Marijuana Politics

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Neil Gorsuch & Marijuana: What Are His Views on Legalization?

President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, hails from Colorado, a state known for marijuana legalization and being a strong proponent of state’s rights over the federal government. Has Gorsuch said anything about his views on legalization?

Here’s what you need to know.

There’s really not a lot to go on when it comes to determining Gorsuch’s views on marijuana. There’s little evidence for how he feels about this topic.


Marijuana Legalization Must Include Justice Reform

Across our country, we routinely take a pledge that ends in “with liberty and justice for all.” 

Yet that fundamental promise has been broken in six of the eight states that have legalized recreational marijuana use, as tens of thousands of people remain in state prison for nonviolent marijuana crimes.

The majority of America is now cannabis friendly; nearly 60 percent of our nation’s population resides in states with some form of legalized marijuana. 29 states plus Washington, D.C. have legalized medical marijuana and eight of those states have also legalized marijuana for recreational use: Alaska, California, Colorado, Nevada, Maine, Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington and Washington DC. 


The Truth About Marijuana & Mental Illness

The idea that smoking pot causes can make you crazy is straight out of Reefer Madness. But although we've thankfully gotten away from such a hilariously extreme portrayal, the idea that using marijuana puts you at risk for developing all kinds of mental disorders persists. As usual, the truth is way more complicated than that.


Canada Pressing Forward with Marijuana Legalization Amid US Uncertainty

Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould says the Liberal government is determined to bring forward legislation to legalize and regulate the recreational use of pot this spring, despite the fact it is working overtime to manage many unknowns associated with U.S. President Donald Trump.

Wilson-Raybould says Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale is talking with U.S. counterparts about any potential impacts of the government’s plans.

There are concerns introducing marijuana legislation in Canada could create problems with the U.S.

Wilson-Raybould says the Liberal government is seriously considering a report presented by a special task force late last year.


Montana Medical Marijuana Patient Seeks Ruling on 'Usable' Marijuana

A medical marijuana patient is asking the Montana Supreme Court to rule whether the state can prosecute him and other patients for possessing more than one ounce of marijuana, even if the plant is not yet dry.

Steven Penning filed the request earlier this month after District Judge Rod Souza denied his motion to dismiss a marijuana possession charge. Penning argued that the marijuana plants he had grown and harvested in October 2015 were not usable because they were not yet dry, The Billings Gazette reported.

State law defines usable marijuana, in part, as the dried leaves and flowers of the marijuana plant.


Colorado Legislative Panel Approves Medical Marijuana for PTSD

State lawmakers on Monday offered hope to throngs of veterans who have for years been asking the state to add post-traumatic stress disorder as a qualifying condition for medical marijuana.

The Senate State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee unanimously backed the legislative proposal, offering a symbolic endorsement of the normalization of medical marijuana.

The bill was assigned directly to the Senate "consent calendar," meaning it likely won't face much debate as the bill moves through the Senate. If the legislation passes the Senate, then it will head to the House for debate.


Hemp and Pot Restrictions Not Dying Fast Enough

The push for legalization—particularly farming—is being hampered by in a number of ways.

I finally escaped Washington, D.C., last month, arriving by car with my girlfriend as new residents of Seattle early this month.

I've welcomed most of the changes I've seen here—apart from the Lenin Statue near our apartment. The traffic is lighter. The food is better. The people are nicer. The neighborhoods are more walkable. The mountains are beautiful. Most politicians and bureaucrats are further away.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Hero And Villain To The Legalization Movement

Former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt - who was born 135 years ago today - is an enigmatic figure in cannabis culture. His arguments in support of repealing alcohol prohibition in America - which he accomplished in 1933 - can be applied to support cannabis legalization. But at the same time, he's the president who signed marijuana prohibition into law in 1937. So at first glance, he's both a hero and a villain in the legalization movement.

But the whole story is much more complicated than that. Here's an overview of Roosevelt's complex position on prohibition.

A 'Damp' Candidate 

While campaigning for president in 1932, Roosevelt pledged to repeal alcohol prohibition. It was a defining moment in his evolving political career.


Arkansas Legislators Look to Amend Medical Marijuana with Three New Proposed Bills

State Representative Robin Lundstrum (R-District 87) helped introduced three bills into the House that looked to amend the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment in several different ways.

On Monday, Rep. Lundstrum, along with Senator Gary Stubbefield (R-District 6) as a primary sponsor in the Senate, introduced a bill that would put a ban on medical marijuana edibles. The proposed amendment to the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment, HB1392, would not allow medical marijuana edibles to be manufactured, sold, purchased, or exchanged in Arkansas. However, a patient prescribed medical marijuana or their caregiver may still put marijuana into their food or drink.


What You Need to Know About the Cannabis Meeting in Canada’s Senate Today

The Canadian Senate will meet today to discuss the legalization of recreational cannabis.

Although this will be the first time the Senate discusses recreational cannabis since October, we do not expect this meeting to be any different than the one prior.

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss questions raised by Senator Claude Carignan after a Task Force provided its recommendations for a legal recreational cannabis program last month. Senator Carignan has said that cannabis will have enormous consequences at every level and is the biggest public policy issue Canada faces.


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