United States

the states
the US

Hawaii Lawmakers Ask How Much Marijuana Is Acceptable While Driving

With Hawaii's medical marijuana dispensaries set to open in July, state lawmakers are racing to set a limit for stoned drivers.

Rep. Cindy Evans introduced a resolution that looks at how much marijuana a driver can safely consume before getting behind the wheel of a car.

"Impaired driving is impaired driving and we have laws in the books for driving under the influence of alcohol, so why not under the influence of marijuana?" said Evans.

The resolution asks the Department of Health to study the issue and establish a threshold and testing protocol that would determine whether someone is safe enough to drive after using marijuana.


Hemp, Cannabis and Marijuana: What's the Difference?

Cannabis, hemp or marijuana is our oldest crop, sown for over 12,000 years (1), and may have been domesticated over 30,000 years ago. It produces more fuel, fiber, food and medicine than any other plant (2). The seeds of cannabis produce the most productive and nutritious vegetable oil and protein (3). Hemp produces more fiber, from its stems and stalks, than any other plant (4), and hemp fiber can be used to make paper, canvas, rope, lace, linen, building materials and more. Cannabis flowers and leaves also produce over 100 unique compounds known as cannabinoids that have many physical and psychological effects. (5)


Cannabis Scents and Sensibility: Why Marijuana's Fragrance is a Feast for the Nose

To make a truly informed cannabis-buying decision, you have to smell the product. And I don't mean taking a dainty whiff. You've got get in there and really inhale, because smelling it — really focusing on the fragrance — may just be the best way to choose your cannabis.

“Depending on what the scent is, it can make or break a strain for people,” said Tyson Dieter, a manager at the Southwest Portland outlet of Nectar, an Oregon cannabis retailer.


Penny Stocks: Four Cannabis Stocks for Your List

Daily Stock Reporter is issuing a report on four stocks to watch. VAPE, HEMP, TRTC, and CBIS have been added to our watchlist yesterday.


Oregon Marijuana = Government Profit

This past January marked the first month that the state of Oregon collected taxes on the sale of recreational marijuana, marking another milestone in the state’s unfolding experiment with legalized pot.

But it was the amount collected in taxes in January that raised eyebrows in Salem and around the state: The Oregon Department of Revenue pegged the amount at $3.8 million.

Let’s put that number into perspective: Obviously, no one knew for sure what sort of sales would result from the voter-mandated decision to make recreational use of marijuana legal, so state economists admitted that their estimates were little more than guesses. But they figured that Oregon would collect somewhere between $3 million and $4 million in tax revenue a year.


Vermont Governor Says Marijuana Edibles Make for 'Bad Pot Bill' in Mass.

Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin wants to legalize marijuana in the Green Mountain State before Massachusetts because he does not want the Bay State’s “bad pot bill” to negatively influence his state.

Shumlin expressed his views in a blog post entitled The Time is Now to Take a Smarter Approach to Marijuana on his official website.

Shumlin is criticizing the Massachusetts ballot initiative that would legalize the recreational use of marijuana because it includes marijuana edibles. Marijuana-laced items can include food such as gummy bears and brownies.  The bill Shumlin supports in Vermont would ban edibles.


San Jose, California Considers Forming New Division of Marijuana Control

Two years after enacting citywide pot regulations, San Jose may create a dedicated department to enforce them.

A Division of Marijuana Control would cost about $2.7 million a year and require more than a dozen employees with expertise in law, code enforcement and finance. To recover costs, the city would charge each of its 16 registered collectives a yearly fee of about $170,000.

The City Council on Tuesday will consider the plan in addition to other changes to its marijuana ordinance.


Using Medical Cannabis for Fibromyalgia

My last blog post examined the current legal and medical status of using marijuana as medicine. But how about specifically for treating fibromyalgia symptoms?

Many of my fibromyalgia patients report that medical marijuana/cannabis reduces their pain and improves sleep. A study of 28 fibromyalgia patients reported that two hours after use of cannabis they had a significant reduction of pain and stiffness.


How the Medical Marijuana Industry Could Help L.A.'s Homeless Population

The population has increased by 12% in two years.

Los Angeles is considering different funding sources to reduce the city’s rate of homelessness.

Last month city officials approved a $2 billion housing project—to be completed over the next ten years—that would provide residents with affordable housing units and support services. Southern California Public Radio reports that one of the proposals the city is considering is a medical marijuana tax. If approved, the city would implement a 15% tax rate on cultivation and sale of medical marijuana.


Nuns Growing Cannabis Have Online Shop Selling Medicinal Remedies Shut Down

The Sisters of the Valley have created a market for remedies made with the drug, but now they've been stopped in their tracks

A group of nuns is kicking against social norms by growing MARIJUANA at their convent - and selling it for medical purposes.

But their healthcare remedies are under threat thanks to removal from a popular online store.

The Sisters of the Valley are a sisterhood based in Merced, California who are not Catholic or traditionally religious, but consider themselves nuns.


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