Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Trump vs. Clinton: Who's Better on Weed?

Quick: What’s something—perhaps one of the only things—Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump see eye-to-eye on? If you guessed supporting medicinal cannabis legalization efforts moving forward on a state-by-state basis, *bong rips*.

That the respective Democratic and Republican presidential candidates have both expressed support for medicinal weed is certainly notable, especially in what’s become one of the most toxic election cycles in recent memory, possibly ever.

“I think what the states are doing right now needs to be supported,” Clinton told Jimmy Kimmel in March. “I absolutely support all the states that are moving toward medical marijuana, moving toward.”


Majority in Dutch Parliament Supports Legalizing Commercial Cultivation

After a backroom meeting between political party leaders, a slim majority of Dutch Parliament has aligned behind a proposal to regulate the flow of cannabis that feeds the country’s coffeeshops. If enacted, the new system would bring the Netherlands closer to the legal, adult-use markets emerging across North America.

Sales by coffeeshops of small amounts of cannabis are tolerated in the Netherlands, but the coffeeshops currently don’t have a legal way to obtain product, as commercial grows and wholesale distribution are forbidden. To remedy this so-called backdoor paradox, the Dutch bill would create a system of licensed producers to cultivate cannabis under government supervision and supply the coffeeshops.


Marijuana Arrests Fall To 20-Year Low, But Someone Is Still Getting Busted About Every Minute

Police made fewer arrests for marijuana-related offenses last year than they have in any year since 1996, according to crime data the FBI released Monday. 

Still, authorities in the U.S. made 643,000 arrests for marijuana-related charges in 2015 ― or about one every 49 seconds. Charges related to the drug accounted for 5.9 percent of all arrests, and about 43.2 percent of all drug arrests. 


Ask the Candidates If They Are Ready to Legalize Marijuana—And, If Not, Why?

Presidential debates, as organized by the lamentable Commission on Presidential Debates, are deliberately boring. Most of the questions asked of the candidates are little more than invitations to repeat their most shopworn talking points. And, worse yet, there has been a recent trend toward asking candidates to critique their opponents — literally asking for more of the talking-head punditry that extinguishes whatever enthusiasm might be generated by a clash of ideas. Ad Policy


New Jersey Could Legalize Marijuana Similar to Cigarettes

It is possible that New Jersey could become one of the first states to tax and regulated marijuana in a manner similar to tobacco – creating one of the most liberal marijuana laws in the United States.

Earlier last week, State Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll introduced a piece of legislation (A4193) aimed at legalizing a recreational cannabis market that would operate under the same restrictions the state already has in place for people who buy cigarettes. The lawmaker's goal is make legal weed available in supermarkets and convienience stores, giving cannabis users the same access to the herb as smokers have for their daily vice.


Medical Marijuana Fight Heats up in Florida

Full page of mailer takes aim at attorney John Morgan.

The campaign to defeat Amendment 2, the medical marijuana question on November’s ballot, is heating up.

The “No on 2” campaign is telling the same story it told two years ago, when the amendment lost by a bare margin.

And now, thousands of slick brochures are showing up in mailboxes across Florida, telling horror stories about medical marijuana. Last time, the initiative lost by fewer than three points.


Japan’s New Hemp Mascot Is Changing Public Opinion Of Cannabis

Japan’s new cannabis mascot may mark the nation’s first step in loosening its harsh marijuana laws.

It is legal to grow hemp in Japan but only 33 farmers in the entire nation do so, seemingly because hemp derives from the same plant genus as marijuana, which is completely illegal.

Japan does not even have a medical marijuana program due to a strict ban on marijuana research.

The nation may be poised to further explore the cannabis plant, however, thanks to a hemp-loving female cartoon character.

Japan’s largest hemp farm, Hachijuhachiya, is located in Chizu, a town in the Tottori Prefecture.

The facility produces about 500 kilograms of industrial hemp a year to be used in deodorants, food, and textiles.


Recreational Marijuana In Spain: Barcelona Police Aren't Concerned With Patrolling Cannabis Clubs Or Public Smoking

Recreational marijuana use is not permitted in public in Barcelona, but that hasn’t stopped non-profit cannabis clubs and discrete smoker lounges from popping up all over the Catalan region.

There are over 800 smokers clubs in Spain now compared to the mere 40 in the country in 2010. Despite the influx of clubs, patrolling public smoking isn’t at the top of the Spanish police’s to-do list.


Global Medicinal Cannabis Summit: A Doctor's Review

With memories of the Global Medicinal Cannabis Summit: Advancements in the Age of Cannabis still fresh in our minds, VolteFace has been particularly fortunate to receive the following in-depth review of the event – penned by Dr Callum Swift, who graduated with an MA in Neuroscience from Trinity College, Dublin.


Colorado Marijuana Products Must Come With Warning Labels Starting Oct. 1

Beginning Oct. 1, all new medical and retail marijuana packaging must feature the new universal symbol on the front. 

Colorado marijuana products will soon have labels aimed to keep the drug out of the hands of children.

Starting Saturday, the weed products must feature a diamond-shaped symbol with this statement on the packaging: "Contains Marijuana. Keep out of the reach of children."

According to a news release Monday, the state's Department of Public Health and Environment and Department of Revenue's Marijuana Enforcement Division have teamed up "to educate Coloradans about the rules, designed to promote public health and safety, raise awareness and help people more accurately identify marijuana products."


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