United States

the states
the US

Northwest Marijuana Growers Try To Go Green (But It's Hard)

Marijuana growers in the Northwest are going to use a lot of electricity in the next 20 years, enough to power up to 200,000 homes, according to a recent forecast.

That’s because a lighting module to grow four marijuana plants takes as much energy as 29 refrigerators.

After some hesitation, Washington utilities are now rewarding marijuana growers for reducing their energy use. 


Remember Nicotine Patches? Well Now You Can Get The Marijuana Version

Today’s smokers are always inventive, finding more and more ways to administer the ever lovable cannabis. 

At the Stoner’s Cookbook, we’ve tried them all, ranging from the traditional methods of smoking straight flower, to the highly condensed power hits of concentrated hash, dabs, rosin and shatter, and the humming body highs of dosing edible gummy bears, chocolates, cookies, and succulent candies. Yet this time, and as always, we wanted more… So we set out on a mission to find the newest and healthiest alternative to smoking the glorious goods.


41 Days Until Ethan Nadelmann hosts The Fantastic Marijuana Dispute

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Ethan Nadelmann, in addition to his colleagues at the Drug Policy Alliance, has played a critical function in most of the major drug policy reform tally effort projects in the United States, and he will be hosting The Terrific Marijuana Debate sponsored by ProCon.org in San Francisco this March at the California Marijuana Business Expo, produced by MJIC Media and sponsored by The Marijuana Investor Top and CannaFundr.


Georgia bill would make marijuana possession a misdemeanor


SAVANNAH, Ga. (WJCL) – State Sen. Harold Jones II, D – Augusta, filed a bill this week that would make possession of marijuana a misdemeanor regardless of the amount.

Senate Bill 254 says that all possession of marijuana offenses will be treated as a misdemeanor. The punishment would be a maximum fine of $1,000, and a maximum term of one year in jail.

Sen. Jones says he thinks the current law is too harsh.

"There's so many rights that you lose, so many opportunities you lose on,” Jones said. “Of course you can lose the right to vote, the other thing, if you're in college, you could lose potential scholarships.”


Colorado Bill Would Establish Labels Specific to Pesticide-Free Cannabis

A bill proposed in the Colorado state legislature would mandate the creation of a label informing consumers whether or not cannabis products they purchase have been grown using pesticides.

HB16-1079, proposed by Reps. Jonathan Singer (D-Longmont) and KC Becker (D-Boulder), would require the Colorado Department of Agriculture to design a system for companies to have their pesticide-free cannabis products certified as such under a state-sanctioned label.


Marijuana Legalization: Should Bernie Sanders' Home State Embrace Socialized Cannabis?

As one of Vermont’s approximately 2,500 official medical marijuana patients, Robert Gwynn is excited his state lawmakers are considering legalizing cannabis. Born with neurofibromatosis type 1, a tumor disorder that has left him with debilitating nerve pain, limited appetite and ongoing fatigue, the 31-year-old has been part of the state’s medical marijuana program for the past two years. Medical marijuana, he says, has helped him halve his 14-pill-a-day pharmaceutical regimen, which had left him so mentally disconnected from reality he was afraid to drive. But he thinks a recreational market could encourage the sort of competition, proficiency and price constraints lacking in the state’s current system of four nonprofit dispensaries statewide.


People deserve chance to vote on medicinal marijuana

I am helping circulate the NORML Wyoming petition to put the question of legalizing the possession of medical marijuana on the ballot in 2016 so the people of Wyoming can vote on it.

I have had many people sign, though some ask: Why support this initiative? My question is: How much are we willing to pay to make sure no one in Wyoming has medical marijuana, even if proponents can show that marijuana has medical benefits to people with cancer, epilepsy and glaucoma, to name a few?

Why lock up people with cancer and other medical conditions in jail or prison or levy heavy fines? Possession of 3.1 ounces of marijuana, medical or otherwise, is a felony punishable up to five years in prison.


Alaska city, Ketchikan, rejects marijuana business ban

The City of Ketchikan will not prohibit retail marijuana businesses within city limits.

The Ketchikan City Council, by a 3-2 count at its meeting Thursday night, voted down an ordinance in second reading that would have temporarily prohibited such businesses.

Council members Judy Zenge, KJ Harris and Julie Isom voted against the ordinance, while council members Bob Sivertsen and Dick Coose voted in favor. Council members Dave Kiffer and Janalee Gage were not at the meeting. Kiffer voted against the ordinance at the council’s Jan. 7 meeting but had previously supported prohibition, while Gage voted in favor of prohibition both earlier this month and in late 2015.


Alaska: Marijuana Task Force passes recommendations

Aspiring marijuana businesses in the Kenai Peninsula Borough may face only a few additional requirements on top of the state’s regulations.

After many months of deliberation, many amendments and dozens of public comments, the borough’s Marijuana Task Force arrived at a set of recommendations for the borough assembly at its Wednesday meeting.

The requirements the task force members changed were to increase the setback for marijuana establishments from schools, increase the number of hours retail stores must be closed for business and specify that the only prohibited odor outside marijuana establishments is that of marijuana itself.


Meet the Congressman Who’s Heroically Breaking the Law by Giving Medical Cannabis to Sick Children

“Unjust laws exist; shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them, and obey them until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at once?” – Henry David Thoreau

Witnessing the slavery and imperialism being carried out by government during the mid-nineteenth century, Henry David Thoreau was compelled to apply his transcendental philosophy to challenge the fallacies of the state. Civil Disobedience is one of the greatest American texts, and was a prime influence for Martin Luther King, Jr., who said, “One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.


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