Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Wikileaks: Alcohol Industry Bribed Congress To Trash Cannabis

According to a Wikileaks DNC email dump, the alcohol industry pressured and bribed officials in Congress to destroy the reputation of cannabis.

According to cannabis industry website, officials in some of the top alcohol companies in America spent money on persuading members of Congress to pay attention to the alleged problem of “marijuana-impaired driving”. reports:


Marijuana Activist Aims to Make 4/20 Family Friendly

Should the same festival offer both a “bud garden” and a bouncy castle?

A local medical marijuana advocate is proposing just that for a pro-cannabis event next spring.

Steven Stairs, president of the Winnipeg 4/20 organizing committee, said he’s met with city and provincial officials to discuss ways to add a kid-friendly element to festivities a day after the main event on April 20, 2017.

Otherwise known as 4/20, that’s the day cities around the world host pot-smoking demonstrations.


Rise in UK Explosions Linked to Butane Hash Oil

A highly dangerous method of producing super-strength cannabis is emerging in the UK, police and firefighters say.

Butane hash oil is made using large amounts of the flammable gas, which can explode with devastating consequences. 

A BBC investigation has learned of two deaths and 27 people being injured across the UK since 2014, as a result of making the drug. 

The warning comes on the same day a Glasgow man was jailed for more than six years after his drug lab exploded.

Butane hash oil (BHO), which is illegal in the UK, is also known as honey oil, dabs or shatter.

Pure and strong

It is pure and strong and made by using solvents to strip out of cannabis plants one of the active ingredients of the drug - THC.


Where Will Pot Be Legal Next? Recreational Marijuana On The Ballot In 5 States On Election Day

Despite Americans' statistical lack of enthusiasm for both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the Green Party still has little chance of getting nominee Jill Stein into the White House. But another kind of green ispoised to have a big election day this year: recreational marijuana. 


​Women and Weed: The Re-Emergence of Female Cannabis Culture

Having spent a large amount of my youth at a Church of England all girls' school, I had decided drugs were evil. Take one toke on a spliff and it would be a slippery slope towards your school portrait appearing on the front page of the Mail: "GCSE Student Tragically Dead at 16 from Doing Too Much Reefer".

Skip past my puritanical phase, though, and by 19 I was smoking weed pretty regularly, thanks to my boyfriend and my male housemate. No surprise there, really: weed is the most commonly used drug in Britain, and 93 percent of those who use drugs (around 14 million people) have smoked cannabis.


Italy cannabis legalisation: The health arguments for and against marijuana

For the previous week, Italy’s parliament has been discussing whether or not to legalise the possession, use, and manufacturing of hashish. Whereas these in favour argue that it will strip the nation’s mafia of a serious supply of earnings, the mission additionally has many opponents, conservatives and the Catholic Church particularly.

If the legislation ended up being voted in, consuming hashish would nonetheless stay forbidden in public locations, possession could be restricted to 15g at dwelling and 5g outdoor and folks wouldn’t be capable to domesticate greater than 5 crops.

Legalising hashish has been a debate that has taken centre stage lately, one which many countries throughout the globe have began to tackle.


Police Say Marijuana Dispensaries Aren't Big Targets For Thieves

Despite initial fears cash-heavy marijuana dispensaries would be targets for theft, Portland Police say those worries have not come to fruition.

Portland Police have three people in custody after the armed robbery of a marijuana dispensary Wednesday.

Police said three men, one armed with a handgun, robbed the Mt. Hood Wellness Center dispensary.

Portland Police Sgt. Pete Simpson said as recreational marijuana was being legalized, they worried dispensaries might be targeted, because federal banking laws block them from using banks. Owners can’t take cash to the bank every evening like other small businesses, so they end up holding large sums. Authorities worried that would make them vulnerable to armed robbery.


Marijuana possession charges dropped against Oregon teen

Charges have been dropped against a 19-year-old Oregon man accused of marijuana possession, despite the legalization of weed.

Devontre Thomas was accused of possessing about a gram of marijuana at Chemawa Indian School, a boarding school in Salem, earlier this year. The school is operated by the Bureau of Indian Education, which is part of the federal government.

According to KATU's news partners at Willamette Week, feds hadn't pursued a marijuana-related case in Oregon in at least three years.


How Cannabis Legalisation Can Help Remedy Social Injustices

In 1992, Amir Varick Amma was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison on drug charges. Convicted of two nonviolent drug felonies, he was unfortunate to be sentenced under the Rockefeller drug laws – resulting in a harsh sentence typically reserved for murderers.

After drug law reforms were passed in New York in 2004 and 2009, a judge reduced Amma’s sentence. He was released after spending 19 years behind bars.


Italy: Right-Wing Group Forces Delay in Italy Vote on Colorado-Style Pot Legalization

Update: While public support for cannabis legalization in Italy remains high, the Italian Parliament has postponed a vote on the issue until September. Last week, a cross-party group of lawmakers proposed a bill that would have legalized marijuana, but that effort was derailed by a right-wing parliamentary group that introduced more than 1,300 amendments to intentionally delay the vote.


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