Marijuana Politics

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Progress, questions as Ohio legalizes medical marijuana

 Life under Ohio's fledgling medical marijuana law remains hazy. With every action, a new question seems to arise.

The state Medical Board has advised doctors not to recommend marijuana to patients while Ohio's program is being crafted, which could take up to two years. But an author of the law questions that advice.

Attorneys have been cleared to help clients navigate the law, but new legislation makes any advice they give a moving target.

As the law ramps up, here's a look at some of the latest developments:



As edible marijuana sales soar, Colorado tries a new regulatory tactic

Pot-friendly Colorado is still working on the perfect recipe for regulating edible marijuana, in the face of data showing an increase in accidental ingestion of marijuana-infused treats.

The state's latest attempt legislates new warning labels for edibles, which have become increasingly popular. Through June of this year, consumers spent $73.5 million US on edible pot — more than 12 per cent of total marijuana sales, according to cannabis data firm BDS Analytics.


'The penalty is just so extreme, it's insane': Man on a mission to decriminalize marijuana in Wisconsin city


Ben Kollock was a kid when he learned an important life lesson from the cartoon character Captain Planet: If he sees an injustice in the world, he should do something about it.

Kollock sees an injustice in Stevens Point, and he’s following the lessons he learned from superheroes, the Stevens Point Journal reported. The 28-year-old wants the city to reform its policies surrounding marijuana possession to keep people caught with a small amount of the drug out of the criminal system.


Here’s How Many US Senators and Representatives Support Legalization

The federal government has not experienced the same increase in support for legalization as the American people.

Earlier this week, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) released its 2016 congressional scorecard, which assigns a letter grade for federally elected officials based on their stances on legalization.

In order to receive an “A,” the official must have “publicly declared his or her support for the legalization and regulation of marijuana for adults.”


Idaho pot activists launch new campaign for medical marijuana

A new initiative petition seeking to reform Idaho’s stringent marijuana laws has hit the streets. 

Earlier this month, the Idaho Secretary of State's Office approved a petition that, if passed into law, would create a medical marijuana program in the Gem State. Current Idaho law takes a particularly harsh approach to marijuana compared to neighboring states, which allow some sort of medical use of the drug or have outright legalized it like Washington and Oregon. In Idaho, possession of cannabis is a misdemeanor offense and the state doesn’t sanction the medical use of the drug.


How a Maryland lawmaker shaped the medical marijuana industry — and joined it

About the time the Maryland legislature’s longtime champion for medical cannabis joined a company looking to dispense the drug, he urged state regulators to remove a restriction on the sale of edible marijuana products.

Two months later, Del. Dan K. Morhaim (D-Baltimore County) sought feedback from regulators for his plans to introduce legislation allowing dentists, podiatrists and certain nurse practitioners to join physicians in recommending cannabis to patients.

Such interactions, detailed in emails obtained by The Washington Post, shed light on the contact the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission had with Morhaim, whose legislative colleagues are scheduled to meet Oct. 19 to decide whether to investigate the lawmaker’s dual roles.


Can Marijuana Kill You? Why Chelsea Clinton Was Wrong About Drug Statistics

The Drug Enforcement Administration has never reported a single overdose caused by marijuana use, but Chelsea Clinton was apparently unaware of that fact when she recently told an audience in Ohio that people have “died” after using marijuana during a speaking engagement. A spokesperson for Hillary Clinton’s daughter said the presidential candidate’s only child “misspoke” on the marijuana facts, according to The Washington Post.


Oregon Scrambling to Implement New Marijuana Rules

Officials in Oregon are working to address concerns of marijuana businesses that say delays in the state processing regulatory applications threaten chaos for the industry when new rules take effect on Saturday.

The Oregon Liquor Control Commission has scheduled an emergency meeting for Friday to discuss the matter, an agency spokesman said. Without action, medical dispensaries and recreational retail outlets may be forced to pull some products off their shelves.


News Roundup: Alaska's First Legal Cannabis Harvest Just Began. It's Already Stalled.

U.S. News Updates


Alaska’s first commercial cannabis harvests are underway. The first official legal crop comes from Greatland Ganja, a small cultivator on the Kenai Peninsula. Greatland has harvested about 75 pounds of cannabis so far, of an expected total of about 100 pounds consisting of 10 different strains. Unfortunately, however, the first harvest may not have anywhere to go. Distribution and sales are stalled until state-licensed testing laboratories are up and running. At the moment two labs are nearing completion in Anchorage: CannTest hopes to open by mid-October and AK Green Labs aims to be online by early November.



Second time's the charm for medical marijuana in Florida?

There are several constitutional amendments on the November ballot. One of them, Amendment 2 — Use of Marijuana for Debilitating Medical Conditions — is a retread from the 2014 election.

Two years ago, the slightly different version of the amendment received 58 percent of the vote, falling just short of the 60 percent needed to pass. It appeared on the ballot as Amendment 2 then, too.

What happened?


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