Marijuana Politics

rand paul

New marijuana law under attack in Massachusetts

Legislative proposals to limit the cultivation, sale and use of marijuana is infuriating pot advocates in Massachusetts who say lawmakers are trying to gut key provisions of voter-approved recreational use of cannabis.

Among the proposals is a measure to cut in half – from a dozen to six -- the number of marijuana plants individuals can grow on their property. The bill would also impose a two-year ban on edible products such as candy and baked goods with high concentrations of THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana.

An even more radical measure seeks to repeal the ballot initiative legalizing the recreational use of marijuana in the November election. The law took effect Dec. 15 but implementing regulations remain under discussion.


You'll Never Guess Who Wants to See Marijuana Legalized Nationwide

The marijuana industry is red hot, and it has the rapidly changing views of the public to thank.

In 1995, just prior to California becoming the first state to legalize medical cannabis for compassionate use, only 25% of respondents in Gallup's national poll wanted to see pot legalized nationally. That was essentially unchanged since 1980. However, since 1995 we've seen a steady uptick in support for weed. By 2005, 36% approved of its nationwide legalization. In 2011, marijuana's approval hit 50% for the first time ever. Finally, in 2016 it topped 60%, logging an all-time high. It's this rapid shift of opinion that's allowed marijuana to expand so quickly at the state level.


Bill to Legalize, Tax, and Regulate Marijuana Passes New Mexico House Committee

A bill to legalize, tax, and safely regulate marijuana passed the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee by a vote of 3 to 1. House Bill 89 would open New Mexico to the $35 billion marijuana industry and create a major new stream of revenue for our ailing economy. The revenue from this act would fund our public schools, substance abuse programs, public safety, and the public defenders office. The act would legalize the social use of marijuana for adults aged 21 or over.


Guam Visitors Bureau to research tourism-related medical marijuana

The Guam Visitors Bureau leadership wants to get more information before it takes a stance on a newly revived proposal to allow medical marijuana tourists into Guam.

GVB President and CEO Nathan Denight said the GVB board had requested for more information on the possible new market before throwing support for or against the idea.

GVB is in the process of putting together research findings, discussing the medical tourism venture with its off-island market offices, and gauging interests in those markets before engaging in the conversation, Denight said.


Israeli ministers endorse bill to export medicinal cannabis

Israeli ministers on Sunday endorsed a draft bill to legalise export of cannabis for approved medical use, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked's office said, without elaborating.

Adoption by the ministerial committee on legislation, which meets outside the full cabinet, means that the draft will now move forward as a government bill.

No date was set for a first reading.

Shaked's office said that a scheduled debate on decriminalising marijuana use in favour of fines and treatment was put back until next Sunday.

Although the recreational use of cannabis is currently illegal in the Jewish state, for the past 10 years its therapeutic use has not only been permitted but encouraged.


Connecticut's Chances Of Legalizing Marijuana Just Improved Significantly

As it stands right now, there are 8 states that have voted to legalize marijuana, along with America’s capital. Every single one of the those states has legalized marijuana via a citizen initiative. For those that are not familiar with initiatives, in some states citizens can gather enough signatures to put marijuana legalization on the ballot. Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Washington D.C., California, Nevada, Maine and Massachusetts – all of them legalized marijuana via that process.


'DA Group' Really Advising Trump on Cannabis?

Headlines out of Colorado this week made many cannabis industry leaders and advocates do a double-take. “Boulder County District Attorney Named to Trump Marijuana Advisory Group,” announced Denver’s Fox 31 news site. The Denver Post and Boulder Daily Camera also referenced a “group that will advise Trump” on cannabis policy.


Italian Military Police Aim To Grow Top-Grade Medical Marijuana For Patients

Since 2007, the Italian government has been slowly chipping away at cannabis prohibition. The country’s Health Minister recognized marijuana as a viable pharmaceutical product a couple of years ago, but you might be surprised as to who is producing this medicinal cannabis for the thousands of applicable patients living in Italy. 


Weed 101: Colorado agriculture office shares pot know-how

Don't delay.

Don't expect help.

And get used to the smell.

Those are some marijuana lessons from the Colorado Department of Agriculture.

The agency is starting to open up about regulating cannabis, a plant the agency long ignored and snickered about.

Here are some pointers the Colorado Department of Agriculture recently shared with agriculture officials from other states during a recent convention in Denver:


Colorado's Department of Agriculture ignored the marijuana industry for the first dozen years it was legal, figuring state agents shouldn't mess with a drug that violates federal law.


Vermont looks again at legalizing recreational cannabis


A bill has been proposed in the Vermont House that would make it legal for adults to possess and grow small amounts of marijuana.

The proposal would remove all civil and criminal penalties for adult possession of up to 2 ounces of marijuana and for the cultivation of a total two mature marijuana plants and seven immature plants.

The bill was introduced by Democratic Reps. Maxine Grad of Moretown and Charles Conquest of Newbury, and Republican Rep. Thomas Burditt of West Rutland.

Under state law, possession of up to 1 ounce of marijuana is a civil violation that carries an up to $200 fine. Possessing 1 to 2 ounces could result in up to six months in jail.


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