Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Denver police need more room, money to store seized marijuana since legalization

Since the legalization of recreational marijuana, the Denver Police Department has struggled to stash the weed its narcotics officers confiscate.

Now, the department is asking Denver City Council to approve $125,116 in the 2017 budget so its property bureau can handle the thousands of pounds of marijuana that comes through its doors each year.

“We’re no longer getting small amounts like we used to,” said Lt. Cliff Carney, who manages the department’s evidence section. “Instead of 15 to 20 plants grown in someone’s basement, they’re finding 1,000 to 1,500 plants in a warehouse and all the equipment that goes with it.”


Reporter who quit on air to fight for cannabis legalization could face prison

Charlo Greene did not plan to curse on live television, but on 22 September 2014, the words came pouring out.

Then a reporter for KTVA, a station in Alaska, Greene ended her segment on marijuana by revealing that she was a proponent of legalization – and was the owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club, the subject of her news report.

“Fuck it, I quit,” she said, before abruptly walking off camera. The 26-year-old’s stunt shocked her colleagues and made her a viral sensation overnight.


'It's a disaster': Oregon marijuana businesses push back against Oct. 1 regulation changes

A marijuana industry group is asking Oregon lawmakers to delay Oct. 1 deadlines for the state’s new pot regulations by at least 30 days.

The Oregonian/OregonLive reports that the Oregon Cannabis Association last week asked the joint committee that oversees marijuana rules for extra time to meet regulations about how pot is tested, packaged and labeled.

Association attorney Amy Margolis said many businesses simply aren’t ready to comply and can’t afford to shut down while they get everything in order.

“This extension is crucial for the survival of many, many businesses,” she told Oregon lawmakers last week.


California Can End Discriminatory Marijuana Enforcement By Passing Prop. 64

As the nation staggers in the aftermath of video footage of yet another police killing of an American Black man, news reports confirm that marijuana played a significant role in the shooting of North Carolina resident Keith Lamont Scott.


Law should be enforced at marijuana dispensaries, says Ottawa mayor

Ottawa's mayor says until the federal government comes out with new legislation to legalize marijuana, Ottawa police should be cracking down on illegal dispensaries.

At Wednesday's city council meeting, Coun. Mathieu Fleury asked staff to look into what the city's by-law and planning departments are doing to shut down illegal marijuana dispensaries, and to consider what other cities are doing about it.

Residents are concerned about the growing number of shops in Ottawa, Fleury said.

Mayor Jim Watson is interested in Fleury's inquiry, because he said, "It is very much a grey area.


Chelsea Clinton 'misspoke' on marijuana risks, spokeswoman says

Speaking at a town hall at Youngstown State University over the weekend, Chelsea Clinton made a remark about the risks of marijuana use that left many drug reform advocates scratching their heads. The daughter of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton suggested that legal marijuana use had contributed to the deaths of people who were using other drugs simultaneously, due to a bad drug interaction.

A spokeswoman for Chelsea Clinton now says that the Democratic presidential candidate's daughter simply misspoke.


Denver marijuana farms make unwelcome neighbours

EDITOR'S NOTE: With Canada poised to legalize marijuana in 2017, CBC News reporter Solomon Israel went to Denver to see how the fledgling pot industry there has affected where people live, their health concerns and how it shapes public spending. This is the first of three pieces in our series.

Even though pot isn't yet legal in Canada, marijuana dispensaries are already taking root in Toronto neighbourhoods like Kensington Market and the Danforth.

And while that's sparked complaints to police and local councillors, it could be worse: Torontonians could be living near an urban marijuana farm.


Are Cannabis Users Suffering in the Philippines’ War on Drugs?

Since President Rodrigo Duterte came to power in the Philippines he has been waging a bloody war on drugs that threatens to destabilise the country entirely, and has affected users of cannabis as well as “hard” drugs such as meth. We spoke to a prominent cannabis activist to learn more about the situation and the everyday risks for cannabis users.

On May 9th, 2016, the population of the Philippines elected a new president – Rodrigo Duterte, former mayor of the city of Davao. Duterte has been linked to the notorious Davao Death Squad, believed to be responsible for the deaths of over a thousand suspected drug dealers between 1998 and 2008.


Oregon Marijuana: A Bump in the Road for Rural Residential Grows

Last week, the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) ruled against a certain cross section of pot growers in the state. The Petitioners at issue wanted to grow medical marijuana on land covered by a “rural residential” zoning designation. When Jackson County adopted a zoning ordinance prohibiting such activity, the growers sued. Because LUBA sided with the County, medical marijuana grows in that jurisdiction will be limited to land zoned exclusively for farm (EFU), forest or industrial use. In that sense, the ruling is fairly narrow, although it could discourage prospective litigants in other counties on similar appeals.


Canada to Regulate Vaping Products

The Liberal government says it plans to introduce legislation later this fall to regulate vaping.

Health Canada offered few other details Tuesday beyond saying it would both protect young people from nicotine and allow adult smokers to use vaping as a quit-smoking aid or as a potentially less harmful alternative to tobacco.

In a statement, the department said it is also renewing the federal tobacco control strategy for one year, giving the government time to develop a new long-term plan. The strategy was introduced in 2001 and last renewed four years ago.

Health Minister Jane Philpott will host a national forum early next year to discuss the future of tobacco control.


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