United States

the states
the US

Should Bernie Sanders’ Home State Embrace Socialized Cannabis?

As one of Vermont’s approximately 2,500 official medical marijuana patients, Robert Gwynn is excited his state lawmakers are considering legalizing cannabis. Born with neurofibromatosis type 1, a tumor disorder that has left him with debilitating nerve pain, limited appetite and ongoing fatigue, the 31-year-old has been part of the state’s medical marijuana program for the past two years. Medical marijuana, he says, has helped him halve his 14-pill-a-day pharmaceutical regimen, which had left him so mentally disconnected from reality he was afraid to drive. But he thinks a recreational market could encourage the sort of competition, proficiency and price constraints lacking in the state’s current system of four nonprofit dispensaries statewide.


How MassRoots is Leading Cannabis’ Charge into the Mainstream

For the past several years, the issue of cannabis legalization has become a dominant topic of discussion in North America. From a cultural and social standpoint, momentum and popularity continues to move in favor of decriminalizing the drug, with an overwhelming majority in support of wider legalization. This has led to the legislative and political landscapes shifting rapidly to reflect the sentiment of their constituents. It also helps that the first states to legalize cannabis for recreational use have largely reported promising results on just about all fronts. This has created a dynamic in which support is building upon itself. As more positive data comes out, the cannabis community’s voice for legalization gets louder, and politicians react in kind.


Rand Paul: Remove Federal Prohibition on Cannabis

Rand Paul, in his Ask me Anything session on Reddit, Senator Rand Paul gave his strongest backing of cannabis since he introduced the CARERS Act of 2015.


Alabama moms make passionate plea: Legalize medical marijuana oil

Three moms, three children suffering from various forms of epilepsy, three different stories trying to share one message:

Legalize medicinal oil derived from marijuana.

In Alabama, that potential law has been dubbed Leni's Law and state Rep. Mike Ball, R-Huntsville, is the bill's sponsor. Sen. Paul Sanford, R-Huntsville, will carry the bill in the Senate.

On Monday, the three moms addressed the Madison County legislative delegation at its annual public forum. Their singular message came from three different vantage points:


California lawmakers scrambling to slow local bans on marijuana growing

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The California Senate on Monday approved a bill aimed at slowing a rush of cities and counties racing to ban marijuana cultivation.

The measure corrects what lawmakers say was a mistake in California’s first comprehensive medical marijuana regulations, which were adopted in the closing hours of last year’s legislative session.

A paragraph in that 70-page bill gave the state authority to license growers in jurisdictions that do not have their own laws on the books by March 1.


The Ultimate 420 Experience Takes Cannabis Tourism to New Heights

The Marijuana Times and partner 420 Tours have collaborated and put together the trip of a lifetime for one contest winner and three of their friends. Dubbed “The Ultimate 420 Experience,” the group plans to award an all-inclusive experience offered nowhere else. To Enter to Win and Learn More go to this link – The Ultimate 420 Experience

“We really wanted to take this to the next level.” says, Nick Phillips of The Marijuana Times.


The itinerary is scheduled as follows:


Marijuana business incubator comes to Tacoma

Tacoma-based developer George Heidgerken, 74, has a vision. Actually, he has several, and one resides in the center of Tacoma’s industrial district.

He owns the site of the former Abitibi mill on Chambers Creek, and Olympia Beer’s Old Brewhouse in Tumwater, and the Blue Heron Mill site overlooking Willamette Falls outside Portland. He once owned the former federal courthouse in downtown Tacoma, and several years ago he bought some of the assets of the bankrupt Milwaukee Road, including mineral rights, other rights and assorted properties across 13 Northern Tier states.


The cannabis-growing nuns fighting to legalise weed

A group of nuns are fighting to keep to keep weed legal in California. The Sisters of the Valley are based in California’s Central valley, and manufacture weed-based products they sell on their Etsy store. It’s worth pointing out that their products won’t get you high – they’re more like an alternative medicine.

The Sisters have got their habits in a twist because the city of Merced, where they live, last week passed a law banning medicinal weed. Although weed is legal in California, the Governor has given all cities in the state the opportunity to set their own cannabis legislation – and Merced has voted to ban the drug. 


Cannabis trade show will roll into Orlando this spring

Orlando's hopes are high for the medical marijuana vote expected to go on the ballot in November. The proposed constitutional amendment would legalize medical marijuana for patients with debilitating conditions as determined by physicians licensed in Florida.

A recent Orlando Business Journal poll tallied an overwhelming majority in favor of the amendment, and legalization will spark budding prospects for local entrepreneurs.


Colorado State Patrol to unveil new marijuana testing program

DENVER -- The Colorado State Patrol will unveil its new marijuana testing program on Tuesday.

It's designed to to find the best way to discover if motorists are driving high. The CSP is testing five devices that will be able to detect pot in someone's system.

One of the devices will check saliva for marijuana and other drugs. The CSP has trained 125 troopers in the new technology.

The state's Attorney General's Office has paid about $250,000 to buy the devices and every CSP field office will have at least one.

State lawmakers have set the legal limit of 5 nanograms of THC in the blood system. The goal is to get an accurate reading from drivers.


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