

Impressive Development of the Global Marijuana Industry

The world cannabis industry is dramatically growing in such a various countries like The Netherlands, Canada, Uruguay, Israel or a huge part of United States of America (22 states to be exact). In these countries it is allowed to sell marijuana legally, but in some of them there are still many unnecessary restrictions which restrict the further development of the marijuana industry. For example, in some states it’s still impossible to fully profit from health, economic and social benefits provided by cannabis business. Let’s take a good look at particular countries and draw proper conclusions.

The United States of America marijuana politics


First Cannabis Museum of South America Opens its Doors

Located in the heart of the Palermo neighbourhood, the epicentre of candombe, and a few minutes from the centre of Montevideo, the Museo de Cannabis de Montevideo (Cannabis Museum Montevideo) will open its doors to the public on December 9. This remarkable project is as a way to celebrate the rich history of liberties that Uruguay has enjoyed in the past and continues to develop in the present. 

Global circuit

Managing the museum is the Uruguayan agronomist Eduardo Blasina, who earned one of the two legal growing licenses in the country. He points out that the museum places the country in a global circuit that includes Amsterdam, Barcelona and California. “It’s a way of connecting people who love nature, art and science,” concludes the director.


Trailblazing Uruguay Lights up New Marijuana Museum

Uruguay was the first country in the world to fully legalize marijuana, making it a global leader in progressive drug policy.

Uruguay will soon be home to a new unique museum dedicated entirely to marijuana, a fitting attraction in the first country in the world to fully legalize cannabis three years ago.

The Cannabis Museum will open its doors in the capital city of Montevideo on Friday, offering a permanent exposition showcasing the “diversity” of marijuana. Organizers herald the project as part of “continuing the rich history of freedoms that Uruguay has always adopted in an avant-garde way.”


Mapped: The Countries That Smoke the Most Cannabis

The country with the biggest weed habit? That might surprise you.

A new report claims the UK government should legalise marijuana because it's “the only solution to crime and addiction problems”.

The strongly-worded study - titled The Tide Effect: How the World is Changing its Mind on Cannabis - was produced by the nonpartisan Adam Smith Institute and has the backing of several cross-party MPs including former deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg.


Mapped: The countries that smoke the most cannabis

A new report claims the UK government should legalise marijuana because it's “the only solution to crime and addiction problems”.

The strongly-worded study - titled The Tide Effect: How the World is Changing its Mind on Cannabis - was produced by the nonpartisan Adam Smith Institute and has the backing of several cross-party MPs including former deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg.


Pot Stock: Could This Be the Next Marijuana Stock?

Can ICC Make a Big Impact on Pot Stock

International Cannabis Corp (CVE:ICC) is the new kid on the block in the pot stock business hitting the Canadian TSX Venture market. And as the name implies, it’s not strictly limited to Canada, with Uruguay set to be one of the key facets of its operation.

Why Uruguay? Because a pot stock based out of there has a pretty big consumer base from which to draw. Of the 3.4 million people living in the South American country, an estimated 55,000 plus engage in marijuana use, sparking up 40 grams per month on average.


Why WHO Needs a Radical Rethink of Its Draconian Approach to Cannabis

Cannabis is hugely popular. 182m people use cannabis across the world and, with this level of exposure, the way cannabis is regulated matters. As does the evidence of risks and benefits to health which underpins regulation.

Sometimes saying nothing is as telling as saying something. Silence can suggest retaining the status quo. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has been silent about the international regulatory controls on cannabis since its inception in 1935. The past 80 years have brought dramatic advances in scientific knowledge about cannabis, so it is odd that it has not provided updated advice about its legal status. 


Marijuana Grown in Uruguay Only Enough for 25% of Consumers

Marijuana grown in Uruguay only enough for 25% of consumers. The Monitoring Cannabis team of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of the Republic estimated that only 25% of regular consumers will be able to access legal marijuana from Uruguay.

By October 2016, 5,332 farmers were registered in the regulatory framework program, as required by law. Additionally there are 22 buyers’ clubs registered in the Institute of Regulation and Control of Cannabis. Each club is allowed to have a maximum of 45 affiliates..


Marijuana Industry About to Go Global

Although the United Nations international drug treaties have upheld an official prohibition against marijuana, the marijuana industry has spread across the Americas, Europe, and Asia.


In a First for Latin America, Uruguay Rolls out Program Legalizing Marijuana

Diego Prandini is bent over in a small, brightly lit room, watering marijuana plants of all shapes and sizes. He crawls into a corner to reach some smaller specimens, labeled with names like “Ushua” and “RGB1,” all of which will be part of the next two-kilogram harvest.

“I've been at this for seven hours today,” he says, standing and smiling. “So my back is starting to get a little tired.”

Until recently, this job would have been illegal, and he might have worked for dangerous narcotraficantes, perhaps in hidden in nearby Paraguay. But Prandini, 37 and sporting a T-shirt and mohawk, tends his plants in a pleasant middle-class neighborhood of Uruguay's capital, and as a break, he heads downstairs to enjoy a joint with his co-workers and watch YouTube videos. 


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