United States

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the US

Marijuana Could Have a Surprising Economic Impact, New Report Shows

Yesterday we witnessed the release of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, a highly anticipated movie depicting an unstoppable force and the proverbial immovable object. But what many people might overlook is that we've been witnessing a real-life battle for years beyond the confines of the movie theater between a seemingly unstoppable force known as marijuana, and the federal government which has maintained its position as the immovable object.


Colorado: Pitkin County OKs First Legal Outdoor Marijuana Grow

County also rejects a license request for pot-infused product manufacturing business

Pitkin County commissioners on Wednesday approved one license for the county’s first outdoor grow operation, and denied another for a marijuana-infused product manufacturing enterprise.

The Stash marijuana dispensary, which operates an existing cannabis growing operation in the Roaring Fork Valley, is looking to expand to an outdoor operation for 250 plants on its mid-valley property.

The applicants, Garrett and Shawna Patrick, went before the county commissioners on Wednesday requesting approval for a fenced-in, secure outdoor grow site on their 60-acre property to help augment their operation.


Want To Open A Medical Marijuana Pharmacy In Louisiana? Here's What It Will Cost

People who want to get into the medical marijuana business in Louisiana are going to need to pay a $5,000 application fee in addition to a $150 licensing fee if they want to become one of 10 marijuana pharmacists in the state. The $5,000 application fee will be non-refundable, and will only be applied to marijuana pharmacies, not regular drug stores.


Massachusetts: In Exchange for Approving Pot Dispensary Applications, Cities Demand Lucrative Cash Perks

Host agreements signed between cities and marijuana dispensaries are supposed to smooth out any issues with the new business opening. But more towns are asking for cash up front and a sales cut in exchange for an essential part of the license application.

Before Worcester’s first medical marijuana dispensary sells one gram, city coffers will be on their way to seeing a lot more green.


Banks Need Government's Help to Say Yes to Weed, Lawmakers Argue

A group of lawmakers want to make it easier for banks to just say yes to the booming business for legalized marijuana.

Four Democratic U.S. senators from Washington, Colorado and Oregon, asked a group of regulators Thursday to clarify how lenders can help finance the industry and still comply with the law so that companies in states that permit pot sales don’t have to run their businesses solely on cash.


Immediate Treatment Can Benefit Cannabis Users Who Experience Withdrawal Symptoms

Heavy users of cannabis who experience withdrawal symptoms such as nervousness and cravings when they quit are likely to use again sooner than their peers, a new study finds.

Researchers at the University of Illinois found that 85 percent of people who met the criteria for a diagnosis of cannabis withdrawal during their intake assessment for treatment lapsed and used cannabis again within about 16 days, while other individuals stayed abstinent about 24 days before using again, said lead author Jordan P. Davis, a doctoral student in the School of Social Work.


Colorado Info on Marijuana Businesses to Go Public

State officials say the move to provide data online was in the works before The Denver Post began asking for the information months ago.

The Colorado agency charged with policing the cannabis industry is about to get more user-friendly.


MassRoots: The Social Media Destination for the Cannabis Community

Cannabis been causing quite a stir in recent years. From political debate to the business world, the iconic green plant has got people talking. Recent years has shown progress towards cannabis acceptance within the law books and recognition for its potentially beneficial healing properties. However, there is still work to be done in order to achieve nationwide legalization. One way to continue this progress is through uniting the community. MassRoots (MSRT), an online community for cannabis users, supporters and businesses, is on a mission to strengthen the pro-cannabis movement by providing a positive and supportive communication platform.


Iowa Needs Medical Cannabis Law That Works

In 2014 the Iowa Legislature passed a bill allowing patients with intractable epilepsy to possess cannabis oil. This bill was a good first step, but this law will expire in June 2017 and has helped fewer than 100 individuals. Having a law that helps only 1 percent of the population it was intended for is a strong indication that the law is broken and needs fixed.


Which Illegal States are the Most Cannabis Curious?

In January we examined what percentage of people looking at legal dispensary pages (Colorado, Washington, and Oregon) on Leafly.com were from other states, providing some insight into the growing appeal of cannabis tourism. Today we'll identify the states that are the most "cannabis curious," meaning they either have very limited medical marijuana laws or are illegal states, yet they can't help but sneak peeks at Leafly to look up strains and dispensaries or read the latest cannabis news.


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