that was "constitutionally inappropriate."

In a lawsuit filed by an Iraq war veteran, Judge Neil Cohen ordered Illinois Department of Public Health Director Nirav Shah to add PTSD within 30 days. It's the first decision among eight lawsuits filed by patients disappointed with across-the-board rejections by Gov. Bruce Rauner's administration of recommendations from an advisory board on medical marijuana.

The health department is reviewing the judge's order, department spokeswoman Melaney Arnold said.


Marijuana Provision Stripped From Veterans Affairs Funding Bill

A provision that would have made it legal for Veterans Affairs doctors to discuss medical marijuana with their patients in some states disappeared mysteriously from the final VA funding bill last week, just before the House approved the legislation by a 239-171 vote.

But the measure is not completely dead, as a failure by the Senate on Tuesday to forward the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs funding bill for a vote provides an opportunity for the marijuana provision to be put back in.

The failure in the Senate to pass a procedural vote over a dispute involving funding to fight the Zika virus means the bill can be reconsidered after the Independence Day break.


Arizona Pro-Cannabis Ad: Buy American Marijuana and Support Schools, Not Cartels

​The legalize Marijuana campaign in Arizona has taken a patriotic turn.

The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol says legalizing the drug would mean Arizonans would be able to 'Buy American and Support Schools, Not Cartels.'

A billboard with the slogan will appear in the city of Tempe and a retired U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency agent who investigated Mexican drug cartels has backed the scheme.


Floyd Landis Launches Cannabis Company

Floyd's of Leadville will produce recreational vapes and edibles as alternatives to addictive painkillers.

Former pro cyclist Floyd Landis is about to start a new career producing “high-quality cannabis products” under the brand name Floyd’s of Leadville. Since Colorado legalized recreational marijuana in 2014, the pot market has since grown to a billion-dollar industry—and Landis appears happy to be on board.

“I am really excited about this new phase of my life,” Landis said in a press release. “The cannabis industry is growing fast and I am fortunate to have this opportunity to play a role.”


Another Reason Cannabis is a Socially Responsible Investment

The Evils of Capitalism Will Make You Wealthy.

The title of the article was, “The Undeniable Evils of Capitalism.”

The guy who wrote it was clearly a fool.

If there’s one thing that really fires me up, it’s some moral do-gooder who seeks to place the burden of blame for the world’s problems on what is the greatest force for good in the world: capitalism.

The truth is, I actually take offense to the suggestion that those who seek to utilize capitalism as a mechanism to wealth and prosperity are somehow evil. Especially when you consider that capitalism is also the greatest catalyst for positive change in our world today.

No Apologies


Why the Marijuana Business Is Appealing to Female Entrepreneurs

So much about selling legal cannabis remains to be worked out—including the industry’s gender norms.

In this mountain town, which began allowing the recreational sale of marijuana in 2014, businesswomen and female entrepreneurs say they are launching marijuana-centric companies with the hope that they can avoid the glass ceiling some say prevented them from reaching board rooms and corner offices in other industries.


4 States Challenging Colorado's Spot As Top Cannabis Consumer

With 22.2 million Americans reporting they've gotten high within the past month, it's no secret that the U.S. is having an increasingly open love affair with cannabis. But which states are the most open-minded when it comes to cannabis?


US Federal Government Is Thwarting Proper Marijuana Research, Report Claims

Marijuana is still categorized as more dangerous than cocaine, methamphetamine, and PCP.

Marijuana continues to gain its status as an effective treatment for a number of health conditions, from epilepsy to the severe pain experienced by chronic cancer patients. As of today, 23 states, as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, have legalized Cannabis sativa to benefit people suffering from a number of medical conditions.


Trump Tuesday: Angry Scots Troll Donald Trump Over Brexit Gaffe

Donald Trump is not getting the warm Scottish welcome he was hoping for.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee arrived in Scotland on Friday to officially open his new Trump Turnberry golf resort. Protesters greeted him with golf balls emblazoned with Swastikas — a symbol synonymous with Nazi Germany — at the opening of the course.


7 Reasons to Invest in Marijuana Stocks Now

Many investors wouldn't even consider adding marijuana stocks to their portfolio. They think most pot companies are scams or that the companies aren't capable of turning a profit.

But what used to be a limited opportunity in this market has turned into staggering money-making potential…

Regardless of your views on marijuana use, we are committed to helping you profit.
And simply put, pot stock investments are going to be a huge profit-generator.


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